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sole survivor
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Rejestracja: 02 maja 2010, 00:00


Post autor: Jack »


Natalie Tenerelli (19)

Plemię - Ometepe

Zawód - profesjonalna tancerka

Powód do dumy - Being the youngest female to play the game.

Życiowa inspiracja - Lady Gaga. Haha, just kidding. My parents have worked extremely hard to give me a good life. They have made it possible for me to follow my dreams and never give up in life. I would hope that in the future I could be half as good of a parent myself.

Hobby - Dancing, spending time with friends and family, and trying to cook...sometimes this ends badly.

Co Cię denerwuje - When people chomp their food.

3 słowa, które Cię opisują - Determined, spontaneous and positive.

Do jakiego rozbitka jesteś najbardziej podobny - Natalie White from Samoa.

Powód bycia w Survivor - To have an experience of a lifetime and prove to myself that I can do anything that I put my mind to.

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sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

śliczna, słodka, ale czy naiwna? A może będzie umiała wykorzystać swoje atuty? Obstawiam, że nie. Raczej młoda i naiwna.

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sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Andrea is Confusing

Natalie explains why she is having trouble relating to Andrea.

"I feel like Ashley and I are a little bit more similar than Andrea. I feel like Andrea doesn't really like she's not, we don't have as much in common. It's harder to make conversation with Andrea than it is with Ashley. Ashley and I are so much alike. We come from the same situation. Andrea, I don't know what it is about her. I don't know if she's holding back. I don't know, she's just kind of confusing. She plays this whole tomboy thing, and it kind of, it's kind of annoying, just because..."


"She feels like no one else is as good as her and she can do everything here. She thinks she has a one-up with the guys because she can climb trees and crack at wood."

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sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 8:

No Longer the Weak Link

Natalie is so excited to have won the first individual immunity challenge.

"Today the challenge was really fun. I felt like I had an advantage just because I'm good at balance and I'm good mentally, telling myself, 'You have to keep these balls on the platter.' I felt really good I could prove myself today. I felt like I'm no longer the weakling."


"Obviously today I kind of proved I am kind of a strong competitor and I want to be here and I'm gonna be some competition."


"Just because I won doesn't mean we're completely safe, our old Ometepe tribe. It's still nerve-wracking, just because I feel really comfortbale obviously that I'm not going home tonight, but there's still a chance that"


"Rob could go home."


"I would be in a kind of a sucky situation if we lost Rob, because Rob and I are superclose, we have, I think, an unbreakable alliance."


"I just think losing him would be the worst thing at this point, for me."

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 9:

Why I Told on Ashley

Natalie reveals the reasons why she told Rob about Ralph's offer to Ashley.

"We had all discussed as the Ometepe tribe that we would always have 2 people talking, that if somebody came up to 1 of us, we would have 2 people go up and talk about it. Basically, Ralph came up to Ashley and said something like that she was gonna be the one he voted for in the end if he made the jury, and he wanted her to win the million dollars. I think I came up and he was a little bit startled. The way he is he's so blunt and doesn't think twice about what he's saying. I asked Ashley and she was like, 'No, he doesn't need to know, he's [Ralph] just trying to save himself,' or something. I just feel like we had discussed that if anything was sad we could go straight to our whole tribe and tell everybody what was said. I told Rob because it was important."


"If Ralph does make it, it could be a trap, or if Ralph is being true to what he's saying, that's one vote we don't get for the million dollars, if we make it that far."


"I told Rob about what Ashley said just because I would hope he would do the same for me, because this is a game. I would say in the first couple days of this game, we said we're going down together. I feel it was an important piece of information that I needed to tell him."

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sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 10:

World War

Natalie discusses the pros and cons of Phillip's outrageous behavior.

"So, there's a little World War 3 going on today. Everybody's kind of minding their own business..."


"Rice wars was taken to a whole different level today. It got pretty intense. I have never heard Steve raise his voice, and I think he's just fed up with Phillip. If I were in their shoes I would be the same way, and I would probably be going off on him too, because he is very, very rude and disrespectful, and I can imagine how they're feeling. But Phillip, he says things, once he gets off on his little tangents, it doesn't stop, and he doesn't know how to control his temper, and it's pretty scary, actually."


"I don't think it's a good thing we have someone like him on the tribe. This is a game, but we are humans, and there is a certain amount of respect you need to have for somebody. Then again, it does take the target off of all of us, because he basically speaks what we would discuss stuff like they're taking all the rice..."


"He would go straight to them. The way he deals with it is just outrageous."


"Phillip is definitely someone we're kind of keeping for safety purposes. We don't need him here, but he isn't very strong in challenges; he's not a threat to us. So it's, why get rid of him, he's not a threat, and obviously, he's not going to win this. Nobody likes him, nobody would vote for him to win the million dollars. That would be @+*@%. So why would I want somebody like that out of the game?"

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sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 11:

Matt Lost His Spirit

Natalie is amazed by Matt's changed attitude at the Redemption Island duel.

"Today was really interesting to see Matt and his new outlook on the game. I guess it's been the same way but it's becoming more apparent, why he's here. You have to have realized this is a game. I don't know what he was thinking coming into it. Thinking he wanted to win the million dollars, or if he was just looking for the experience. Today it seemed like he's lost his spirit a little bit, and losing hope in himself, I think. I'm sure Redemption Island has done that for him. It must be hard to be there by yourself. I guess he hasn't been there by himself most of the time, but just being kind of out of the game. I'm sure he's thought about so many different things. He's probably ready to go."


"It doesn't seem like Matt really wants to win, because it's kind of a bummer, because if he does come back into the game, his chances of winning are mostly high. First of all, the Zapatera tribe, the jury is mostly gonna be the Zapatera tribe. He's on good terms with them, and I think they would most likely vote for him at the end to win the million. It's a bummer that he doesn't really, really want it, and it might happen for him, whereas someone like me or Rob or Grant, we want to win, and our chances could be less if he's back in the game, and he's up for the million."

7th jury member
Posty: 659
Rejestracja: 26 mar 2010, 00:00

Post autor: Kryspian »

lukaszk pisze:Insider odcinek 11:

Matt Lost His Spirit

Natalie is amazed by Matt's changed attitude at the Redemption Island duel.

"Today was really interesting to see Matt and his new outlook on the game. I guess it's been the same way but it's becoming more apparent, why he's here. You have to have realized this is a game. I don't know what he was thinking coming into it. Thinking he wanted to win the million dollars, or if he was just looking for the experience. Today it seemed like he's lost his spirit a little bit, and losing hope in himself, I think. I'm sure Redemption Island has done that for him. It must be hard to be there by yourself. I guess he hasn't been there by himself most of the time, but just being kind of out of the game. I'm sure he's thought about so many different things. He's probably ready to go."


"It doesn't seem like Matt really wants to win, because it's kind of a bummer, because if he does come back into the game, his chances of winning are mostly high. First of all, the Zapatera tribe, the jury is mostly gonna be the Zapatera tribe. He's on good terms with them, and I think they would most likely vote for him at the end to win the million. It's a bummer that he doesn't really, really want it, and it might happen for him, whereas someone like me or Rob or Grant, we want to win, and our chances could be less if he's back in the game, and he's up for the million."

Jeśli wszystkie jej wypowiedzi były podobne do tej, to się nie dziwie, że puścili tylko 4 z nich.

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sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 12:

Lucky for Me

Natalie is glad that Rob won the immunity challenge, since she didn't

"I feel like it wasn't extremely important today that I won immunity, but then again, it's the best thing. It's a safe place, you don't have to worry, you don't have to scramble. You know you're still in the game another day. It was unfortunate that I didn't win, but I'm hoping I can make it through the next night and try harder and hopefully win a challenge or two. (laughs)"


"Lucky for me, because Rob and I are so tight. Him winning the immunity challenge is just as important as if I won it - even moreso. It's fortunate for me I have somebody that's a strong competitor and knows exactly what to expect in these challenges. I've never played any sports growing up. It's all kind of new for me. It's new for everybody, because when do you run stairs and try to put puzzle pieces together in regular daily life. I don't know. It's a relief that he's good at these challenges and can win immunities for me."


"I feel like today was a close call with Andrea doing really well in the challenge today. I think Rob knew he had to take this one for the team. That's the kind of player he is. He fights as hard as he can. He's really talented, and he put this challenge to good use. Seeing him hurting and totally strained is hard to see, but I know that every time he's gonna pull through and he's a fighter."

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 13:

Phillip is Immature

Natalie is frustrated that Phillip blew up over the rice.

"Once again, Phillip's back to the old Phillip that we basically met in the beginning. We had a discussion about rice, me and Ashley wanted to save the rice. The boys are just like, 'We should just eat.' I know when it's down to the last couple days, whoever's left is going to be left with nothing to eat. So we were kind of just voicing our opinion, and both of us are a little frustrated, because we're always overruled by the guys, and Phillip goes along with whatever Rob and Grant want. Phillip just, we voiced our opinion, and Phillip kind of got nasty with us. Just saying $!@%% things that didn't even make sense, out of anger."


"He's very aggressive and scary. I've never really met anybody that's like that, so when he comes after me and attacks me and starts saying thing's that don't make any sense, it freaks me out. Yesterday he got really aggressive, I said please stay out of my face, you don't need to get so close when you're talking to me, it makes me nervous. He jumped up - I was sitting on the shelter - jumped up on the shelter, almost about to sit on my lap. I got up really fast because I didn't want to talk anymore and there's nothing left to be said. He's immature and I don't want to have to deal with it."


"Once you talk back to Phillip, it's a never-ending process. He comes at us with all these things, saying we don't need to eat, and we don't need this, and the boys are the ones that are winning the challenges, and not us. Then he contradicts himself. It's frustrating, because there's so much I wanna say, and I always feel the need to defend myself. But with Phillip, because he's so immature, he can't even sit back and listen to my side of the story. He just cuts you off, and there's no way of settling the dispute with him."

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Red Carpet Interview - Natalie

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Life at Ponderosa - final 3

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Wywiad z Natalie:

Natalie rode Rob’s coattails to the final three – but what was her plan when she got there… or did she even have a plan?! Why didn’t she make a move earlier in the game? Why did she hope for a bitter jury? Did she think she had a chance to win? Natalie addresses this and more right here!

R: At the reunion, Jeff Probst had asked Natalie if she had ever considered turning on Rob, and she only answered regarding that final vote. So I asked her: What about turning on him prior to that?

Natalie: I thought about that and there really was no chance to do that. I think that has a lot to do with knowing he had the idol. I’m glad that was clarified last night, because that’s huge. There’s no way – he would know we were going to vote for him. He’s very smart. It was easier and less risky to play with him than against him. If I would have went another direction, say sticking with the girls, Andrea had made a lot of friends on the other tribe and Ashley as well. The way I played was the very loyal game and I didn’t try to make friends with the other tribe so I didn’t think my chances would be any better.

R: So then since she kept Rob around, I asked her what her plan was to win at the end?

Natalie: I figured Rob played a really aggressive game and I just hoped for a bitter jury. That’s where I stood and I hoped that people would understand Rob played four times and I am so young and I just hoped they would see that.

R: Since she mentioned hoping for a bitter jury while most people hope the jury is not bitter, I wondered what she thought about the fact that they were somewhat bitter – at her, and they trashed her more than Rob!

Natalie: It’s hard because I am so young and it’s hard to take that criticism. I think I said something about the Julie thing – take it with a grain of salt and move on. You can’t hold on to all this. People thought I didn’t do this or didn’t do that. It’s all part of the game it’s two different strategies – one is aggressive and coming up with strategic plans and one is being smart and socially playing the best game you can.

R: So if that was her plan – to hope for a bitter jury – why didn’t she point out some anti-Rob things in her final statements, like the way he backstabbed everybody and didn’t need the money because his wife already won?

Natalie: I played a pretty nice game and I didn’t make too many enemies and I didn’t want to change that. That’s what I had going for me.

R:So what was going through Natalie’s mind between the end of the final Tribal Council in Nicaragua and the live show? Did she think she had a chance to win?

Natalie" I thought I had maybe a couple votes but, I knew Rob played a really awesome game. I’m happy for him and in every situation the best player wins. I know at least one guy named “Russell” who might disagree with that assessment!

R: But looking back at that final Tribal Council, does Natalie regret anything she said that basically indicated she rode Rob’s coattails?

Natalie: It was such a tough game to play with Rob, given that he has done this four times and he has so much experience. I don’t regret anything.

R: To elaborate on some other points, when did Natalie learn Rob had the idol?

Natalie: it was when we were going to blindside Matt the first time – all the way back from the third vote.

R: But okay, Rob had an idol – people with idols have been voted out of Survivor before. Why couldn’t they blindside him?

Natalie: I wanted to play a safe game and you could say it’s a good thing or you could say it’s a bad thing. I felt there were always other options to vote out somebody else and not risk myself being voted out. That’s kind of where I came from. I hoped people would see I stayed loyal to my alliance with Rob. I didn’t have to hurt people’s feelings and lie to people. Ashley was one exception, but at the time I was supposedly lying, I thought we were voting for Phillip.

R: What did Natalie think about Andrea calling her relationship with Rob “borderline creepy”? Did anybody elaborate on that?

Natalie: Somebody said something about plucking Rob’s beard but if you look back it was actually Ashley. I think it was just a lot of people hurt by Rob not taking them to the end, which is understandable.

R: Finally, in one of her confessionals before she voted out Ashley, Natalie said she’d rather lose the game than a friend. But then she voted her out! What happened?

Natalie: I’m sure it’s something I said and a bit of editing, but I did feel that way. You’re so tired and hungry and by that time in the game, you just want to be done. I think Rob had an advantage there because he’s done this four times and he knows all these feelings and knows it’s going to end. I was so exhausted and felt really bad.


sole survivor
Posty: 1321
Rejestracja: 20 mar 2010, 00:00

Post autor: colby »

Właśnie obejrzałem after show z jej udziałem i muszę powiedzieć, że ta dziewczyna to naprawdę jakiś totalny bezmózg. Nie mam pojęcia po co oni biorą takie osoby do programu, chyba tylko i wyłącznie po to żeby były głupimi owieczkami, które doprowadziły Roba do zwycięstwa ;/

7th voted out
Posty: 124
Rejestracja: 02 lut 2012, 00:00

Post autor: majkel21 »

Niezgodziłbym się z tym . Natalie faktycznie nie jest zbyt rozgarnięta ale reszta plemienia była całkiem inteligentna.

Ludzie myślą ,ze Rob miał łatwe zadanie bo tak zdominował ten sezon.
Zapominaja jednak ,ze zdominował kazdy sezon w którym grał .
W dwoch jednak nie miał szczęścia gdyz nie mógł przewidzieć tego ,ze Tyson zechce zjeść szybciej hot dogi a Russell odeść z gry z honorem.

W Markizach popełnił na początku strategiczne błędy ale od początku miał większość po swojej stronie . I gdyby nie idiotyzm Gabe'a mogł niezle namieszać .
Gdyby wygrał ten immunitet przy final 10 to mogłoby być ciekawie gdyz następna konkurencja o nagrode przewazyła o losach tego sezonu.

W kazdym razie mimo ze w kazdej edycji miał celownik na plecach za raputacje . Potrafił od początku mieć większość.


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