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sole survivor
Posty: 5744
Rejestracja: 02 maja 2010, 00:00


Post autor: Jack »


Kristina Kell (46)

Plemię - Ometepe

Zawód - studentka prawa

Powód do dumy - Understanding and learning how to deal with an autistic child; grasping the Autistic Spectrum and obtaining vigorous early intervention services to improve the quality of my son's life. This experience, and helping other families facing the same crisis, was the catalyst for my legal education.

Życiowa inspiracja - Probably the men and women of our armed forces - these brave folks sweat, bleed and die for us here at home, and I appreciate them beyond words.

Hobby - Computers.

Co Cię denerwuje - Whining and people who are cheap.

3 słowa, które Cię opisują - Stubborn, logical and fair.

Do jakiego rozbitka jesteś najbardziej podobny - None.

Powód bycia w Survivor - The money and experience.

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

może okazać się wredną małpą, wiele przeżyła, sądzę że odpadnie przed połączeniem

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Wywiad z Kristiną:

Kristina has some great quotes here in our interview – to the point we had a hard time deciding on a title for this article! She definitely tells it like it was and doesn’t hold back her opinions of tribemates Phillip, Rob, or the rest of the “harem.” What would her preferred strategy have been? Did the others ever really even give her a chance? Why was she a target? Read on for all of this and much more!

Kristina might not have been on Survivor for very long, but she had a very quick impact – and had to deal with both Rob and Phillip! What does she have to say about both of these guys, plus the rest of her tribe? I have to admit that I didn’t have time to ask her all the questions I wanted to, but that’s because she had so much to say in her responses to the questions I did get to ask her! So read on!

R: Hello, Kristina, and thanks for taking the time to talk to us here.

Kristina: Thank you!

R: You were obviously outside of the core alliance strategically…

Kristina: Yeah, it was tough because I was on the wrong side of the numbers – that was kind of a bummer and made it really hard from the beginning.

R: It seemed like you were somewhat apart from them socially as well. Rob even said at Tribal Council that you just joined the tribe and, for the first eight days, you weren’t really part of the group. Was that an accurate representation of the situation?

Kristina: That was a ridiculous statement that he made. Rob from the very beginning saw that I was there to play the game and it scared him. From that moment on, Rob didn’t need to make friends with me because he had a group of three girls and one boy that were following around him like he was Jesus. They were doing everything he said, praising him, they were star-struck. He has those numbers, he didn’t have to make any effort to both to talk to me or Francesca or Phillip. He scared his alliance so badly that they really stayed to themselves and didn’t have anything to do with us.

So for him to make that statement is a joke. He was the one who drew the line in the sand and said, “I’m over here and you’re over there.” He has a fan club of 20-year-old girls cooing over him from day one and he has the court jester Grant and Matt; he doesn’t need Francesca or me. Why does he need to make any connection outside of anyone else?

I was thinking that was a ridiculous thing to say. But he had to [say it]. Rob is a smart player and strategic and had to make a case because he wanted me out when everybody else wanted Phillip out. He knew I suspected somebody had the idol, probably him. Rob looks like a great player this season, and he is a good player, but you compare him to a bunch of people who really aren’t playing the game. He has no competition – I was really the only competition. The statement was ridiculous.

R: When I interviewed Francesca, she indicated that the two of you and Phillip ended up in an alliance by default because none of you were in Rob’s core group. Is that how you felt as well?

Kristina: Yeah, that’s exactly the case. I would love to be in an alliance with Francesca – she’s an amazing, smart, fabulous woman. Not Phillip – that was by necessity.

That guy is a loony tune bag of insanity that I want to have nothing to do with ever! The only reason I ever looked in his direction was we needed him, we had to have him. I would have played with a rock before I played with Phillip. We had absolutely no choice.

We had Andrea and Matt kind of on the fence – Andrea would at least listen to some talk of getting Rob out but she was petrified with fear and saw what he did to Matt. I gave Andrea some other choices but she couldn’t make the big moves because she was petrified. It’s unfortunate for me but…

Phillip was – that was like trying to hold Jello in your hands and it keeps leaking through your fingers. I spent days coddling his ego, telling him how smart he was how he should be the leader, how he was wiser than Rob and everyone would follow him. It was all bull$#!t but I had to stroke his ego all day long so he wouldn’t flip out and tell everyone everything – and he ended up doing it anyway!

It was a full-time job trying to contain Phillip. My problem was I underestimated his level of insanity and idioticness. It’s really coming out but he was even worse in real life. He’s the most unstable, paranoid, and highly, highly delusional person I have ever come across in my entire life.

R: So, do you think Phillip really was a federal agent, or is he just some sort of nut?

Kristina: You know what, David, if Phillip had any kind of control in any capacity in our federal government, I would urge you and everyone else in the U.S. to sit down and write a letter to your Congressman and complain. If he had any power, we are in serious trouble. This guy needs some medications.

That’s a joke – he even said in Tribal Council that he worked in sanitation. I’m not downgrading any kind of job, but I bet you he got a pamphlet on body language that he read and now he claims to be an expert. He claimed all sorts of things to me, being an expert in every aspect of life and it’s an absolute joke. Anybody who has any concept of reality can discern that Phillip is not anyone who had any power or stature in our government in any way. And if he did, we are in deep trouble. The guy is a bag of crazy.

R: Going back to near the beginning of the game, when you quickly found yourself on the outs with Rob and his group. If that hadn’t happened, what would your preferred strategy have been at that point?

Kristina: Right off the bat, there were five women and four men – that’s an advantage right there. I had a talk with the women and said we should really do it. They were all like, “For sure, let’s stick together.” But Rob is smart and saw the numbers and that’s something that didn’t come to fruition. A group of the women obviously was something good, but with these challenges, they were really physical, especially the first. After the first being so physical, an all-girl alliance wasn’t really feasible. We needed the strength the men had – though Phillip was completely useless in that regard as well as mentally. Rob was strong and Matt was strong and Grant was a powerhouse physically.

I would have loved to get Andrea and Matt in an alliance with myself an Francesca and somebody else. But really we have Grant, Ashley, and Natalie. I can’t even impress upon you the blindness with which they were willing to follow Rob and do whatever he said. They had no brains of their own. Look at the episode last night and the way Grant was just a clown. Rob played him like a clown. Grant didn’t even question when [Rob gave him] a clue that was smudged with dirt and folded up – he didn’t even think it had been a brand new, clean clue. He didn’t question anything Rob did.

The girls lying on the beach picking at each other’s skin – it’s like (sigh) frustrating dealing with these people. Ashley and Natalie did zero around camp, but they had a free ride on Rob and it was hard to break that. They had numbers, they were singing and dancing and having spa days. They’re not going to mix it up, they have no reason to. To infiltrate that group of Rob and his harem – Grant included – was quite difficult from the very start.

R: Unfortunately, we’ve just been told that we’re out of time. Do you have anything else you’d like to tell us about your time on Survivor?

Kristina: Just like myself, watching season after season, we sit on the couch and criticize people and their game play and the thing that most surprised me about this game and was something I didn’t really expect was the level of difficulty both mentally and physically. I knew it was going to be hard and a major challenge. But it was a hundred times more difficult than I had ever imagined.

As far as dealing with Phillip, I’d like people to know that under no circumstances would I have chosen to have anything to do with him.

It’s a very exciting but mentally challenging game. I’m so grateful to have been able to play it. I appreciate the experience and opportunity to be part of it.

R: Thanks again, Kristina!

Kristina: Thank you, and I’ve enjoyed your prior writing as well.


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