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Sami Layadi

: 04 wrz 2022, 19:54
autor: Jack

Age: 19

Hometown: Las Vegas, Nev.

Current residence: Las Vegas, Nev.

Occupation: Pet cremator

Favorite hobbies: Sports, fitness, journaling

3 words to describe you: Unpredictable, tenacious, indecisive

Pet peeve(s): Excuses, laziness, being woken up before noon on weekends

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? Probably getting my Eagle Scout, because I struggled mightily with completing merit badges and often took 3-4 classes just to get them. To finally receive it made me very proud of myself.

What is something we would never know from looking at you? My background is very culturally diverse with my father being an immigrant from Morocco.

Who is your hero and why? My grandpa, Dale Donald Mann, because he is the hardest working man I have ever known, and he always made sure I knew what was most important: family. He was an amazing husband to my grandmother; seeing him build their relationship upon love and trust taught me so much about how to love somebody. And he understood me more than anybody else ever has. When I would tell him about my insecurities and self-doubt, he would help me understand how those things are actually strengths. I knew I could always count on my grandpa, and I want to make him smile from up there.

Which past Survivor will you play the game most like? Kelley Wentworth. What I admire and take away from Wentworth's game is that she never gave up until her torch was snuffed, and even when she was clearly in the bottom, she not only found ways to climb up, but she made everybody think that she was oblivious and not smart enough to foil the foolproof plan they had.

Why do you believe you can be the Sole Survivor? Because I do not allow myself to not know what is going on with those around me. I am too conversationally and emotionally experienced with people to be unaware of my standing in the game at all times, and I am too determined and hungry to get comfortable. Everybody that I meet grows a heart on their sleeve after I speak with them for 20 minutes, and my competitors on the island will be no different.

Sami Layadi

: 04 wrz 2022, 23:49
autor: Prus

Sami Layadi

: 05 wrz 2022, 10:08
autor: Prus
Occupation: Pet cremator
Wow. Chyba można już zaliczyć to do najbardziej niespotykanych zawodów w Survivor, zaraz obok "Trenera delfinów", "Operatora mechanicznego byka" oraz "Astystentki magika".

W życiu nie dałbym mu 19 lat XD. On wygląda na minimum 25-26. Jeśli na serio chce być najmłodszym zwycięzcą to powinien skłamać na początku co do swojego wieku i dodać sobie kilka lat. Jeżeli powie prawdę to nie ma opcji żeby to wygrał, bo nikt pewnie nie będzie chciał na niego zagłosować z tego powodu później.

Kolejna Wentworth XD już to widzę.

On pewnie skończy tak samo jak jakiś JD, lub Zach z poprzednich sezonów.