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Rejestracja: 02 maja 2010, 00:00


Post autor: Jack »


Grant Mattos (29)

Plemię - Ometepe

Zawód - instruktor jogi

Powód do dumy - Playing in the NFL

Życiowa inspiracja - My wife. With her in my life, I can do anything.

Hobby - Largemouth bass fishing, surfing and writing.

Co Cię denerwuje - When someone uses the word "like" every other second.

3 słowa, które Cię opisują - Outgoing, positive and friendly.

Powód bycia w Survivor - It's a huge mental and physical challenge. I want to get to know my true self better.

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6008
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

myślę, że ma szanse, jest silny i głupi też się nie wydaje

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sole survivor
Posty: 6008
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Big Question Mark

Grant admits that having people go to Redemption Island makes it hard to strategize.

"Redemption Island is just a big question mark. There's so many unknowns and so many variables that come along with it. The relationship between Matty and Andrea if he was to run the table and come back, is another unknown variable of what he would do and she would do. She came back from the challenge a little jealous the other day, because he was flirting with, I think it was Krista, over there during the challenge. I mean, come on, what are we doing here? You know what I mean? This is back in high school. This is a tribe mentality and you're getting upset because someone gave a gift to your island lover, so to speak."


"Redemption Island is like a big fricking side in Ometepe's foot right now. Too many unknowns to calculate. All we can do is keep winning these challenges, then bring on Redemption Island, because numbers are end-all-be-all come this merge. If you got numbers, you can take anybody out, it doesn't matter. Other team wins an immunity idol, doesn't matter. Other team wins an individual immunity, doesn't matter. So what? You got numbers. That's what keeps going on back and forth in my head. It's not the rewards, it's not the unknowns of Redemption Island. Just keep winning. Everything will fall into place if you win. I don't care about the food we get at the end of the rewards, I don't care about being flown somewhere. Those are all nice byproducts of wins. If we keep doing that we're gonna go as far as we want in this game."

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sole survivor
Posty: 6008
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Survivor Insider odcinek 8:

I Thought It Was Over

Grant reveals his thoughts on the continuation of people going to Redemption Island after being voted out of the tribe.

"I thought Redemption Island when we got Matty back, and then Jeff spurts out that it's not over, someone's coming back. It's a pain. That place is a pain in the butt, man. I don't wanna go there, and I think honestly the way things are shaking out right now I'm not gonna have to go there, but it's another obstacle, it's another thing usually in Survivor you don't have to worry about. It's a pain. I hate it. I think it''s a good twist, don't get me wrong, it's gonna be awesome, but I don't wanna worry about it. Plus I don't want to go to any more matches. I was good with two. Let's just hope I'm not there. I don't think I'm gonna be."


"Yeah, I was over it after the first time I went. It's not a place I wanna be. One, the game of Survivor is not being played. It's literally just yourself playing for another chance to get back in the game. You're by yourself soul-searching, pretty much. Which is awesome, but..."


"There's no strategy and there's no game in it at all. Going there as an observer, I take it all in. That's awesome, great. It's good you can get information from...when there were two tribes. Now there's just one. I'm cool with being right here."

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6008
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 9:

I Won Immunity

Grant is excited to have won immunity for himself and his tribe.

"We just got back from the challenge, and the Ometepe tribe brought home an individual immunity idol. We're feeling pretty good about that. The Zapatera tribe is struggling a little bit, scrambling around trying to put things together, trying to get in people's ears about to tell them who to vote for, tell me if it's me so I know, this and that. We're not telling 'em anything. We're gonna let them squander around this afternoon and basically just guess what's gonna happen tonight."


"This is a huge win for us as a group, huge win for us personally. I didn't consider myself to be a strong puzzle person coming into this game, but apparently I beat one of the stronger puzzle people today, so I feel good about that."


"This is exciting. Things are falling into place we wanted them to fall into place way back when we were in our own tribe, our own camp. It looks like we're going to be going far. The original alliance Boston Rob and I made together is going to be coming to fruition, if we keep going the way we're going, and it looks like we're gonna go that route, so it's exciting."

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6008
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 10:

He's Getting What He Asked For

Grant feels Matt deserves to be back on Redemption Island.

"The duel of Mike, Matty, and David was not so exciting. They were building stacks of blocks to see who could get to 8 feet tall. Mike prevailed like I thought he would, Matty came a close second, and David, who I thought would bump Matty out, didn't. Mike and Matty are left, which leaves the question, are 2 coming back from Redemption Island, or 1. I don't really care. We still have numbers, and all we gotta do is keep winning individual immunity, and those suckers are going home, one or two of 'em. I don't care who it is."


"I'd rather have David in there than Matty, just because Matty, it's his second time back at Redemption Island, and still, clearly..."


"He doesn't understand why he's back there. I think if I sat down with him and explained it to him I'm not sure if he'd understand it then either. He made the same mistake twice. Two times. Hence why he's back on Redemption Island. That's the way Matt's playing the game. He's not really sure about himself as far as his game goes. He's not sure where he sits with his beliefs and what he's got going on inside. Redemption Island is actually the perfect place for him, and he's getting what he's asking for. I'm not saying that to be a jerk, I'm saying that because he's asking to play the game but not play the game. He wants to be friendly with everybody, and entertain ideas. All that can be done on Redemption Island. There's no strategy or game over there. He's literally getting the experience he asked for, and you know what, I'm glad we could help with that."

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6008
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 11:

Giddy on Chocolate

Grant is still on a sugar high as he describes the immunity challenge and reward.

"A big win for the Ometepe tribe, in general. I'm pretty pleased with it myself. I knew it was gonna be a physical challenge today and I really wanted to pull this one out. Luckily I had a few breaks. It got close there. I pulled a couple of (?) out of my pocket and ended up winning. It was nice, man. Nice to have that necklace around your neck, for sure; especially going into tonight's Tribal Council, where there's a twist of what feels like 6 cards. Who the heck knows what's on these cards? I don't know what's going to happen. It's going to make a really interesting Tribal Council tonight."


"The Ometepe win today was big from a standpoint that it keeps the momentum going from our court. The ball remains in our court; we can call shots now. If Zapatera had won today, it would have made things a little more difficult, especially with this unknown twist coming into it. Who knows. It could have knocked two members of Ometepe out. Who knows. It was a big one from that standpoint, big one from the standpoint of two or three members of Ometepe got to easy some fatty cake, some fatty (?) chocolate cake, triple, even quadruple, layer cake. This thing was like 50 pounds, on my lap. Get out of town, sucker. That was gooood."


"You've gotta realize. What we're eating out here...we have some salt, from the sea. Salt, and bland rice. That's about it. Our system's not getting any fabricated sugar and all the crap we eat at home. As much as it shocks your system, it tastes really good when you eat it. So good. Two minutes to eat as much as we possibly could. I'm gonna tell you, the milk tasted even better than the cake."


"It made it a nice little sweet end to this victory."


"Jeff presented an odd twist at the end of the challenge; it's difficult to say what it is. All we know from feeling the little package is is that there's 6 tablets in there. What the hell the tablets say on them I have no idea. We're trying to run through ideas what it could be, what it might be. There's no use in guessing. I'm assuming it's going to be something positive."


"I'm feeling pretty good because I've got the individual immunity idol around my neck tonight. Truthfully I'm hoping it's me and some other Ometepe tribe staying at a faraway place tonight and not having to stay out here. (laughs) But that's just me; I like to wishful think."


"What could go wrong? (laughs) As I say that, I bite my tongue."

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6008
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 12:

Most Physical Challenge Yet

Grant describes the immunity challenge and how much of a physical and mental test it was

"The challenge today was just like I expected - steps (laughs). It was probably, today's challenge was the most physical we've had yet, to date, and it's day 32, man. I have not breathed that hard, I have not physically felt that drained, since my days playing in the NFL, and off-season workouts. It literally was a true test, physical test and mental test. The lead went back between myself, Rob, and Andrea. I thought I had it at the very end there, but I messed up, one mistake at the very last set of stairs. I misplaced or didn't remember to see what the pattern was for the step. Rob got literally one step ahead of me and ended up winning the sucker. My hat's off to him. He pushed himself to the bitter end, as we were all doing, and he came across successful. I'm glad he did, rather than Andrea. It's a positive thing for tonight, at least."


"Rob was totally wrecked after the challenge. It was a testament to how much he puts into the game. He's a competitor, man. I know this. I know this going up against challenges. That's why I get pumped up before challenges, because I know..."


"He's gonna give 110%, all he's got, just like I'm gonna do the same. Unfortunately today, ego got bruised a little bit, and I fell short literally by one step. But if anybody could win it, I'd want my brother to win it, and he did. My hat's off to him, man. He literally, he emptied his tank, like Jeff said today. He emptied that sucker. I'm proud of him, man. I really am."

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6008
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 13:

They're Not Playing the Game

Grant feels that the people on Redemption Island aren't really playing the game.

"Redemption Island, the challenge, the duel, was Andrea, Matty, Mike, and Ralph. Ralph ended up going home. He got all the way to the end and messed up on the puzzle. He's not the best puzzle guy and he knows it."


"Andrea got a little emotional. She didn't expect the blindside coming. This is the game of Survivor. She was cocky in Tribal Council, thinking she was safe. Never a good time to say that, especially at Tribal Council. Your ass could be going home. Or to Redemption Island."


"Seems to be the case at Tribal Council. If you're overconfident in your position, it seems to be your time to go home."


"Based on what Jeff's saying out there on Redemption Island, it's pretty clear - he's said it numerous times - one person will have a chance to get back in this game. They're gonna have a chance to wreak havoc with the rest of the people playing this game, and they're gonna have a chance to win a million dollars, which, like I said, leaves me to believe they're gonna have to come through more than one challenge to stay safe in this game. Even if one was to make it to the very end it doesn't give them a free million dollars. They're gonna have to win it arguing. If and when I'm sitting there, or when, rather, I'm sitting there, I'm gonna pose a pretty damned good argument. People on Redemption Island aren't playing the game. They're outlasting; that's it. There's no outwit, there is an outplay but really you're playing against people that are already out of the game. This whole game is what we're doing right now, over here. Matty would have been gone #2 if there had been no Redemption Island. You're telling me he's playing a good game? Yeah, he's doing what he can over at Redemption Island, but also, he's not dealing with any politics over there. I don't see any of them winning this thing or coming to the final, but again, if they do, they're gonna have to fight, they're gonna have to fight to win it. I'm not letting that happen."

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6008
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6008
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6008
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Wywiad z Grant'em:

Grant took perhaps the strangest journey of all the Survivor players – befriending Rob, being backstabbed, appearing to be okay with his ouster (and even voting for Rob), but then becoming bitter afterwards! What caused these feelings? What happened in the game between the two of them? And what did playing the game mean to Grant? He answers all of these questions and more right here!

R: On previous seasons, we’ve seen plenty of instances of players being bitter when voted out but reconciling at the reunion. We’ve seen cases of bitterness continuing well into and beyond the reunion. But I can’t recall a time when we’ve seen somebody okay (as okay as they could be) at the time they were blindsided but then becoming more bitter for the reunion! Yet that’s exactly what we had in Grant’s case. With that in mind, I began my question by noting that on the show, he seemed okay with your blindside – what happened between his time out there and now to change his feelings on the matter?

Grant: The beautiful thing about Survivor is that you actually get to watch all the things you didn’t know were happening go on behind your back. It’s a beautiful curse. There was a game being played by Rob that I wasn’t aware of out there. There was an awesome relationship I thought being formed out there, and I think most viewers could tell.

It’s tough, you think one thing’s happening and another is going on. That’s what made it a little difficult to watch and what makes it hard to cop out and say, like I said [on the reunion] that it’s just a game. Where is the line drawn from it becoming actual real life and real emotions and real relationships being formed?

R: Will he ever be friends with Rob?

The future is always open. I’m not a closed-off person. I don’t know what the future holds and I’m open to what it may carry with it.

R: So why did he vote for Rob?

It was based on the overall game that he played. He played a fantastic game and I congratulated him afterwards. That’s purely what it was based on.

R: Why did he trust Rob so much in the game?

As you saw by watching it, he made promises to everybody at the beginning, each one of us thinking it was just something he did (with us). Obviously there comes a lot of experience with the amount of times he played and the games that need to be played in order to get far, I guess, in this game. And there was just a level of trust that we wanted to believe that was individual and unique.

R: Did Grant ever get a sense that Rob might already have the idol?

Grant: Of course things like that go through the back of your mind, along with many other scenarios, but you put your faith that the people you made alliances with are being honest with you. You can either be paranoid the entire game or trust you’ve got a good crew.

R: Since Rob justified the blindside by saying Grant was a threat, what does Grant himself think in that regard? Could he have competed against him in the final three?

Grant: Absolutely. You gotta get there first, right?

R: Too true. So did he envision both Rob and Phillip betraying him?

Grant: I initially thought it was Phillip then Rob. In the end, it didn’t matter, it was just my experience that I enjoyed out there. It was tough to think you had a strong relationship that might have been completely different. Relationships were formed whether you went out there to make friends or not. Real emotions and feelings are formed.

R:So he just felt he had a closer relationship with Rob than the others in his tribe?

Grant: Yeah, I think the others in my tribe would attest to that. That’s what makes it difficult and where do you draw the line?

R: How did Grant never talk to anybody else and discover they also had an alliance with Rob?

Grant: We all knew we were all pretty tight, you just have to put your faith in an agreement you made with somebody in the beginning of the game.

R: So many of these questions being asked of Grant were really about Rob, so I wanted to give him the chance to talk about his own experience (especially since he hinted at it in another one of his answers). As such, I asked him about a couple things he said in his final words. At one point, he had said there were gifts out there that he was able to see – what were they?

Grant: Many of them were from a self-exploration standpoint of getting to know yourself so well based on the extreme situations you’re in. It’s a beautiful gift to be able to participate in this game and to be able to truly be open to see the things beyond just a million dollars, if you’re willing to see and willing to dive a bit inside yourself and get to know what’s really important in your life. I think it is a beautiful gift.

R: Also in his final words, he mentioned that he was going to work on himself upon leaving the game. So what has he done?

Grant: Referencing to work on myself was getting to know yourself as best you can in this life and asking yourself the tough question that you [normally] don’t – continually growing and taking responsibility for the choices and actions you make.


Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 1204
Rejestracja: 09 lut 2012, 00:00
Lokalizacja: Polska
Winners at War: Sophie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee


Post autor: Meciek »

Grant pisze książkę i szuka sponsorów na kickstarterze.

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 5744
Rejestracja: 02 maja 2010, 00:00


Post autor: Jack »

Może to najwyższy czas, żeby też zabrać się za pisanie? :D

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sole survivor
Posty: 2678
Rejestracja: 12 mar 2011, 00:00
Lokalizacja: Poznań
Winners at War: Tony
Survivor AU All Stars: David


Post autor: tombak90 »

A co Dżeku, Ty też odnalazłeś miłość do siebie dzięki jodze? :lol:

Coś niucham, że ta książka może być hitem. Jak pamiętam tego jegomościa i jego rozkminy, to nie wyglądał mi nawet na kogoś, kto umie zbyt gramotnie czytać. No ale skoro Danka Wałęsowa mogła, to kto bogatemu zabroni.


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