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Lauren Harpe

: 31 sty 2023, 21:07
autor: Jack

Hometown: Port Arthur, Texas
Current Residence: Mont Belvieu, Texas
Occupation: Elementary School Teacher

3 Words to Describe You: Personable, resistant, adaptable
Why do you want to be part of SURVIVOR? SURVIVOR is not only the experience of a lifetime but an opportunity for self-growth and discovery. My boys and I are also fans of the game so this will be an opportunity to show my kids that they can do anything.
What’s one life experience you feel has prepared you for the game? Becoming a single parent has prepared me most for the game. That in itself has challenged me physically, mentally, emotionally, and basically in every single way possible.
Which previous player do you identify with the most? Who do you think you will play most like? I want to be a quiet strategist. I think my gameplay will most likely resemble that of Erika (Season 41). But I also love the way Natalie played in Blood Vs. Water and Winners at War. Her strength and ability to never give up is most admirable.
What will you value in an alliance partner? I value openness and honesty. I’m looking for someone who is not only loyal in their words but their actions. In order to gain my trust, they’ll have to show me that they can be trusted in votes or by sharing valuable information.
Favorite Hobbies: When I’m not attending my kids' sporting events or kicking their butts in Mario Kart, I enjoy reading and listening to podcasts and sermons online.
Pet Peeves: When people don’t own up to their actions or mistakes
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? Can it be growth? I am most proud of how much I have grown over the last several years. As an individual and in motherhood. I am very proud of the woman I am becoming.
What is something we would never know from looking at you? I think at first glance, many wouldn’t be able to tell that I am in my thirties and a mom of two.
Who in your life is your biggest inspiration and why? My parents are my biggest inspiration. My mother is the most selfless and giving person I know while my father is such a hard worker.
Why will you be the Sole Survivor? I believe that my personality, self-awareness and adaptability will take me very far in this game. I’m also a go-getter and NO ONE wants this more than me. To me, this is not only a game…this is purpose. I’ve been preparing for this game for awhile, and I’m not leaving without a prize.

Lauren Harpe

: 03 lut 2023, 12:09
autor: Prus

Lauren Harpe

: 24 lut 2023, 12:17
autor: Prus
Przypomina mi Stephanie z 36 z tym byciem samotną matką. Ogólnie ją polubiłem wstępnie i wydaje mi się, że o ile znajdzie dobry sojusz, to ma szansę zajść bardzo daleko.

Bardzo dużo porównań do Eriki w tym sezonie. Miło, że ludzie szanują jej grę pomimo tego, że jej edit był słaby.