Jim Rice

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sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Jim Rice

Post autor: ciriefan »

Jim Rice (34), Savaii


Miejsce zamieszkania: Denver, CO.

Zawód: Właściciel apteki z medyczną marihuaną, profesjonalny gracz pokera

Jim mówi: Jestem świetny w grze socjalnej. Myślę, że jestem doskonałym graczem. Myślę, że jestem mądry, prawdopodobniej najmądrzejszy z całej obsady. Mam taką nadzieję.

Przewidywania strony, która umieściła cast: Z pewnością zna grę i wydaje się być mądrym, przebiegłym facetem. Nie wydaje się być zbyt czarujący, jednak skoro sprzedawał kiedyś używane samochody, musiał przekonywać sporo osób. Jego porażkę może spowodować to, że za dużo gada, popada w paranoję i nie jest szczery.

Jeff mówi: Jest nieuczciwy.

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sole survivor
Posty: 5744
Rejestracja: 02 maja 2010, 00:00

Post autor: Jack »

Pewnie dojdzie do połączenia (o ile będzie przy 12-tu osobach), a potem szybko odpadnie. Wygląda na dość dobrego gracza, jednak może być nudny.

runner up
Posty: 927
Rejestracja: 28 maja 2010, 00:00
Lokalizacja: Pabianice

Post autor: RaffEmm »

Jeżeli to gracz pokera, to obawiam się, że to będzie drugi Jean-Robert, którego nie znoszę :(

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sole survivor
Posty: 5744
Rejestracja: 02 maja 2010, 00:00

Post autor: Jack »

AussieRaf pisze:Jeżeli to gracz pokera, to obawiam się, że to będzie drugi Jean-Robert, którego nie znoszę :(
Albo ktoś kogo nie można nie lubić (jak Maria i Tiffany z TAR) :wink:

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sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Zapowiada się na ciemny charakter, pierwsze wrażenie wywarł dobrze. A to, że Jean Robert i Jim obydwoje grali w pokera, to nie znaczy, że będą tacy sami :wink: Na przykład Cirie i Kelly Purple to obie pielęgniarki, a jaka różnica :P

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sole survivor
Posty: 2661
Rejestracja: 25 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Parvati
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: Roxy »

a mi się facet nie podoba, zbyt pewny siebie się wydaje

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sole survivor
Posty: 5744
Rejestracja: 02 maja 2010, 00:00

Post autor: Jack »

ciriefan pisze:Zapowiada się na ciemny charakter, pierwsze wrażenie wywarł dobrze. A to, że Jean Robert i Jim obydwoje grali w pokera, to nie znaczy, że będą tacy sami :wink: Na przykład Cirie i Kelly Purple to obie pielęgniarki, a jaka różnica :P
No tak, jedna biała, a druga nie :DD

Też mi się wydaje, że jest zbyt pewny siebie, ale może będzie planować ciekawe ruchy.

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4th jury member
Posty: 388
Rejestracja: 11 kwie 2010, 00:00
Lokalizacja: Kraków

Post autor: MD »

Taki troche cwaniaczkowaty, nadmiernie pewny siebie itd. Coś kobiety ciekawsze się wydają niż mężczyźni.

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sole survivor
Posty: 5744
Rejestracja: 02 maja 2010, 00:00

Post autor: Jack »

MDMatt pisze:Taki troche cwaniaczkowaty, nadmiernie pewny siebie itd. Coś kobiety ciekawsze się wydają niż mężczyźni.
Też odniosłem takie wrażenie. Ale nie ma idealnego przepisu na cast. Co innego podoba się nam, a co innego Amerykanom :wink:

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sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Dodatkowe info

Powód do dumy: Pracowałem na Wall Street, wygrałem 40 turniejów pokerowych, rozpocząłem kilka udanych interesów i byłem jednym z najlepszych 5 studentów na mojej uczelni.

Życiowa inspiracja: Mój tata. Ten facet jest super. Jest odpowiedzialny za to kim jestem.

Hobby: gra na gitarze, gra w pokera i przebywanie poza domem

Irytują go: Brak tolerancji i obłudni ludzie

3 słowa, którymi się opisze: ambity, wielkoduszny i lubiący konkurować

Zawodnik Survivora, ktorego najbardziej przypominasz: Ethan. Ten koleś tak bardzo dominował i był dobrym człowiekiem, że pozostali praktycznie wręczyli mu milion.

Powód, dla którego jest w Survivorze: życiowe doświadczenie i ekscytacja

Dlaczego przetrwa: jestem najbardziej niepowtarzalną osobą, która kiedykolwiek zgłosiła się do tego programu!

Dlaczego wygra: Nikt z kombinacją mojego charakteru, inteligencji, przebiegłości i siły nie był nigdy w tym programie.

Filmik: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfCWAPM-6wY

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sole survivor
Posty: 2678
Rejestracja: 12 mar 2011, 00:00
Lokalizacja: Poznań
Winners at War: Tony
Survivor AU All Stars: David

Post autor: tombak90 »

"Jim mówi: Jestem świetny w grze socjalnej. Myślę, że jestem doskonałym graczem."

A ja myślę coś dokładnie odwrotnego. Może się nie odnaleźć. Albo dzięki niewystarczającej czujności zostać szybko targetem jak Sekou. Jakoś w każdym razie wyczuwam tutaj jednego z pierwszych voted-outów. Chociaż oczywiście to tylko strzały w ciemno, w grze może być inaczej:)

No i zainteresował mnie fakt, że nie zawsze uważa się za szczerego. Chociaż mówić można wiele.
"Dziś prawdziwych villainów już nie ma..."

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7th jury member
Posty: 667
Rejestracja: 06 paź 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Yul

Post autor: Eska »

Dla mnie ten gościu za dużo myśli o tym jaki to on jest świetny i doskonały... pierwsze wrażenie wywarł na mnie złe... no ale jak to mówią nie oceniaj książki po okładce... zobaczymy jak się w grze zaprezentuje

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sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 1

Clobbered By A Coconut

Clobbed By a Coconut
While tending the fire, Jim is attacked by a coconut.
(night 2)
(as most of the tribe is near the fire, Semhar asks if everyone is OK on water)
Jim: Ow!
Semhar: Are you OK?
Jim: I really felt like someone threw a ball at me. I was really made for a minute. I was like, who threw that at me?
Semhar: Oh my God, was that a coconut?
Jim: Yeah.
Jim (solo): I almost got eliminated from this game before we even had a challenge. (laughs) I'm sitting there, helping with the fire, and all of a sudden, a coconut falls and nails me in the back. It knocked the wind out of me. I was really worried for a minute that it would knock me out of the game, but I'm glad I wasn't a few inches to the left.
(they continue to ask how he is and say how lucky he was)
Keith (solo): It was pretty scary. It was a really, really loud thud. If that would have hit him in the head, he definitely could have died, guaranteed.
Jim: You know the instinct where you get angry in a second? That's what happened. I'm like, somebody threw something at me! I'm like, who, what?
Ozzy: God just threw something at you. (?)
Jim: That was weird. It hit me on my hip. It knocked the wind out of me.
Jim (solo) Death by coconut was almost a reality on Survivor. I don't think anybody's ever been taken out by a coconut before.
Semhar: What a game.
(Jim says something else I didn't hear)

Hard To Keep My Mouth Shut

Jim likes to take charge, but hopes he can suppress this tendency in the game.
"My name is James Logan Rice, III. I'm from Denver, Colorado, and I'm 34 years old."
"I've worked Motorola. I've earned my MBA. I did mergers and acquisitions for a number of years. I own my own wine store. I'm a world poker tour champion. I currently own medical marijuana dispensaries."
"There's definitely a stigma that comes with selling marijuana and owning a marijuana dispensary. Both on a social level and on a professional level. It's something I fight all the time, even with my own parents. It wasn't the easiest thing to tell them, about what I do for a living."
"I don't even smoke marijuana, but I see how much it helps people. I used to be one of those guys...I'm a product of DARE. Crack, cocaine, and marijuana are all the same thing. But now...I'm a conservative guy, but I'm a convert now. It's amazing to see how much it legitimately helps people."
"The straight odds of winning this game on a level playing field are 18-1. Just like flipping a coin, the odds of it being tails are 50%. But I think when you handicap that with who is gonna be thrown off first, who has the right set of skills, I'd put me as the favorite about 801."
"I'm gonna need a little bit of everything to win this game. I have the tools necessary in terms of my personality and my brain to win this game. And the athleticism. I have those pieces necessary to win this game. But I'm also gonna need a little bit of luck. It's gonna need to to fall in my favor on more than one occasion. There's been blindsides in the past where if those didn't occur, someone else would have won the million dollars. It's something I've always got to watch out for."
"To sum up my strategy in one word, it would be adaptability. I definitely have preconceived notions in my mind about people and about what could happen and what I would do in those scenarios, but I know more than anything it's going to change as soon as I set foot on the island. I think that's the biggest overlying theme of my strategy, is be adaptable."
"There are a couple reasons I might not win the game. I tend to be a natural leader, and that's something I'm gonna have to try to avoid, especially in the early rounds. It's very similar to a poker tournament - in the early rounds, you just want to survive. You want to get to know your opponents. As you go down the road a little bit more, the further you develop in the game, the more at stake, that's when you take the bigger risks. In the beginning, it's going to be hard for me to keep my mouth shut. I want to have things done my way - my way's the best way. (laughs) I am so hoping there's somebody else that opens their mouth and takes on the leadership role in the beginning. It will remind me to not be too vocal in the beginning."
"Why am I doing this? Why not? My mom asked me the same question, and I'm like, 'Mom, I get to go to an island for 39 days. I wake up every morning, and someone's building a new game for me to play. I get to compete against a bunch of fun people, I get to hang out with great people on an island. And yeah, a million bucks would be pretty nice. I'm in this to win it. It's like a poker tournament. Money's always nice, but that sense of victory is what I'm - I'm here to win it. A million dollars, I'd probably retire my dad. I have my bills paid off, I'm not wealthy by any means, but I do OK. The best thing that ever happened to me in my life was being broke, because it showed me what I need versus what I want. Back when I was doing investment banking, I used to make a bunch of money. I was single. I was spending money on stupid crap. When I was doing the wine store, it was successful, but it wasn't like I was buying a new car or anything. Now I see what's important and what I enjoy in life. I call my monthly nut. To cover my monthly nut doesn't take that much. What would make me the happiest is my dad's on the verge of retiring. Make that retirement a year earlier."
"My relationship status - single. 100% single. Usually there's a level of dating somebody in there. But yeah, 100% single. I fit that prototype of been there, done that. I would trade the million if I could find a life partner through this. Not on this show, necessarily, but maybe afterwards."
"I'm feeling great. I don't think there's anybody playing this game that has a better knowledge of the game or a better skill set to win the game than me."

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 4:

New Definition of 100%

Jim is excited to have set a Survivor record.

"240 pounds! New Survivor record! As a fan of Survivor, it's so exciting for me to be in the annals of history. That's what pushed me through. Brandon going pound for pound with me and the fact that that record was looming, that's what got me going. At 200, the record got me to 220. At 220, the record got me to breaking the record and having it on my own."


"There aren't too many challenges where you can hold the title of record-holder. I'm proud to say the least. I'm really, really happy. My parents will love watching that. I'll love watching that. Here's the thing about Survivor; in real life, people say they give 100% percent - I've never given 100% before until I got here. That's 100%. When survival is on the line, when your tribe eating is on the line, that's 100%. I had nothing left in me. I did more than I thought I had in me."


"The immunity challenge today taught me something else. I had always watched boxing, and never understand why the boxers at the end hug each other. 'You guys just got done beating each other as your mortal enemies, and you give each other a hug?' I got it today. Afterwards I went up and gave Brandon a hug because I realized exactly what him and I had both gone through, holding that thing up. I've never given 100% like that. I have a new definition of 100% after today."


Post autor: Guest »

Ja lubiê kolesia, oby ten "sojusz" z Cochranem nie zwali³ mu gry bo nie wiadomo co Cochran mo¿e wymy¶leæ.
Russel te¿ by³ pewny siebie i doszed³ do fina³u. Liczê na to, ¿e Jim równie¿ siê tam znajdzie. Musi tam byæ :D :P


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