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Geo Bustamante

: 04 wrz 2022, 20:07
autor: Jack

Age: 36

Hometown: Miami, Fla.

Current residence: Honolulu, Hawaii

Occupation: Project manager

Favorite hobbies: Hiking, traveling, diving

3 words to describe you: Adaptable, hard worker, resilient

Pet peeve(s): I strongly dislike laziness and people who don't have common courtesy.

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of?  Being that English is my second language, I grew up in the hood and was homeless for a period of time, the accomplishment that I am most proud of is graduating with my associate degree with a 4.0 GPA.

What is something we would never know from looking at you? I grew up shy, quiet and in my head, which made me a thinker and very analytical. People also don't see that if they mess or compete with me, they will lose. A whole new alter ego comes out that turns into a beast during any competition.

Who is your hero and why? My husband is my hero because he is everything I have. He motivates me and has encouraged me through so much. He is also in the military, so he is a real hero in life!

Which past Survivor will you play the game most like? It would have to be a combination of Cochran and Boston Rob. I am not as physical as Rob, but I will be strategic like Cochran. I'm hoping that by the end of the season, people will see that I played my own game.

Why do you believe you can be the Sole Survivor? Because in life, I am already a survivor. In life I did not have the luxury to mess up and have people help me. In life I struggled and fought hard for everything I've accomplished. I have the fire in me and the willpower to show the world that I deserve to win and will not let anything or anyone get in my way. I'm ready for this, and I will not let this opportunity of a lifetime go to waste. The world will see that Geo Bustamante has arrived, and I WILL WIN!

Geo Bustamante

: 04 wrz 2022, 20:19
autor: Jasasiek
Jack pisze:
04 wrz 2022, 20:07
It would have to be a combination of Cochran and Boston Rob.

Geo Bustamante

: 04 wrz 2022, 23:16
autor: Prus
Wywiad z Geo dla

Meet Geo Bustamante

Geo Bustamante

: 04 wrz 2022, 23:25
autor: Prus
Jasasiek pisze:
04 wrz 2022, 20:19
Miałem dosłownie taką samą reakcję XD. Z dwojga złego wolałbym żeby bardziej okazał się być jak Rob, niż Cochran, jednak według jego wypowiedzi może się okazać inaczej :D

W sumie może łatwo wtopić się w tłum w swoim plemieniu i jakoś przeczłapać się do połączenia, chyba, że na serio będzie tragiczny w zadaniach.

Jak na razie wypada neutralnie dla mnie, ale zobaczymy co pokaże w programie