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: 06 lip 2016, 19:02
autor: Jack

Imię i nazwisko: Sue Clarke
Miejsce zamieszkania: Perth
Wiek: 59
Zawód: Former Customs Officer turned Personal Trainer
Cytat: “I think people will underestimate my tenacity and my mental toughness.”
Opis: Sue worked as a customs officer for 29 years and did everything from air passenger profiling to jumping out of helicopters into the sea. She moved around the country and had to perform many physically arduous tasks and she loved every minute of it. Sue is married to her second husband and between them they have 17 grandchildren. Sue is mentally tough, she fears tight spaces and hates people who interrupt.

: 07 lip 2016, 00:50
autor: tombak90
Nostalgio, ach nostalgio. W USA nie mieliśmy takiego morsa od co najmniej kilkunastu sezonów - teraz wszystkie matrony wyglądają jak lekko podstarzałe modelki/sportsmenki. Ale może nie odpadnie pierwsza, bo współbracia będą się bali, że dojedzie ich w zemście mafia wnucząt.