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Kim Spradlin

: 20 sty 2012, 22:01
autor: ciriefan

Wiek: 29

Plemię: Salani

Zawód: właścicielka sklepu z akcesoriami ślubnymi

Powód do dumy: Zawsze podążałam za przygodą! Otworzyłam własny biznes w wieku 26 lat, wcześniej pracowałam jako przewodniczka na spływach, żyłam w sierocińcu w Tajlandii. Oh! I potrafię określić, kto jakie zwierzę przypomina, po 5 minutach od poznania.

Życiowa inspiracja: Mój tata. W jakiś niesamowity sposób sprawia, że wszyscy do niego lgną. Sprawia, że wszystko jest fantastyczne - wakacje, kino, wspólny lunch, ja. Niczego się nie boi i jest cholernie zabawny. Daje najbardziej niesamowite mowy motywujące i to w odpowiednich momentach.

Hobby: piłka plażowa, czytanie i spotykanie się z super ludźmi

Irytuje mnie: ograniczenia prędkości, sprośny humor, ludzie, którzy używają klaksonu jako pospieszenia zamiast ostrzeżenia i naprawdę kiepskie suknie ślubne.

3 słowa, którymi się opisze: Zapalczywa, ciepła i mądra.

Gracz, do którego się porówna: Prawdopodobnie Stephenie LaGrossa z Palau, bo jest hardkorem. Też Elisabeth Hasselbeck, bo była przyjazna, ale walczyła z całych sił. No i Amanda, bo jest wysoka.

Powód bycia w grze: Szczerze, dla tego dreszczyku emocji! Porzucenie komfortu życia w moim małym świecie to wyzwanie. Chcę udowodnić, że mogę dać sobie radę w tej grze, bo zawsze tak myślałam.

Dlaczego przetrwa: Mam mentalną wytrzymałość, silnę ramię jak na kobietę i ludzie nie doceniają mojej zdolności do bycia przebiegłą.

Dlaczego wygra: Wierzę w traktowanie ludzi z szacunkiem i godnością. Dlaczego ktoś miałby zagłosować na osobę, która go szanuje?

Kim mówi: Mam nadzieję, że wyjdę na typową właścicielkę sklepu z rzeczami do ślubów i nie powiem nikomu, że byłam przewodniczką spływów i wycieczek po łonie natury. Nie chcę przelatywać poza radarem. Jak mam odejść, to z hukiem.

Jeff mówi: To kolejna moja faworytka. Jeśli dojdzie do końca, wygra pieniądze. Jest sympatyczna i mądra na tyle, że jest w stanie zajść do finału.

: 21 sty 2012, 00:09
autor: tombak90
"Stephenie La Grossa z Palau bo jest hardkorem" xD

Dziewczyna zrobiła na mnie bardzo dobre pierwsze wrażenie. Charakterek, wyczuwalna przebiegłość i inteligencja. Do smaku jeszcze uroda:)

: 21 sty 2012, 07:46
autor: RaffEmm
Moja druga z faworytek na chwilę obecną, ale jak się sprawdzi w programie, przekonamy się już niebawem :)

: 21 sty 2012, 08:35
autor: ciriefan
Jedna z moich faworytów :)

: 21 sty 2012, 19:46
autor: MD
Zdecydowanie z kobiet chyba moja fav. Silna fizycznie, sympatyczna i inteligenta. Zobaczymy jak strategia jej pójdzie. Kojarzy mi się coś a la Steph + Amanda

: 21 sty 2012, 20:04
autor: Arti
Nie chcę zapeszać, ale lubię ją.

: 21 sty 2012, 20:06
autor: Jack
Zgadzam się z Mdmatt. Boję się, że może po przemieszaniu (które pewnie będzie) źle trafić. Jedna z faworytek.

: 22 sty 2012, 19:31
autor: colby
Świetna jest :) mam tylko nadzieję, że w ogóle ją zobaczę/ymy, bo nie wiem jak Wy ale nieco obawiam się, że mogą być problemy z oglądaniem nowego sezonu surva :wink:

: 23 sty 2012, 13:46
autor: tombak90
colby pisze:Świetna jest :) mam tylko nadzieję, że w ogóle ją zobaczę/ymy, bo nie wiem jak Wy ale nieco obawiam się, że mogą być problemy z oglądaniem nowego sezonu surva :wink:
Prawdę mówiąc, właśnie zacząłem się obawiać.

: 23 sty 2012, 13:57
autor: Gienek
Miejmy nadzieje że oni nam w tym pomogą :


: 17 lut 2012, 19:34
autor: Bartosh
Bardzo ciekawa kobieta, bardzo mi się spodobała. Jej promo jest genialne jak i opis. Kibicuje jej do końca gry. Musi wygrać. <3

: 18 lut 2012, 09:50
autor: ciriefan
Insider odcinek 1:

Huge Fan of the Game

Kim plans on using her people, athletic and outdoors kills to help her succeed in this game she loves.

"I own two bridesmaid dress boutiques. One is in San Antonio, and one is in Austin, Texas. I do it with my very best friend and have been for almost two years. I think it's helped me, because I have to work with really difficult people at times, but every once in a while we do have mothers or brides who are really tough. I think I've learned to be cool, to calm down and to be able to calm people down. I'm hoping that will help me in some way, in this whole - and just working with women. Sometimes throughout my life, women have told me I'm intimidating, so just helping people, trying to make them comfortable, I think that will help me in the game."


"I think being 5'10'' and being a woman, sometimes girls are intimidated by me. I'm fairly athletic. I'm not that athletic, I try really hard, but I do think sometimes with girls it's immediate. They seem put off. I try to seem really goofy and weird and hopefully kind of be myself and not carry myself like I think I'm something. Hopefully that puts them at ease."


"I did great in the outdoors. It's been 4 or 5 years but I used to be a backpacking guide and whitewater rafting guide in Colorado. It's been some time, and I've gotten used to being comfortable, but I'm excited to go back outside and get back in touch with that. I love living simply. I know it's uncomfortable and I know this is going to be an umpteenth degree to anything I've faced before, but I've been in some tough scenarios before. I've been really cold, and really hungry, and all of that. I'm hoping I can tap back into that. I think I can go to a mentally tough place. Even growing up, playing athletics, and being a part of a team - my dad's a football coach and I've played sports my whole life - I think I know how to go there and grin and bear it. More than maybe most girls."


"My dad being a Texas football coach had a huge impact on me. I played sports all growing up, got lots of pep talks, lots of win the day mentalities that are stuck in my mind. I think that's made me tough in a way...he taught me to compete. When I said mentally tough, I don't just mean challenges. I just think I know how to go to a mentally tough place I don't think a lot of girls know how to go."


"I just recently got divorced, so this is perfect timing. I'm so excited to be out here. I feel really free. I'm thankful every day of my life I'm not doing that marriage. I know we both are."


"Having come out of a marriage, doing life with someone else, working really hard on my businesses, this is so exciting to be out here and be doing it for me and I'm thrilled. This is an incredible adventure to just be here and not have to worry about anything, and take a break, and do something for me. Exciting."


"I'm a huge fan of the game. I have been watching it for years, sitting in front of the television, screaming at it. I'm passionate about the game, I love the game. I really can't believe I'm here. I'm pinching myself. This is so surreal. I loved the Chronicles of Narnia growing up, I was hoping Narnia was real and I could go there. I feel like I've arrived. I'm so excited. I can't imagine being here and not being a fan of the game. I feel like it gives me a huge advantage having watched almost every season. I at least know some things to look out for. Don't come across like you're trying too hard, and don't come across too bossy when you're building the shelter, the men don't like that. That gives me at least a little bit of an advantage."


"I'm hoping to win the game because I engage people well, and they trust me. It's going to be genuine, and it's still a game, and I'm gonna play the game, but I genuinely enjoy connecting with people and learning about people. I'm interested. I think I'll make really great connections. I know I'll have to screw some of those people over, and hopefully they'll get over it, but I do think my social skills and being pretty perceptive will get me pretty far."


"I think if I were to get voted out - I've thought a lot about this - I think potentially I could be too trusting and I get invested in people and there's a chance I could really connect with someone and really trust that and they might in the end, weigh their losses - not that they wouldn't care about me - and cut that string. I also think a weakness..."


"Is maybe being too social, and too competitive. Again, I want to come out full force but I'm a little nervous I will come across as a presence."


"I'm hoping doing well at the challenges and being good socially in the game will keep me around long enough to develop enough relationships that could potentially take me far. I don't think I'll be one of the first people to go. I'd be really surprised."

: 24 lut 2012, 21:22
autor: ciriefan
Insider odcinek 2:

The Colton Effect ... CoEw_C5god

brak transkrypcji

: 02 mar 2012, 02:16
autor: tombak90
Bardzo ciekawa uczestniczka i zdecydowanie jedna z moich faworytek. Niepokoi mnie jedynie fakt, że ma mniej konf w porównaniu do Sabriny i Chelsea. Mam nadzieję, że nie zniszczy jej przemieszanie czy coś takiego.

: 02 mar 2012, 16:53
autor: ciriefan
Insider odcinek 3:

We Caught Fish ... _Hn-ztF9Sp

Kim describes the women's first fishing adventure

"We went fishing this morning in our new boat. It was good. It took us a while to get the hang of it. We went to a small reef and saw a lot of bright, colorful fish. We caught three of them; they didn't taste so great. By the end of it, we saw some larger fish on the other side, so we're going to try to go back out this evening and catch some bigger stuff."


"I was a white water rafting guide in Colorado for five summers, so having some experience with a paddle and a guidestick helped out in the wooden canoe today. It was a little different, and took a little getting used to, but it was good."


"It was really fun to take the boat and just get out this morning, honestly. As fun as it was to fish, it was just good to get away from the beach, and the bad tent, and the rain, and be out on the water this morning. It did wonders just for me to sit out there in the sun, honestly."


"It was so important for us to come back with fish this morning. Not empty-handed. Even if they're tiny and they taste bad, just the sheer knowledge of 'We can do this, we can feed ourselves.' Everybody's real proud over at camp right now. We've got snails going, no one's going to eat that, the fish tastes terrible, but everyone feels like we have food, and I think that's big."