Life at Ponderosa

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sole survivor
Posty: 2661
Rejestracja: 25 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Parvati
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: Roxy »

około 10 minut a o wiele ciekawsze od odcinka xdd
dzięki iki :)

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »


Ponderosa Dawn & Whitney Part 1

Dawn and Whitney join Jim and Keith at Ponderosa, where Whitney and Keith pick up where they left off in the game.

(Dawn reluctantly throws her buff in the fire)

Dawn (voiceover): It was difficult to throw my buff in the fire and walk away. It really was a 10-year goal and dream.

(Whitney throws her buff in the fire)

Whitney (voiceover): I prayed a lot that morning, I prayed a lot that night. I just said, "Lord, unless I'm gonna go far in this game, unless I'm gonna get to the top 3, let me go out now."

(Dawn and Whitney hug)

Whitney: I think Cochran will go next, unless he can work some kinda magic in the next...and I think right now, Coach will win unless somebody steps up and has the balls to take him out.

(Dawn weighs and lost 14 pounds; Whitney lost 10 pounds - they're both at 112 pounds)

Dawn (looking at the view from the car): It is gorgeous!

Whitney: It is. I hope Ozzy goes to the end.

Dawn: I do too.

Whitney: It's a million dollars.

Dawn: I think he can do it. He's got legs for it.

(the van doors open and Dawn, shouting, runs to hug Keith, then Jim. Whitney hugs Keith and he picks her up before they share a few light kisses)

Whitney (solo): During the game, it was hard to tiptoe around the situation, but at the same time, with Keith, there was this unstoppable connection. I couldn't deny it, but at the same time, I had to be so careful in the game, because there is somebody back home, and they're amazing.

Dawn (solo): They were so amazing. They took a picture of Whitney and I. I thought the first thing I'd want to do is shower, like, get this off me, but I didn't want to leave it. I didn't want to take off the bathing suit I'd worn. I didn't want it to be over.

(Dawn and Whitney look in the mirror)

Whitney: My face is so brown and my eyebrows are so big.

Whitney (solo): Seeing myself in a mirror, you don't take that for granted in real life. There are mirrors everywhere.

(Whitney continues to complain about her eyebrows)

Keith (solo): Whitney and I got very close in the game. We can't wait to start a life together.

(they toast to Savaii)

Jim (solo): It's nice to have the girls here. It adds to the fun. Now there's 4 of us here, so it's twice as much fun.

Dawn: Oh, we started calling it Loyal Savaii.

(closeup of Keith and Whitney holding hands)

(getting food)

Whitney (solo): My body feels good. I've detoxified all the crap that I used to eat. It's gone.

Dawn: We just ate, and I've realized the one thing I wanted to do was cut my nails, because they're so dirty, and I need to shower, but after eating so much, I want to sleep.

(Whitney trims her eyebrows)

(Dawn goes to her tent, while Whitney goes to sit with Keith at a tent)

Whitney: I'm happy with the result. I feel good about it. I played good. At least I won 1 immunity challenge, which I can be proud of.

Keith: That's awesome.

(Dawn brushes her teeth as the others go swim)

Jim: I'll give those lovebirds a few minutes in the water by themselves

(Whitney marvels at being able to wash and brush her hair)

Dawn: I have issues. (looks at her baggy pants) My pants don't really fit.

(more eating)

Whitney (to Dawn): Not feeling good, Dawn?

Dawn: It's not that I'm not feeling good. I wanna eat and I can't fit any more in.

(Whitney looks for DVDs)

Whitney: The Notebook, True Romance...

Jim: By the way, Keith's never seen The Notebook and he says he refuses to see it.

Whitney: Oh, he's gonna see it. Wait and see. It's on.

Dawn: I've never seen it.

(watching the movie)

Whitney (solo): Keith had been so adamant about, "No way in heck I'm watching The Notebook." Well, he watched The Notebook.

(Dawn, in her tent, says she's going to sleep)

Dawn: I haven't slept without a group of people in 28 days. To go lay by yourself for a night seems a little crazy.

Part 2

Dawn, Whitney, Keith and Jim explore outside of Ponderosa, and Whitney tells us more about her relationship with Keith.

(eating in the morning)

Whitney (solo): Ponderosa is paradise. When I want coffee, coffee is here. When I want ice cream, ice cream is here. It's heaven.

Dawn (solo): I'm so thankful for the experience, but you love it so much, it's hard to leave. I got lonely last night, I got up and wrote in my journal. I was still able to call it day 28. I got up this morning and it's day 1. It's a new day 1.

(Whitney still trimming her eyebrows)

Whitney: We're going out on a little excursion, from what I've been told. Gotta look good for my date. (Dawn tells her to stop) I'm just gonna do a little on the eyes, and I'm done, I swear.

Dawn: Finished product. So pretty. Eyebrows. (looks at the electric trimmer Whitney used) What do you do?

Whitney: Use a razor, like...

Dawn: That's pretty scary.

Whitney: Don't get too crazy with it.

Dawn: What if I have one eyebrow left?

Whitney (solo): I didn't do any face makeup. Just a little blush, gold color over the eyes, a little eyeliner on the inside of the eye, and a little mascara. I feel a little prettier.

(they get in the van)

Dawn (solo): Took a car ride with my friends today. We went to Coconuts Resort, which is phenomenal. The neat thing for us was to see all the materials the resort was built out of was really materials we built our shelter out of. <While> We had lunch, and we still ordered family style, cause that's how we've been eating. We ordered far more than we should have.

Jim: I ordered one of everything.

Dawn (solo): We had tropical-colored drinks. (they eat dessert) That was so nice, and really appreciated.

(they take photos of each other)

Whitney (solo): I came into this game with a boyfriend, and knowing I was probably gonna have to do some flirting. With Keith, it was more than that. During the game, it was hard to tiptoe around the situation, but at the same time, with Keith, there was this unstoppable connection. We both had heart surgery, we both grew up with a lot of health problems. Obviously, our love for tattoos. It's just, I get him. He's like a male version of myself. I have a feeling I may be writing some positive love songs even, from my time here at Ponderosa.

(last shot of the two of them on the beach at sunset)

Part 3

Dawn, Whitney, Keith and Jim get ready for Tribal Council

Whitney: Today will be the first day I've actually fixed my hair in a month. Plugged in the rollers, and see how it turns out. (looks unsure)

Dawn (solo): I think at the next Tribal Council, we're probably going to see Albert or Cochran eliminated.

Jim (solo): I don't think Cochran's going home. I don't think Cochran's going home.

Whitney (solo): The only way we could make this worse for them is if we actually showed up with a thing of peanut butter in our hand, eating during Tribal Council. Or eating cookies. I wish we could, because I want to make them feel as bad as possible.

Keith: They ran their little gauntlet of us, and now they have to pick apart their super-strong seven.

(Whitney and Keith kiss)

Jim (solo): In a game of 7, you only need 4, Coach has 4.

(in the dining area, Whitney shows "Whitney's Special" - peanut M&Ms over chocolate ice cream)

Whitney It's gonna be fun showing up tonight. We've pigged out for the last few days, we're clean...

(Whitney, her hair in rollers, goes to finish her makeup)

Whitney Gotta make 'em realize what they're missing here at Ponderosa. Make 'em upset they're still in the game, starving to death.

Whitney (solo): When we can fix our hair now, and wear different clothes. Just to put on clean clothes is such a blessing.

Dawn (on the beach): It was really a lot easier to only have one outfit to wear. So now I'm teasing Miss Whit. She's getting her big hair ready, and I'm a little simpler.

Dawn (looking in the mirror): Already done 28 days with nothing. Doesn't need to change now. And I've got a dress on so that's way better than it was.

(on the way to the van)

Dawn: First time as Tribal Council without a torch.

Whitney (solo): I was always scared at Tribal Council. Tonight, I can sit back, I can watch them bicker, and just eat it up.

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »


Ponderosa - Cochran Part 1

Cochran heads to Ponderosa where he finds a less-than-warm welcome waiting for him.

(Cochran waves goodbye and walks off)

Cochran (solo): Walking out of the Redemption Island arena was really the first time in 31 days that I was completely alone. It was painful, but I'm generally a pretty solitary guy. There was something a little bit comforting about finally being able to leave behind all the emotional and physical baggage associated with the game and the people within the game.

(Cochran marvels at having lost 17 pounds and now being at 121, then eats some cookies)

Cochran (in the car): I've spent so long on an isolated beach that you forget people really do live in the South Pacific, and it's not just a desert island. Even though I'm excited to go to Ponderosa and finally get some comforts like toilets, a bed, and food, I'm a little bit nervous and hoping my absent tribemates aren't too, too bitter.

(Cochran walks out and looks around)

Cochran (voiceover): When I get out of the van, there's absolutely no one there to greet me. I don't see a single soul. None of the previous four jurors are there to greet me. Apparently they don't want to have anything to do with me.

(Cochran is shocked to see himself in a mirror)

Cochran (solo): Now this whole new social game is about to begin at Ponderosa, where I'm gonna have to be held accountable for my actions within the game that I have now been eliminated from.

(Cochran walks up to Dawn on the beach)

Cochran (stammering): I'm sorry. I don't hold any ill will towards anybody. I know I'm still in a weird position in terms of how people feel about me.

Dawn: Gamewise, I don't have a problem forgiving you, but as a human being, I think it's kind of normal to say, "I know you're going home, I'm voting for you, that's my choice." You didn't do any of that. So I feel a little bit like (makes up and down motions). I just need a little bit of time to adjust.

Cochran (solo): Dawn, who I thought was going to be the most pleasant person I'd encounter, was already kind of peeved at me. I was like, "Oh my God, if Dawn's miffed, then the rest of the jurors certainly aren't going to be any happier to see me."

(Cochran walks up to Jim and Whitney, who are laying on the beach)

Cochran: I understand I did something pretty crummy, but I hope that we can be cordial or be friendly. I know the wounds are still fresh.

Jim: It has nothing to do with the game. You showed your colors, and they're colors I don't like to be associated with.

Cochran: My colors?

Jim: Yellow is your color.

Whitney: None of us would be here if you hadn't done what you did.

Whitney (solo): I really feel like he lost us the game. I'm not gonna be bitter about it for many more days, I forgive people, but it's still upsetting at the same time when you know you're so, so close to being that final 6.

Cochran (solo): I was hoping Ponderosa would be that new beginning. It seems more like it's just a continuation of the game, which is what I was dreading.

(Cochran washes up)

Cochran: I still have one more person to meet - Keith. He's probably also gonna be pissed off. I'm just glad I'm getting these introductions over with now so I could ease into life at Ponderosa without dealing with too much more backlash. Aw, man. I was hoping they might have been a little bit more forgiving, but the wounds are still fresh and open, I guess.

(Cochran goes to eat, and eventually the others come in, sat at another table)

Keith: How do you like my new (?) bungalow, at Redemption.

Cochran: It was nice.

Dawn: He tailored that to...

Cochran: I said to Ozzy, "Christine built this?" and he said no, Keith built it.

Cochran (solo): A lot of the tension did die down during the meal. We exchanged some pleasant, if slightly superficial banter with each other.

(Whitney loves the ice cream)

Cochran (to Keith): At what point did you shave?

Keith: I shaved right when I got back.

(Cochran, walking to his tent, says this is a time to think about his decisions)

Cochran (solo): As the game progressed, and I made bonds, and broke some bonds, I did get a sense of new confidence I'd never experienced in my life. It is a gift I'm going to take with me well beyond this game. I can't believe I'm saying that, because iI hear people going into it saying they discover who they are, the experience meant so much to them, and I thought, "That's so phony." But it really does change you if you're open to having it change you. I wasn't even open to having it change me, and it still changed me. It's something to be said about Survivor. Weight loss aside, it does change you. And I'm glad it did.

Cochran Part 2

The jury starts to warm up to Cochran a little bit, but not without wanting some information first.

(Cochran, on the way to a shower, says he can now be alone without arousing suspicion, and he's moving on from the game, but still has one foot planted in the game until the final TC)

Cochran (post-shower, with his clothes): It's too bad there's no Smellovision at , because if you could smell this, you'd smell how repulsive this really is. A combination of a water treatment facility, pure raw sewage, and fecal matter.

(Cochran says his pants are too baggy, then goes to shave and brush his teeth)

Cochran: I'm kind of regretting shaving. I'm revealing myself as the thirteen year old girl I looked like before the game.

(Keith and Whitney walking to the dining area)

Keith (wearing just a towel): It's kind of scary when you realize you're naked under these things.

Whitney: Oh yeah?

(Whitney acts like she might take the towel off)

Keith: Stop it, woman!

(that night, small party hats and supplies have been left for Dawn's birthday dinner)

Dawn: Thank you, guys. I've been talking about my birthday since day one.

(they all do a birthday toast)

Jim: That was such a stupid move, Cochran. So stupid. (laughs) You had a six-out-of-seven chance for the final 3. Guaranteed seventh.

Whitney: Can I hear some of the things Coach said to you?

Dawn: To make you flip.

Whitney: He did the first bump, probably massaged your shoulders a little bit.

Jim: Actually, was it more Coach or was it more Brandon?

Dawn: Sophie flipped you. (Jim asks what she means) Gave you the deal.

Cochran: Coach was the first person that really...

(Cochran goes back to his tent and says he may stay there the rest of the time, since he doesn't want to speak to anyone)

Cochran Part 3

Cochran finds a lot baby pig and the jury anticipates the next Survivor to be voted out at Tribal Council.

Cochran: We found this lost baby pig without a mommy, and I'm an animal love, so I'm kind of concerned. I don't like seeing a scared little precious baby, nervous and anxious to be with a loved one. I missed a loved one opportunity in the game, so I can't imagine how this poor baby feels.

(he lets the pig go)

Cochran (solo): Going into tonight's Tribal, there are a few different possibilities. I'm really hoping Edna won immunity and somebody like Brandon who's been saying, "The 5's unbreakable." Well, it's gonna have to break.

(shot of the jurors in the dining area)

Cochran (solo): These are just some bitter jurors, especially toward Upolu. I'll be interested to see if they change their tune once one of them actually comes here and they have to treat them like a human, or if they just continue playing the game and are completely bitter and rude to them. I'll sit back and relax. I have no bitterness towards anybody here.

Whitney: I think Edna.

Keith: They got their 5 I guess from day 1 on the beach. That's what they're sticking to. Edna seems to be somehow content with finishing sixth, which boggles my mind.

Dawn (doing her makeup): This is the part in the game where you start thinking, "Who do I want to take with me to final 3, who would other people vote for." I'm thinking Brandon's in trouble. He's been annoying people for a while.

Whitney: I'll tell you what he (Keith) said to me, about his shirt.

Keith: I did not.

Whitney: He said the awesome thing about his shirt is easy access. (she pulls his shirt open and they both laugh) I put the boots on (looks down at her feet) to spice it up a little bit.

Keith: You're always trying to talk me into color schemes, and now...

Whitney: Listen, if we're gonna do this, we need to match.

Keith: Alright, fine.

(they head off to Tribal, as Cochran says the person voted out can return with Redemption, and that anyone could go)

Keith: (hands in the air) See you later, Edna.

Jim: Who wants it, I got 1 ticket for TC?

Cochran (voiceover): I love this, I've got a front row seat for the greatest game in the world. I hope a lot of information comes out, a lot of fireworks, and hopefully, a lot of fighting.

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Edna Ponderosa Part 1

Edna joins the jury at Ponderosa.

(Edna throws her buff in the fire)

Edna (voiceover): This is the end! This is day 33! 6 more days left!

(Edna says this must be what it's like to get out of jail, and gets weighed - 99 pounds, losing 14)

Edna (solo): Physically, I probably could have gone one more day. Psychologically, I am done, I lost it. <shots> I'm finished, I'm full. No more please.

(Edna eats a banana on the way to Ponderosa)

Edna: I am ready for this liberation. I am so excited.

(Dawn is waiting for Edna, shouts her name, and claps her hands; Cochran joins her in greeting Edna)

Edna (to Cochran): You're my Survivor twin.

(In the dining area, Edna compares weight with Whitney, then hugs Jim)

Edna (solo): When I got to Ponderosa, and everybody was circling around me, it felt great, because everyone was finally listening to what I had to say. I wasn't the enemy anymore.

(Dawn and Whitney tell Edna what a good job she did at her last Tribal Council)

Edna (solo): Being around all these people who are so accepting all of the sudden, after being dejected, felt really welcoming. Hunger, food, thirst, it didn't even enter my head.

(They tell Edna about the services at Ponderosa)

Dawn (solo): It was actually really good to see Edna. In all honesty, she was the only person on that tribe I felt like I would spend time with in the day.

(Edna eats, then goes to get her toiletries and shower)

Edna (solo): Cochran and I still have a very close relationship since coming out of the game and Ponderosa. He's really one of the only two people I identify most with in the Savaii tribe, and probably the whole entire game.

(shots switch from Edna and Cochran talking on the beach during the day to alking in the dining area at night)

Edna (solo): I was pretty darn close to winning that million dollars. It was in my fingertips. It was like that chicken Brandon lost in the forest. He had the feathers in his hand, and then off it ran into the forest. No matter how hard you chase it, it's gone in the forest. That is the feeling I have with that million dollars.

Edna Ponderosa Part 2

(Dawn/Jim/Whitney go to get treemail)

A trip to Apia
Is what's in store,
The local market
And much more

(they all look out the windows of their van, with Jim marvelling at their first stoplight)

Edna (solo): Today, we went into Apia for a field trip. We went to a market. I got to be with these people I'm getting to know.

Cochran: Edna's being such a gift right now. I'm still trying to figure out what I want to get for my parents and my sister. If I were without Edna I would have just gotten some shirt that said, Having Fun In the South Pacific, Wish You Were Here.

Edna (solo): I was a personal shopper. I enjoyed every minute of it. Who doesn't want to spend money that's not their own?

(Edna and Cochran continue shopping, then we cut to Dawn and Whitney)

Whitney (solo): I have different shopping days. Sometimes I'm super-picky and will not buy anything unless I'm absolutely in love with it. Then there are days I buy anything I see. Today is a picky day.

(Whitney teases that she's going to buy some cat of nine tails type of item to use on Keith)

Dawn: I got a shirt for my husband that says Savaii, and then two lava-lavas for my sons. Now I only have 12 more kids to get things for, so I'm all set.

(they go back to Ponderosa)

Cochran: I have horrible taste in terms of pretty much everything, especially buying for loved ones. Edna was much more thoughtful and considerate and really guided me to make some what I think are great purchases.

(Cochran shows off the photo frame and South Pacific platter)

(Whitney at the beach with Dawn)

Whitney: This bathing suit's a little bit tighter, a week later.

Dawn: I love it cause it's Elyse's bathing suit.

Whitney: It is Elyse's bathing suit, which, because we blindsided her, we couldn't give it back to her.

Dawn: She didn't have time to pack.

Whitney: I don't like this bathing suit. I'm so anti-sparkle, it's ridiculous, but it's a nice options. I like options.

(Whitney and Keith sit on the towel while Jim jumps off a rock)

Cochran (solo): This is gonna be possibly the most defining Tribal Council of the game, because it's going to expose a lot of weaknesses, a lot of alliances. Might shatter a lot of alliances. And will determine who's going to be strong going into the final 3.

(Dawn, Whitney, Edna and Cochran sit/eat in the dining area; Dawn and Whitney share a pie)

Dawn (solo): Tribal tonight - I'm excited to see how the game is advancing. I miss the game.

Edna (solo): I lived with those people for 33 days - I can't possibly guess who will go next.

Cochran (voiceover): It's possible that Coach could be a target, just because the entire tribe is aware he has the hidden immunity idol.

Dawn (voiceover): I'm also anxious to see someone get booted.

(Whitney goes to give Jim and Keith some food in their room, and says she hopes they choke)

Keith (solo): I have a feeling if Albert doesn't win immunity, Albert's gonna be going tonight, that Coach might be kind of wising up and getting out competition. But Albert's a smart guy, so that reflects he might want to get Coach out.

(Cochran and Dawn make their clothes look bad in a mock fashion show)

Edna (solo): It's my first Tribal; I might as well look decent.

(they leave)

sole survivor
Posty: 1568
Rejestracja: 17 sie 2011, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie

Post autor: Kobra »

Edna 1
Edna 2

Kolejny bardzo fajny odcinek. Edna przyjęta bardzo ciepło. Mam nadzieję, Że to nie był jej ostatni występ w Survivor i wróci za jakiś czas.

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 2661
Rejestracja: 25 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Parvati
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: Roxy »

o nie nie nie xd niech ona już nie wraca ^^

5th jury member
Posty: 405
Rejestracja: 01 kwie 2010, 00:00

Post autor: bobaas »

Chcą powrotów takich Edn a pozniej lament, ze sezon beznadziejny, ludzie nie myslą itd, itp.

sole survivor
Posty: 1106
Rejestracja: 27 gru 2010, 00:00

Post autor: frasiek »

bobaas pisze:Chcą powrotów takich Edn a pozniej lament, ze sezon beznadziejny, ludzie nie myslą itd, itp.
Odpowiem na to spojlerem z sezonu 8:
Amber w Australii nie wypadła lepiej od Edny, o Robie na Markizach też nie można powiedzieć, że błyszczał, a w all stars stworzyli zabójczą parę.

Mimo to ja nie chcę powrotu ani Edny, ani nikogo innego z tego sezonu.

sole survivor
Posty: 1568
Rejestracja: 17 sie 2011, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie

Post autor: Kobra »

Tak, chcę. Więcej powiem... Mam nadzieję, że na następną edycję przypadną trzy takie Edny.

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Jedna Edna nie zadecyduje o jakości sezonu, o ile reszta graczy będzie lepsza :wink: W każdej edycji musi być ktoś, kto nie ma pojęcia, co się dzieje :P I zgadzam się z tym, że Rob czy Amber tak samo nie błyszczeli w swoich sezonach. Ktoś w ogóle pamiętał kto to Amber czy Parvati jak ogłaszali składy obydwu all-starów? :P Poza tym Edna i jej rozmowa z Christine i Stacey to najlepszy moment tej edycji hahaha :P

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 2661
Rejestracja: 25 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Parvati
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: Roxy »

ale w mojej wypowiedzi nie chodzi o ednę jako gracza tylko osobę, która mnie niezmiernie irytuje xd
co do roba, amber, parvati, to ich lubiłam w ich pierwotnych sezonach więc jest inna sytuacja xd

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

A to już kwestia osobistych sympatii, ludzie w Ameryce wybrali Jane czy James'a na fan favorite, więc różnie to bywa :P

Awatar użytkownika
6th jury member
Posty: 529
Rejestracja: 03 sie 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Tony
Survivor AU All Stars: David

Post autor: Gienek »

Udostepni ktos ponderose brandona ,ricka, ozziego ?
Come on in,guys!


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