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Vusi Mafulela

: 21 kwie 2018, 12:05
autor: Meciek


Opis ze strony Mnet:
Vusi is a family man who loves swimming, nature and a glass of whiskey every now and then. His strategy going into Survivor is to let the Alpha males take charge and put targets on their backs while keeping the focus off him. A charming all-rounder who is physically strong and also loves a good puzzle, Vusi’s downfall could be his impatience with people who come across as disingenuous or fake, as he is bound to encounter these traits in a game like Survivor!

Vusi Mafulela

: 21 kwie 2018, 23:12
autor: Krystianxoxo
Nie wiem czy to taka dobra strategia, żeby dać Alpa males kontrolować grę na początku, ponieważ przeważnie jednak oni wybierają kto odpada pierwszy. Zanim zaczną targetować siebie, trochę to potrwa.