
Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Big Pain in My Ass

Rob is tired of the complications caused by sending people to Redemption Island.

"The duel was pretty uneventful. Ralph blew a huge lead, but it didn't really surprise me he did. What did surprise me was that Redemption Island is still going on. That means we're probably going to have send someone else there. I'm just wondering when it's gonna end at this point. It was once a little pain in my ass and now it's starting to become a big pain in my ass. I wish it'd be over already."


"I get it, if you need a second chance, it's a good thing, but if you're sitting where we're sitting over here, you want it to be done with."


"Until Jeff actually says Redemption Island's actually gonna end, we don't know when it will. It's kind of like an unknown quantity. You can speculate on it all you want, but at the end of the day, until you actually know, speculation really doesn't do you much good."


"There's some good competition there. Matty's been there since day 5. Mike's been strong and finished first in every single one he's been there. Not every one, but Mike's finished at the top of almost every one he's competed in. And you know, Andrea, first time there, she comes out with a win. So, good competition. At the end of the day only one of 'em's coming back."

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Redemption Island Red Carpet Interview - Rob

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sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Wywiad z Rob'em po zakończeniu Redemption Island:

On his fourth attempt, Boston Rob Mariano won Survivor and pocketed the big check! Does he think he played the best game ever? How does he respond to those who say it was like taking candy from babies? What’s he really think of Phillip? How did he prepare, knowing he was likely to be an early target? What was the most difficult part? Rob answers all of these questions and much more!

R: The first question was the obvious one: So many people are saying he played the perfect game – how does Rob himself feel about it?

Rob: First of all, coming from Jeff, it’s definitely a huge compliment considering he’s seen every episode of every season first-hand. I feel I played the game to the best of my ability, but there’s been hundreds of people playing and 21 winners and different people have had different strategies. There is no clear-cut strategy for everyone. This worked best for me and it’s the only way I could play the game – an aggressive, out-there strategy that a lot of people couldn’t pull off.

R: I followed up on this from the flip-side, noting that there have been a number of people (though not me), including even former winners, saying things were slanted in his favor and it was like taking candy from a baby. What did he have to say to all those people?

Rob: I’d love to see them do it. There’s always going to be people with their opinion. I know that going out there, I had a huge target on my back and had to reinvent myself and the way I played the game. I had to use my ability and my experience in the past to help me, at the same time realizing it may be a hindrance. I was able to do it and last 39 days and get them to vote for me. If they want to try to take something away from me, I have the check in my account.

R: So what changed for Rob over time? A year ago, he was a “Villain,” and now he’s the fan favorite.

Rob: I think a lot has changed since I first played in 2002. I was 24, a single guy, my whole world perspective was different than it is now. I have a different way of seeing the world and different people. The number one thing I’ve learned is that Survivor is first and foremost a social game. I was able to fine-tune my strategy to encompass that and really build relationships to make them work for me and exploit others so they didn’t feel exploited so I could get their votes at the end.

R: Speaking of those who were exploitable, how early did he realize he wanted to sit next to Phillip and Natalie at the very end?

Rob: Natalie, very early on, I’d say the first day. Part from a perceptive read and part that she’s 19 years old. I tried to put myself in her position. If I were 19 and coming into this game, I’d like somebody to put me under their wing. I also saw something similar in her to Amber; I knew she would be loyal throughout the entire thing. I just felt it from the beginning. Phillip was a little bit different. At the beginning of the game, he was trying to get me out. As time went on, he got frustrated and adopted an if-I-can’t-beat-him-I’ll-join-him attitude and realized I was keeping him around because of his antics. Either way, both thought at the end they would be able to beat me, but I didn’t think I would be able to beat anybody else.

R: Speaking of Phillip, how did Rob deal with him?

Rob: Phillip was a constant challenge. If the merge happened one Tribal Council later that we had to go to, Phillip wouldn’t have lasted. In the beginning, he was really an annoyance and tough to get along with. He was disrupting the harmony of the group. You don’t always want harmony but you still have to live together. But when we merged, he turned his antics on the Zaps. He was aggravating the crap out of these guys and it was like Comedy Central at that point. As soon as the Zaps were gone, it was back on us. At that point, down to the final five when he pulled that stuff with Natalie and Ashley, I was like what are you doing? We want to split them apart not force them together. There was never a dull moment. Any opportunity when I slipped up, he was going to capitalize on it. I love phillip, he’s a great guy. I’m being serious, a lot of people laugh when they hear that but he’s just this guy who wanted some love and wanted to be heard and nobody was willing to do that. If it wasn’t for Phillip and Natalie, I would have never gotten to the end and I don’t think I would have won if I hadn’t sat with the two of them. Unbeknownst to them, they played an integral role in me winning a million bucks.

R: What if he had been given the chance to play head-to-head with Russell – would they have aligned or would Rob have targeted Russell?

I don’t think we play a similar game or are on the same level when it comes to strategy. But if the opportunity presented itself that I could work with him, I would use him – but I don’t think I could ever trust Russell. It just didn’t seem to materialize. I felt bad for him this time around; I think he needs some space from the game. I was disappointed he said he was going to change his game and he went in with the exact same strategy, but there’s no way you can reinvent yourself in such a short time. At the same time, I thought it was pretty classy that he stood up and shook my hand last night.

R: As much as people suggested that Rob was taking candy from a baby, Rob has said it wasn’t nearly as easy as it looked. So how hard was it (aside from the challenges that almost made him collapse)?

Rob: It wasn’t really the physical aspect that was that difficult, it never has been. I know you’re going to be deprived. The more I’ve done it over the years, the easier it’s become. The difficult part, the hard work I did behind the scenes, was the constant checking on the strategy and making sure my alliances felt like they were intact and making sure everybody else was checking in with each other. I would give them a tidbit of info that was inconsequential, that wasn’t game-related but it felt like it was important so they felt like they were getting something form me. In return, they would come to me with information that was critical. It was a constant game of going back and forth. Everybody felt like they were going to the end with me and nobody was talking to each other.

R: Aside from the obvious answer of winning a million bucks, why would Rob come back and put himself through this a fourth time?

Rob: I’m a competitor. I love Survivor, I love playing the game. One person’s pain is another’s pleasure. I love going out and competing. I wanted to get the top, I wanted to win because it’s such a challenge. The ultimate game is to vote everybody off and get them to vote for you in the end. And there’s a degree of luck involved too. There’s a lot of different ways to win Survivor, but the way I did it is, for me, really satisfying.

R: Was there ever really a big threat to him?

Rob: I did what I needed to do. Kristina was looking for an idol right away, Francesca was plotting against me. Matt was a triple-threat – physical, friendly, strategic, so sending him to Redemption Island was important to get rid of him right away. It may have looked like there was no method to the madness, but there definitely was.

R: Part of winning was in dealing with the jury, so what did he take away from the bitter All-Stars jury to help him prepare for this one?

Rob: I think I said it last night, the problem was I felt bad and apologized to ‘em when I should have told ‘em to kiss my ass. I made no apologies and tried to present myself in a way that was humble and said look, I played the best game I know how, you vote how you want to vote, but I felt like I played a better game than them. If you agree, give me your vote. Ultimately, it worked out for me. I think it was a good plan.

R: While it did work out for him, one person – Grant – is now apparently just as bitter as anybody on that All-Stars jury was. How did Rob feel about Grant’s behavior at the reunion?

Rob: I was shocked. It’s disappointing to me. I thought he’d have a handle on it, especially having played football in the NFL. He got caught up in it. I can’t blame him for it, but I wish he didn’t feel that way. At the end of the day, I can’t lose sleep over it. I’ve reached out to him on numerous occasions. If he wants to come around, like I said, he’s a really good guy.

R: On the flip side, Julie seems to have come around now, but was bitter at the time of the jury questioning and urged Rob to teach his daughters to grow up as strong women so they wouldn’t be taken advantage of the way he had done with Natalie. What were his thoughts on that and what did he supposedly do to mistreat Natalie?

Rob: I was definitely disappointed in Julie. I think she totally crossed the line. She was sitting there on her high horse trying to dictate how Natalie’s parents should feel about her and how my wife and children should feel about me and the same about Phillip’s family. What kind of example are you setting for your own daughters? I think she regrets it – I hope she would because it wasn’t cool at the time. As far as anything inappropriate, Natalie was like a sister to me out there. When you sit on the jury – I’ve never sat on the jury so I don’t know first hand, but I can imagine that they’re disappointed they’re not sitting where we’re sitting. It takes a really strong person to say what David did and say, “You played a good game you beat me – hats off to you.” It’s easier to take the route she did and take one last jab and feel like you’re getting revenge. It was completely inappropriate.

R: Now that Rob has won, is he standing by his statement that he’s never playing again?

Rob: Yeah, I’ve accomplished what I wanted to accomplish. I’m happy to leave with the way I played and to go out at this point. I’m going to move on to the production end of things with this new show and see where things go from there. I’m on a plane tonight to L.A. to start production in the morning on a new show I’m doing, Around the World in 80 Ways. I love adventure and that whole realm and I’m excited to be working on something new and making the transition from reality show contestant to host and trying my hand on the production side of things. The basic premise is that me and a co-host will travel around the world. You can never repeat any of the forms of transportation. Within that context, we’re going to try to use transportation that’s indigenous to a particular area. It’ll be difficult stuff and at times, it’s not a competition but my co-host and I will race and wager on certain things. Some is still yet to be determined but I’m looking forward to it.

Before signing off, Rob wanted to make sure to say one more thing:

Thank you to all the fans who voted for me for player of the season. That really meant a lot to me.


Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Rob z dzieciakami na Haloween. Nieźle im się pewnie żyje z wygranych milionów :P


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sole survivor
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Rejestracja: 25 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Parvati
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: Roxy »

jakie słodkie dziewczynki <33

5th jury member
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Rejestracja: 01 kwie 2010, 00:00

Post autor: bobaas »

Za malo podobne do Amber i dlatego nie takie slodkie xD

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Rejestracja: 02 maja 2010, 00:00

Post autor: Jack »

Reality-show Boston Rob'a w polskim Discovery Channel ... edium=link

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sole survivor
Posty: 2661
Rejestracja: 25 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Parvati
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: Roxy »

5 maja Rob i Amber doczekali się trzeciego dziecka xd dziewczynka nosi imię Isabetta Rose

ktoś w ogóle wiedział że oni znów będą mieć dziecko?

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sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

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sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Wraz z Nowym Rokiem Rob pochwalił się wiadomością o nowym dziecku:

My wife Amber is so hot, I can't keep my hands off her... Here is to 2014!!!


Rider Girl
7th voted out
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Rejestracja: 30 mar 2017, 08:50


Post autor: Rider Girl »

- córka Roba trenuje do Survivor

6th jury member
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Rejestracja: 03 mar 2018, 15:17


Post autor: MaciekRS »

5 LAT, jeszcze 13 lat czyli 26 sezonów i będzie mogła panna rządzić w Survivor. Widać trenuje od małego :)

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Rejestracja: 28 mar 2017, 23:30
Winners at War: Parvati
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee


Post autor: Maw »

Aww <3

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Rejestracja: 16 lut 2019, 01:44


Post autor: Davos »

Ale świetna mała :) Chyba rośnie następczyni Boston Roba :)

8th jury member
Posty: 788
Rejestracja: 15 wrz 2017, 12:41
Winners at War: Michele
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee


Post autor: Saw »

O tak! Jak ta mała dorośnie, a Survivor nadal będzie kręcony to chce ją tam zobaczyć. Mała jest niezwykle urocza i widać że już ostro trenuje. Jak odziedziczy grę strategiczną po tacie i urodę po mamie to będzie ideałem i pewną faworytką.
Tak w ogóle ktoś sobie wyobraża Survivor za 13 lat? Przecież to byłby niezły odjazd. Jeff jako 70 latek nadal prowadzącym, milion twistów na sezon, ukryte immunitety porozwieszane na drzewach jak bombki na choinkach lub porozrzucane na plaży jak muszelki. Och, oby tylko doczekać tych czasów :lol:


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