Semhar Tadesse

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sole survivor
Posty: 2678
Rejestracja: 12 mar 2011, 00:00
Lokalizacja: Poznań
Winners at War: Tony
Survivor AU All Stars: David

Post autor: tombak90 »

"Kiedy byłam w Afryce, żyłam w dużym mieście, więc jestem zagrożeniem." - nie za bardzo wiem, co chciała wyrazić tą opinią:D

Ładniutka, ale nie wygląda mi na efektywną zawodniczkę.
"Dziś prawdziwych villainów już nie ma..."

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sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 1

Love You or Hate You :

Semhar admits that she either likes or dislikes people and is not afraid to let them know.
"My name is Semhar. I'm 24, and I live in Hollywood, California."
"I recite spoken word in different venues across the country, and I've been doing that since I was 15."
"I started writing poetry at 15. I didn't feel like I could trust anyone with my feelings, so I started writing them away. I was eventually encouraged by friends to start sharing them with people."
"Poetry is a good place to put your feelings, as is any art form. In this game, you have to kind of conserve your feelings, and not let them show. You have to wear a poker face. As long as I can keep the poems that are in my head going to encourage me and give me a place to put my feelings. I think it will help me cover up what a lot of people are dying to let out."
"I am playing this game to win a million dollars. Point blank. (laughs)"
"I think I can win because just like when I go on poetry slams or I go up on stage, people look at me and think, OK, what is this Hollywood girl going to contribute, or, oh, just another cute face who thinks she deserves to be in the spotlight. But they're also very surprised at the words that come out of my mouth. I think I'm a little bit of the underdog. I have a lot of things that people don't expect within me when they look at my outer appearance."
"Something that might hold me back in this game is that I'm extremely honest. I'm going to try to work on that as best as I can. Everything is written all over my face. I'm just a real person. I'm not used to hiding how I feel from other people. If I don't like you, I don't realize I'm making the face I'm making, and other people see through me. So that's something I've gotta work on - getting a poker face on."
"I think what I'm most afraid of is the physical sacrifice. I'm a girl. (laughs) You're gonna lose some weight, lose some hair, things like that. You're definitely gonna get hurt, scratches, bruises, things like that. I think I'm more afraid of the physical sacrifice, because I think that the mental part of it I have on lock, for sure."
"I'm terrified of Redemption Island, for sure. I'm already not much of a nature person, so the one thing that kind of got me over that was the fact I'll be with other people who know what they're doing. If I get sent to Redemption Island, I'm on my own. That's terrifying, for sure."
"I'm hot or cold. I either love you or hate you. You're probably gonna know. There's no medium for me. There's no-inbetween. It's either I like you or I don't like you. If I don't like you I'm often gonna let you know."
"My strategy is to be as mediocre as possible. Possibly to play off being a little ditsy so no one takes me seriously, no one sees me as a threat. I'm already a pretty silly girl so I'm just gonna let that shine, let that overtake, and try my hardest to not let my complete intellectual side come out, because then they'll see me as a threat and take me out. I'm just gonna go with that presence the way people judge me when I'm onstage, and I'm gonna ride with that. Take it as far as I can."
"I am eager and anxious to get this game started. I'm anxious because the sooner we start, the sooner I win. Let's go."

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 2

My Soul Is Not For Sale:

Semhar is upset with her Savaii tribe and vows not to stoop to their level.

"Being alone on Redemption Island has its ups and has its downs. It has its positive and it has its negatives. But anything is better than people who deceive you and people who lie to you and people who pretend to be your friend when they're not."


"I decided to wear my buff inside out, because I don't feel so Savaii and I don't feel so team red. For now, I'm just gonna wear it inside out."


"At the end of the day, if I'm the first to go home, or the last, no matter what, I will feel confident in how I played, because my soul's not for sale. I'm not going to lie for a million dollars and I'm not going to let a million dollars change who I am. A million dollars might make me do some crazy stuff like come out here
(laughs), but it's not gonna make me change who I am. I don't believe it's making anyone else change who they are. I think this game makes you reveal who you are, and I'm not a liar, and I'm not about to become one. I'm going to be confident no matter if I stay or leave, because my soul's not for sale. Not even for a million dollars."

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 3:

Semhar Secret Scene

Semhar tries fishing for the first time in her life on Redemption Island

(day 4)

Semhar (solo): Redemption Island is definitely not as comfortable and more scary than being over in paradise at Savaii. When the light shined this morning, it was just like, "You know what? I gotta lot of work to do. Let's get started. So I did).

(with comedic music, Semhar looks at the rod and reel she made and says she's unsure of what to do)

Semhar (solo): I've never fished a day in my life. I've never camped a day in my life until this. So I attempted to go fishing.

Semhar (by the water): Got a little bit of a hermit crab. Going to try my best to fish with it. (looking) That's a big fish. Come back. Come eat. (nothing bites) Now I feel really bad for killing this hermit crab. It didn't even bring me dinner. I need to find a worm.

(looks around the forest)

Semhar: You'd think worms would be everywhere in a rainforest. I wonder if fish like bananas.

(Semhar tries to get bananas with a machete)

Semhar (solo): Redemption Island has its highs and lows, and is definitely a learning experience when it comes to survival. But I'm learning how to overcome my fear of Redemption Island, and survive, and that's refreshing.

(Semhar tries to get across a tree branch across the water, and falls in)

Semhar: Oh, that sucks!

Semhar the Day After

Semhar reflects on her time in the game the day after she lost the duel at Redemption Island.

"I think the biggest turning point in the game for me was definitely our challenge, and me stepping up to the plate when no one else would. I was a position I was happy to accept, but when it didn't work in our favor, it was a position I was blamed for the loss of. Yeah, the challenge was definitely my biggest turning point, and the fact that we failed the challenge and I stepped up, it gave my tribemates an opportunity to place the blame on me. That was my biggest turning point in the game."


"Being the first voted off when I stepped up showed me that people looked at me as a threat in some way, shape, or form. That's something I never really imagined, being surrounded by so many confident, beautiful people. I learned I would step up to the plate more than the net men would, and I'm stronger than some of the men who played this game, even if that strength is internal. So I'm absolutely happy I got to lose that about myself. I'm a brave player."


"I would say this game definitely changed my outlook on people, on life, and on myself. To myself I feel for the positive. I'm happy that against a tribeful of people I genuinely cared about, I didn't have to throw anyone under the bus, but I defend myself with grace and honor. I think it changed me in the fact that I know how much stronger I am. I stood up against so many people, and all I used to fight was the truth. For sure. It definitely changed my perspective."


"My strategy in the game was to initially lay low, but when I met my tribemates, we were all such outgoing people, I knew I would fall behind if I did that. I decided to be myself. Being myself works on so many levels in life; it just doesn't work in this game, because I'm way too honest for this game. Part of the game is deceiving people, and I don't have the heart to do that."


"I think every single person that comes out here is extremely brave in doing this. Nothing about this game is fake. Everything we do is real. We are hungry. We are weak. We are playing our heart out. I think most of all my friends and family will be happy that I was brave enough to #1 make it this far and #2 play with all my heart."


"Definitely the social part of the game was harder for me, because I'm not good at smiling in someone's face when I don't like them. So that led me to going off on Jim when I went off on Jim. So the social part of the game is harder for me because I'm not a person who holds back. I'm a person that what you see is what you get, and what you hear is what it is. That was hard for me, to hold back feelings is difficult for me. The survival part of the game - I've been down to 73 pounds living in Africa, so that's nothing."


"It's easy to sit at home and say, 'Oh, you shouldn't have stepped up with that, or argued with that, or done this or that.' The way I see it is I went into this game being Semhar and I left being Semhar. There was nobody or no dollar amount that would change that. I walk away winning. I did not lose one single bit of myself in this. I would rather lose 5 pounds than lose an ounce of my character. I'm satisfied."


"I had fun. I had fun. I know I was in the game a short amount of time (laughs). I know I didn't have any supporters on my tribal vote, but at the end of the day, learning about yourself is so rewarding, and traveling is the best educational life experience any of us can encounter. We came to such a beautiful island, and even in those short 5 or 6 days, it felt like you walked away with a world of knowledge. I absolutely had fun, and I had a great getting into the water, experiencing Samoa, playing this game. How many people wish they could play this game? It's so much fun. So much fun."


"Being sent to Redemption Island was depressing. It was wet, there was no sunshine, it was after being outcasted and betrayed. It was hard. It was really, really hard. I didn't have anyone at Redemption I was arriving to, having been the first person there. It felt so lonely and all you can do on Redemption is think about what your tribe is doing now, or who it was that blindsided you, or why they backstabbed you. Your mind is your worst enemy on Redemption. That first night was so hard. It was so hard. But it was followed by the happiest day I had in the game, so..."


"I think no matter what you go through in life, it's not about what you go through, it's about how you come out of it. For me this experience wasn't about what I went through, but how I came out of it. I came out of it very proud, and I came out if feeling good ,and I came out of it happy with how I played."

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Wywiad z Semhar:

R: Hello, Semhar, and thanks for taking the time to talk to us!

Semhar: No prob.

R: Jumping right into it, you seemed surprised that your tribe lied to you. How much Survivor had you seen prior to going on the show?

Semhar: Not much at all. (Laughs.)

R: You said you “don’t understand how people can be so cold-hearted” (and a couple other variants). Jeff Probst pointed out last night that you sought out this game, but many viewers didn’t feel like you really answered him. So I have to ask: What did you think the point of this game is?

Semhar: Well, when I say the line, I’m actually speaking on a completely different subject. I thought it was funny how it was edited in, I was like, “Stop doing it!”

I was, however, surprised at being voted out because I was being told by half of my tribe that I was safe and I didn’t know who to trust.

R: Speaking of trust, why did you think that people on Survivor would be open and honest with you?

Semhar: We had been completely open and honest (minus Jim, I guess) up until that point. We had been sharing stories and there is only so much can fit into an episode. You grow pretty close to people and obviously it’s such a disaster to see the other side of people. I think I was more surprised to see who lied to me. It was sort of the people I was closer to who lied to me and the people who I wasn’t close to who were honest with me… with the exception of Ozzy.

R: What do you mean, the exception of Ozzy?

Semhar: I felt close to Ozzy and he told me the truth.

R: So you knew you were being voted out prior to Tribal Council?

Semhar: I knew Dawn was going to vote me out because she said I was stronger and would do better on Redemption Island. Papa Bear said, “You need to be worried.” Keith, Whitney, Elyse, and Jim told me, “Don’t worry.” It was a group effort.

Jim was a huge part of that challenge being screwed up that didn’t get aired. He was like, “I screwed up as bad as you did.” He would make faces behind Cochran’s back, like the chopping block motion.

I think the person that I maybe trusted most was Keith because he was cool, he was just chill. He was like, “Don’t worry.” I was surprised because Ozzy looked at me with puppy eyes before we left and said, “Sorry, I tried.” Then it was Tribal Council.

R: Did you do any plotting or alliance-building in the first couple days before you lost the immunity challenge?

Semhar: No. I didn’t form any alliances. I think I was trying to figure things out because me and Elyse suspected Whitney was kind of in with the guys and we were trying to pull the girls together. I brought that up to Whitney when I was politicking. I never fully trusted Whitney per se. I didn’t have a set alliance, but there was talk of forming one.

R: We heard Ozzy say he wanted to form a long-term alliance with you, and you mentioned a couple minutes ago that you trusted him. Had he talked to you specifically about this? What were your thoughts on the matter at the time?

Semhar: No. I remember speaking to him at one point when I was trying to save myself and telling him I would have gone to the end with him. But I think he made that comment before that happened. But I got good vibes from him immediately. If they made me pick one person on that tribe to trust, it would have been him.

R: You campaigned against Cochran in part by saying that he was a fan of the game, but not actually willing to play it. How do you reconcile this with the answer you gave me about not having done any significant alliance-building early on?

Semhar: We also saw that he didn’t do any early alliances either and he is a huge fan of the show. I think it’s pretty obvious that he’s a fan of the show but what would irritate me was all of us building the shelter and filtering water and keeping the fire going, and him sitting down and talking about the game. “I wonder if it’s going to be this challenge. Remember this challenge?” It felt so unreal that he was there that he wasn’t waking up and participating. Clearly that Tribal Council made him step it up… or so he promised.

R: Speaking of stepping up, why did you volunteer to step up at the very first challenge and state so emphatically that you could do it?

Semhar: I’m so happy you’re asking this! We had about 30 seconds to discuss who was going to do what. Immediately, Ozzy and Keith looked at Jim. Ozzy was like, “I’ll do it,” and Keith was like, “I’ll do it.” They looked at Jim and asked and he said, “You know me – not great at anything and not bad at anything.” No one else was volunteering, so I had to step up. We had to figure it out right then and there.

R: You were alone on Redemption Island for the first few nights, and told Jeff Probst it was scary. In what way?

Semhar: When you’re with your tribe, it’s like animals don’t come up to you because they hear the noise. When you’re on Redemption Island, they’re coming at you. That was scary – I would wake up every couple minutes because there was something moving in the bushes. Being alone was totally scary. I was comfortable in my tribe.

On Redemption Island, you have to take care of yourself completely. I didn’t have to filter water for a ton of people, so in some ways it was easier. But there was no sunlight that would creep through. It poured rain every day, hardcore. Like a cloud formed over Redemption Island and nowhere else. I started a fire a couple times and rain would put it out. It was dark gloomy and lonely.

R: What did you think watching the sighing and eye-rolling types of reactions of the others as you did some spoken word poetry before the duel?

Semhar: Oh I know that wasn’t going on while I was doing it. It’s reality TV but only so much of it can be real, in my opinion. I don’t take offense to that because I thought it was funny that they edited it to be that way.

R: You said you felt like you’ve been abandoned so many times in your life. Is there anything you want to share with readers?

Semhar: No, I’m actually quite happy none of that got in.

R: We’re pretty much out of time, so do you have anything else you’d like to tell us about your time on Survivor?

Semhar: I’m confident about how I played the game and people who were out there are the only ones who will know how people really behaved and how everything went down. Don’t believe everything you see.

R: Thanks again, Semhar!

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 2678
Rejestracja: 12 mar 2011, 00:00
Lokalizacja: Poznań
Winners at War: Tony
Survivor AU All Stars: David

Post autor: tombak90 »

Irytowała mnie ta dziewczyna. Przede wszystkim to ciągłe jej narzekanie "people are so coldhearted". Bo ją wyeliminowali... A gdyby wyeliminowali kogoś innego, to już by byli "sweethearted"? xD
"Dziś prawdziwych villainów już nie ma..."

7th jury member
Posty: 659
Rejestracja: 26 mar 2010, 00:00

Post autor: Kryspian »

tombak90 pisze:Irytowała mnie ta dziewczyna. Przede wszystkim to ciągłe jej narzekanie "people are so coldhearted". Bo ją wyeliminowali... A gdyby wyeliminowali kogoś innego, to już by byli "sweethearted"? xD
Narzekała, że ludzie są cold-hearted ponieważ ją okłamali, a nie dlatego, że ją wyeliminowali

sole survivor
Posty: 1568
Rejestracja: 17 sie 2011, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie

Post autor: Kobra »

Heh, jak przyszła na pojedynek to miałem wrażenie, że jest o jakieś 25 lat starsza niż 5 dni temu. Wory pod oczami, włosy oklapłe, mina jak na ścięcie XD
Swoją drogą pewnie po Survivor znajdzie się jakiś wydawca, który pozwoli jej wydać jakiś tomik.

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 2661
Rejestracja: 25 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Parvati
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: Roxy »

ona w ogóle była jak z innej bajki i na moje oko nie miała pojecia jak się gra ani jacy ludzie są xd

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 2678
Rejestracja: 12 mar 2011, 00:00
Lokalizacja: Poznań
Winners at War: Tony
Survivor AU All Stars: David

Post autor: tombak90 »

Kryspian pisze:
tombak90 pisze:Irytowała mnie ta dziewczyna. Przede wszystkim to ciągłe jej narzekanie "people are so coldhearted". Bo ją wyeliminowali... A gdyby wyeliminowali kogoś innego, to już by byli "sweethearted"? xD
Narzekała, że ludzie są cold-hearted ponieważ ją okłamali, a nie dlatego, że ją wyeliminowali
No może:) Ale zawodnicy do odstrzału zazwyczaj utrzymywani są w niepewności.
"Dziś prawdziwych villainów już nie ma..."


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