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Reynold Toepfer

: 11 sty 2013, 16:32
autor: Jack

Reynold Toepfer (30)
Plemię: Gota
Miejsce zamieszkania: San Francisco, Calif.
Zawód: Real Estate Sales
Osobisty powód do dumy: Living abroad in Australia. I fully immersed myself in the culture, made beautiful friendships that will last a lifetime and gained a truer understanding of who I am.
Życiowa inspiracja: Tom Brady, because he is the ultimate competitor and always brings out the absolute best of anyone who plays with him. He displays such a calm poise in the most intense, stressful situations, and will never take credit for the victories he has led.
Hobby: Swimming, rugby and crossword puzzles.
Irytują mnie: Negative people who feel sorry for themselves and winter.
3 słowa, którymi się opiszesz: Adventurous, resourceful and likable.
Gdybyś mógł zabrać 3 rzeczy na wyspę, co by to było i dlaczego: Music and books are both passions of mine and are things that could alleviate some of the stress during the very trying times on Survivor. I’d also bring a volleyball. Sand volleyball is super fun and I think some games on the beach could be good for the tribe.
Uczestnik, którego najbardziej przypominasz: Physically, I think I can perform in challenges like Colby Donaldson. Socially, I flirt like Parvati Shallow and can handle intense confrontational situations with a smile on my face. And, I’m a bit like Todd Herzog where I can play into people’s egos to keep them blind to my agenda.
Powód bycia w SURVIVOR: The challenge! My life has been defined by putting myself in new and challenging situations and succeeding. Survivor would be such an appropriate culmination as to what my life has been up to this point and I don’t think I could ever replicate anything as great as Survivor on my own.
Dlaczego przetrwasz SURVIVOR: I’m a charmer. I dazzle people. They adore me and open up to me. I’m an excellent motivator, excellent physical competitor and have experience spear fishing.
Dlaczego zostaniesz Sole SURVIVOR: With my charming personality and a long history of thriving in and adapting to new social situations, I am the best equipped to manipulate the actions of my fellow competitors to play my agenda. I’m in excellent physical shape and my strong competitive drive makes me almost unstoppable.


: 11 sty 2013, 21:04
autor: bobaas
Sposród mężczyzna u fanów to on najbardziej na plus wypadł.

: 12 sty 2013, 00:16
autor: tombak90
Wydaje się naprawdę niegłupim gościem, ale zobaczymy.

: 12 sty 2013, 15:35
autor: ciriefan
Pierwsze wrażenie bardzo na plus. Ma charyzmę i takie "ciepły" sposób mówienia. Ta jego "charming personality", o której mówi, faktycznie może pomóc mu zajść daleko.

: 13 sty 2013, 12:47
autor: Arti
Drugi facet z fanów, który wydaje się okej. Głupi nie jest, mówił dośc sensownie. Ciekawe, czy będzie potrafił słowa zamienić w czyny. :3 Oby.