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David "Jelinsky" Jelinsky

: 05 lut 2024, 21:24
autor: Jack
Age: 22
Hometown: Las Vegas, Nev.
Current residence: Las Vegas, Nev.
Occupation: Slot machine salesman
Name three of your favorite hobbies: Sports (basketball and bowling), trivia/puzzles, magic/card games, organization
List three adjectives that best describe yourself: Passionate, confident, intelligent
How would your friends describe you? My closest friends would say that David Jelinsky thinks he knows everything. He is too smart for his own good. Growing up, he was a hothead and would argue with you until you gave in and told him he was right… but he has matured a lot over the years and understands when he should concede in an argument. He always lends an ear and an open heart when you need it, and he always offers the best advice he can.
What risks have you taken in your life, to make a change for the better, even if the outcome wasn’t planned? Dropping out for one year after high school was a risk that has paid off so far.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? I would have to say my literature academic achievements are my proudest accomplishments.
What is something we would never know from looking at you? There are so many things about me that people would never know from first glance. Growing up, I was a theater kid. I danced professional ballroom for two years when I was 8-10 years old, and then I was offered a ballet scholarship. I’m also a huge Swiftie.
What past Survivor would you play the game most like? Fabio, Sami, Russell, Tyson, and Rick Devens.