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: 27 kwie 2012, 23:12
autor: ciriefan
Insider odcinek 11:

EW Deleted Scene ... one-world/


Kim and Chelsea have a strong relationship, the same as me and Kim do, but it's different. They're older, and I'm like a little sister. Does it make me nervous? No, because Kim or Chelsea wouldn't be dumb enough to take each other to the top, because they'd never win against each other. Or if they do win, it's gonna be a very hard vote. That doesn't phase me, it doesn't bother me, I love the fact that Kim and Chelsea have a close relationship, because I have a close relationship with them too. It's a nice bond. Chelsea has a huge heart, and so does Kim. If one of us does go down, we won't say anything against each other.


Kim and Chelsea's relationship doesn't bother me, because I have just as much of a relationship with Kim, and she doesn't. Whatever Kim has to tell Chelsea, to make her mind at ease, I know the real thing. I know at the end of the day she won't go with her at the end. It doesn't bother me.

: 04 maja 2012, 14:52
autor: ciriefan
Insider odcinek 12 - 4 filmiki:

The Challenge Was Painful

Kat explains why she was upset about losing the immunity challenge.

"The challenge went OK. I got second, which is (thumbs up) great in my book...not really. I'm really upset about the challenge. Only because this challenge was painful. If I would've known that I was going to lose to someone who's 28 years old, 6 years older than me, and my body gives out before her body does - it's really, really frustrating. This challenge was not easy. It was horrible on your body. It was very, very painful. It hurt a lot. If I had known my body was going to go out before Kim's, I would have dropped at 5. I wouldn't have sat there for an hour and ten minutes, wasting away, and I still lost. Don't get me wrong, it's great that I won the family reunion reward challenge the other day, but I really want to win an immunity challenge. That means a lot to me. I know I'm safe, I'm not going anywhere, I've got 6 days left, but still, am I really gonna go home without winning one immunity challenge? How embarrassing is that? I know everybody was rooting for me, because I was the underdog, but my body literally gave out. My hands, they look like checkerboards. It's horrible. I have bruises all over me. My legs were shaking, my hands hurt, my back hurt. Not to mention we don't have anything to sleep on except for food. Everything is painful. That was a really hard challenge to do, and after an hour and ten minutes, that was very, very intense."

Secret Scene: Kat

Kat tries to get Sabrina's shirt before she leaves the game.

(day 33)

(Kat with Kim and Alicia on the beach)

Kat: Hey-hey. I just want to confirm we're sending home Sabrina.

Alicia: That's the plan right now.

Kat: OK. I triple-dog-dare you to say, "Sabrina, I think it would be really nice if I could wear Jay's shirt tonight, because all I have is a dress, and I really don't want to wear my dress, it's dirty.

Alicia (laughs): I told you to ask...

Kat: She won't let me. She won't give it to me. I tried about ten times.

Kat (solo): I tried to convince Alicia to go up to Sabrina and say, "Hey, I really want to wear that shirt, is it OK?" Then Sabrina will give Jay's shirt back. We'd really appreciate it if we had one more long shirt around, before she stomps off with the shirt we really want.

Kat: She won't even let me borrow it, and she's going to go home with it. That's stupid.

Alicia (solo): Kat wants to wear Jay's shirt. We all know Kat's going home tonight, so, um, I can see why Sabrina doesn't want to give it up. Sabrina has a short-sleeved shirt. She doesn't have anything to go to bed in that would keep her warm.

Kat (solo): We don't want to worry Sabrina. She can't have a whiff of what's going on tonight because then she's probably gonna get upset. It's a blindside happening tonight with Sabrina. She has no idea what's going on.

Kat the Day After

Kat reflects on her time in the game the day after she is voted out of Survivor: One World.

"I feel pretty good. I feel like I accomplished a lot. From day 1 I made it all the way to day 33. I felt like every single day I grew as an individual, and I'm really proud of how I played. I'm still kind of sad about how I left, because I think of all the people there, I really, really wanted it. I wanted it more than anybody in the world. I was shocked when I was blindsided. I was shocked that I made relationships with these women that I thought were gonna love me till I died. I was playing Survivor, it wasn't like we were hanging out, having drinks. There's a lot of things I still think about, but as an individual, I think I grew a lot as a person."


"I definitely started to learn and grow so much from the second challenge. Right when I got in - I'm a very dominant female, and I thought if my voice was heard, everybody would fall right under me, and all the choices I made would be legit. That was definitely not the case, and I'm the youngest one in the whole tribe. So the second challenge, I blew it. After that day, I learned so much about communication, and working together as a team, as a tribe. I thought about a lot of things, and it worked out to my benefit. I grew to love those people, and they saw a change in me."


"I feel like when I go home, I'm a totally different person. I have three sides of me. I'm really funny and quirky, but I also wear my heart on my sleeve, and I'm very driven, and I can be really immature. Fortunately, everybody got to see those sides, whether they liked them or they didn't. I'm gonna go home, and I feel like I'm a grown-up right now. I can't wait to show everybody how much I've changed and how much I've learned."


"In the beginning, I feel like I played a great game. Besides the climate, and I was starving a few times here and there, strategy-wise, I think I played the game pretty good. Unfortunately, at the end, my tribe started to notice that the jury really liked me. Unfortunately, at the end, my tribe started to notice I was really funny, and that I was starting to get really good at challenges. I really hope the reason they kicked me out wasn't because they didn't like me, but because I was a threat. If it's because they didn't like me, I'm going to be really sad."


"I swear, I thought I was going to be final 3. I got so blindsided that I didn't even see it. I could be out there for another 50 days. When I got eliminated from Tribal Council, I wanted to come back and sleep outside. This was my home for 33 days. I don't want to go home - this is my home. I was literally like, this is my home, you're not gonna take me home? Who's gonna start the fire? Who's gonna cook? I was really scared to come back. I'm really scared to go home. I don't want to. I want to be here. Sometimes, reality sinks in, and you can't stay here forever."


"When I left Tribal Council, I couldn't get it together long enough to even say if I was proud of how I played. I kept saying how big a failure I was. I was crying, and crying. I thought I failed everything. If I had held on a little bit longer, and not trusted Kim so much that she was gonna help me...I think if you gave me a second shot to play, it would be awesome. I would know to have a strategically...not to have those feelings for people. I felt like if I didn't have those people in my life, I didn't know what I would do. That was just me being very naive. I should never have been so naive in the whole game. We were playing for a million dollars - it wasn't like Friendship Sandcove Valley - you can't go in there and expect everything to be OK. I'm proud how the way I played, but I'm disappointed I couldn't go longer. The reason I wanted to take it to the end is not only to win the million dollars, I wanted to prove I could do it. I really wanted to."


"I'm really happy that I was actually here, and I got to have the experience with everybody. I think I did a great job. I played a great game. I wish I could be there longer, but I did OK."

Thrill In My Life

Robby, Kat's cousin, is excited to get the opportunity to compete in the challenge with Kat.

"Seeing Kat at the challenge for the first time was absolutely unreal. Because our relationship is so special, there was a huge burst of energy right when I first saw her. So excited and so happy to see her, overall, and see how well she's doing, and how far she's come in the game."


"I definitely expected Kat to make it this far in the game. There was no doubt in my mind that she could make it. She's the strongest person I know, and the most competitive person I know. There was no doubt in my mind at all."


"Competing in the challenge was honestly the thrill in my life. That was unreal. To be able to work with her, with the clock being against you with the other teams, pushing and communicating and pulling the rope, it was just an unreal experience."


"Our relationship is seriously special. Something that's very hard to find. The bond we have is so close. That's just from us being with each other all the time. She really is my best friend. I could go to her for anything, and can count on her, especially."


"For the rest of the game, there's no doubt in my mind - especially being able to see her and seeing how confident and how calm she is, being here on this island - that she's gonna finish strong, and take it all the way to the top."


"Kat seeing me definitely gave her the pump that she needed to finish strong, and not only that, but make it over the finish line in flying colors."


"The experience here today after winning the challenge was something I'll never forget. It will always be in my heart for the rest of my life. It's so beautiful and so special. Just the scenery, being with the beaches and the food. Being able to hear Kat's voice, and her was breathtaking."


"After seeing them, for the first time, I can really see how tough the elements are. Being out here, trying to survive, and struggle for food every day, especially with the challenges. Not only that, but the mental part of it too, being able to form alliances with everybody."


"I can't thank Sprint enough. This experience has been through the roof. I've been so happy and so excited to be here and be able to support Kat in what she's going through. I can't honestly thank Sprint enough for it.

: 05 maja 2012, 02:13
autor: Guest
Bardzo ciekawy wywiad z Kat znajdziecie tutaj :) ... portrait=0

Najlepsza jest ta jej opowie¶æ o ***** 36:00-39:00 :p

: 05 maja 2012, 10:43
autor: Roxy
czy to wywiad w którym Kat mówi że jak dorośnie, bedzie mieć 26 lat chce być taka jak Chelsea? bo nei chce mi się załadować, wiec nie ogladnę :wink:

: 05 maja 2012, 23:57
autor: Guest
s³onko pisze:czy to wywiad w którym Kat mówi ¿e jak doro¶nie, bedzie mieæ 26 lat chce byæ taka jak Chelsea? bo nei chce mi siê za³adowaæ, wiec nie ogladnê :wink:
Bardziej rozmowa Kat pomiêdzy by³ymi uczestnikami survivor (Jerri, Sandra, Rob C, Troy i Ami)

Normalny link

: 06 maja 2012, 21:19
autor: Roxy
już oglądnęłam wczoraj :wink: udało się włączyć xd

: 15 maja 2012, 09:16
autor: ciriefan