Brandon Hantz

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sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 2

This Is The Real Deal:

Brandon admits Survivor is tougher than he expected.

"The fish that we caught sucked, to be honest with you. I'd much rather have had a burger, pizza. I'm not used to this stuff. I'm trying to pull through it. Everybody likes the fish to a certain extent, because we're hungry. I like to gnaw on this banana thing we found. It's got pretty good juice, and it's sweet. Other than that I'm starving."


"Survivor definitely looks easier on TV, when you're eating a burrito or drinking a Coke. It does not look like it would be this intense. You don't get any more hungry than this unless you're in a bad - it makes me think about how much I have at home. It really does. It makes me realize what we take for granted for America on a daily basis. Somebody's having a little fish for their fricken' food, not even with the equipment we have. We have good equipment - we have a spear. I couldn't imagine killing a fish with a stick and then just eatin' it. This stuff sucks. It's beautiful but it's deadly out here, man. It just really sucks. Survivor's really hard. I enjoy the intense part about it, and I enjoy the feeling it gives you after knowing you have to go through 39 days of pain, because after that you get to go home. Realizing people don't always have that option after that 39th day, years and months that go by, it makes you look at what we have back home as a blessing."

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sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 3:

Look Good to My Tribe

Brandon is relieved he performed well in the reward/immunity challenge

"Today was a wonderful day, man. I definitely got a boost. I've been praying and asking God to help me, and He's helped me out. Today was awesome. The victory not only helped me but helped a lot of the tribe, all of us. We're extremely excited about winning. We gave 150%. Just want to some time and forget about strategy, forget about the hustle and bustle of the game, and just relax and enjoy each other and enjoy the victory."


"Today was very, very important. It was important not only to my livelihood in this game, but it was important to the morale of the tribe."


"I hope today I showed my worth in a physical challenge. I gave everything I had. I'm not the fastest runner, or the strongest person out here, but I have heart. I hope they see that. Again, man, I thank God for the win, and I thank God that He made a way so I can look good to my tribe again."


"It means a lot to win the reward today. The cookies, the milk, the sugar, stuff like that. It boosts the morale as far as we have a little sugar rush. Our minds tell us oh, it's gonna be OK now, we won a reward. What's really cool is it's not important as far as reward is concerned. I look more towards the unification of the tribe, and just not having to vote somebody off. Honestly that's my main objective. As a tribe, I know we wanted the reward, but 100% of us really wanted to win this immunity."

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 4:

Christine Apology

Brandon explains why he wants to apologize to Christine.

"There's gonna be a duel this morning, and me and Edna have volunteered to go and watch."


"I'm gonna go and apologize to Christine for the way I handled Tribal Council. I really need to take care of that myself."


"I lied to Christine. I told her everything was going to be OK, and I switched on her. I was planning on voting for Mikayla, but the situation seemed right to vote Christine out because everybody was wanting to vote her out. I turned on her and I was dishonest to her and I stabbed her in the back, and I never should have done it."


"The reason I feel I should apologize is I would never want someone to do that to me. I feel like if I just leave it out in the open it's possible it could come back and bite me in the butt."


"I'm gonna feel a sense of relief. I did what I could do. I said what I could say. I apologized to everyone here but Christine, and I feel it's unfair. I'm so excited she made it to this point so I can go see her. It's just gonna be a weight lifted off my chest, like everything's good, everything's even. I've made amends with the things that I did wrong."

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 5:

Strictly Game Play

Brandon feels awkward about swapping spit with Edna and Rick.

"Oh, God! Yeah, me and Edna kind of made contact there for a second. It was strictly gameplay. I had no intention of sticking my mouth in her mouth. It was awkward, but it had to be done. We had to win. Do anything. Weirdest day out of my life. I had to make out with Cowboy to get a piece of meat out of his teeth. That was so awkward and Brokeback. We are all strictly on a manly level there, and we just want to do good for our tribe."


"It's definitely different biting chunks off almost a whole hog - I think it was a whole hog and everybody's spit going in it and stuff. But we made sure we washed it out and everything; it's clean. It's cooked. It definitely doesn't affect the flavor whatsoever. Just puts a little more character to it."


"I just like how we got seasonings. I told 'em before, 'Guys, if we win a challenge where we got seasonings, please let me cook.' Everybody's like, 'OK, OK.' I insinuated again today, 'OK guys, let me take care of it.' It seemed to work out pretty well. Everybody - some don't like a little hot sauce in it, which I think tops it off, dab a little hot sauce, or a lot of hot sauce, and it just makes the meal. It was good stuff."

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcine 6 - 2 filmiki:

It Seems Impossible

Brandon is frustrated with not finding the hidden immunity idol

"I found the clue today, and I can't find where the idol is. It's frustrating. The clue is pretty - it's by the beach, but by the jungle. What does that mean? So it's halfway in the middle. If the tide's right, then you won't get wet. It's just crazy, man. I'm trying. Can't believe Russell did this without a clue. It seems impossible. It's crazy, man."


"I feel like finding the clue obligates me to find the idol too. Not a good feeling but we'll find it. I hope I find it. I'm not gonna stop looking until I do."


"It is a possibility that someone's found it, because I've looked in some freakin' good places and I cannot understand, there's nowhere else. At least I think there's nowhere else. I feel like I've looked everywhere. If somebody else found it, man, that would be very upsetting. Very upsetting. But hey, it's possible. If I find out somebody did that, they're gone. That's not a trustful person. When I find this idol I'm going to bring it to the people in the group I've made a commitment to, and if it's anybody in our five that's found it, they don't have a prayer."

Lack of Teamwork

Brandon reveals why Upolu lost the challenge

"Teamwork. Teamwork lost us this challenge today. At the end of the challenge, after we dropped off the wagon, Coach, Albert, and Mikayla, they couldn't get a rhythm. One of them would go, 'I don't want to get too tired.' - you can't talk during a challenge. You've gotta go. You've gotta go. You don't have a thought. You don't have a second to talk to each other. You don't have a second to argue. If someone says, 'Let me go, let me go,' the best thing you can do is let 'em go, stop, listen. If you can't hit nothing, stop shooting. Let someone who can shoot hit it. There was very little unity when it came to Mikayla, Albert, and Coach today. If everyone loses that in team, those 3 needed to get their stuff together. We lost."


"We've got to get stuff together. If we don't get our stuff together, Upolu will be defeated, period."

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 7:

Upolu All the Way

Brandon admits to having one of the best times of his life.

"It felt great winning the challenge today. It's weird how everything's happened. Something really rough happened - we had to vote somebody out of our tribe at Tribal Council from losing the last challenge. It was amazing how we all came together. We prayed and we asked God for favor and He showed us some faith, man. The movie and the food, it was a huge morale booster and it brought us closer together, winning this challenge and being over here watching this movie, it was amazing. I love watching movies back home, man. That was a hilarious movie. It felt like I was back home. Going back to camp was like, <drop>. Goodness, I forgot I was playing Survivor, while watching the movie. Now we gotta jump right back into it. Gotta make sure we transition smoothly."


"This ranks as one of the best times ever in my life. One of the craziest moments. I never could imagine this. We were so fortunate and blessed to have an opportunity to come do this. It's crazy. I don't have any words to explain it. It feels great."


"It was really, really intense, winning the challenge. We worked really hard, and then to have a break like this from the game for a little bit, was just icing on the cake."


"Anything can happen in Survivor, but I'd like to think optimistic and say we're just gonna take 'em down one by one. Upolu all the way, merge or no merge, we're gonna stay a team."

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 8:

Stand Up For Him

Brandon explains why he protected Cochran during Tribal Council ... re=sh_e_se

"Tonight, Cochran made the decision to go ahead and vote with the Opulu tribe and vote Keith out of the game. Afterwards, Ozzy, Jim, pretty much everyone on the Savaii tribe other than Dawn, and Keith, since he was heading to Redemption. I had to stand up for him. I had a lot to do with him switching over, treating him well, befriending him. What kind of man was I to let him get beat down for something I had a part in. Wasn't gonna happen. Cochran's a good guy. I wasn't gonna stand back and let him be talked to or demeaned in any way, shape, or form."


"I think Savaii are definitely being sore losers. They had no class. They had no integrity, there was no honor. There was no, 'we're gonna be nice to Cochran because we like Cochran.' It was, 'we're gonna be nice to Cochran because we need Cochran for now, and when we can we're gonna get rid of Cochran.' They were giving us a lot of baloney, but when it comes down to it, we're gonna stay strong. Cochran's a good person, we don't wanna, we're playing the game differently. That's why we're having success, that's why God's favoring us. It's by no means by my strength, or Upolu's strength, the favor that God has given us."

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 9:

Keep the Family Strong

Brandon is committed to keeping his tribe strong and playing the right way.

"The challenge today went perfectly, in my book. We needed to get out Jim, and Whitney won. It was either gonna be Whitney or Dawn. Whitney surprised us all, we didn't think she was gonna win. It worked out. It was awesome. We prayed before and God came through - Jim's going home tonight. It's nothing personal - I've come to like Jim, he's a really cool guy to talk to, but we're trying to keep the family strong, so we have to vote Jim out tonight."


"My trust level with this group is awesome. I really trust the group who I'm with. There's always paranoia, again, that comes from the play about things that have happened, but that will never leave Survivor, you'll always be paranoid about something, because the game is so unpredictable. Things can just pop up on you like that. But as long as I do what I can do, I'll be OK. As long as I do the right thing by God, the right thing in my heart, then whether I get voted out or not, it really doesn't matter."

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 10:

I Want to Be a Leader

Brandon explains what type of leader he would like to be in Survivor

"I vowed to play this game without being manipulative and without being pushy. I don't want to do that. If someone wants to stay true to me, that's fine, but I'll stay true to them whether they stab me in the back or not. For me to scramble when everybody else scrambles is not that good an example. It's following the crowd. I want to be a leader."


"Sometimes I do regret making promises early on, but it's my position, I have to keep it now. I didn't really want to vote Mikayla out over Edna at one point, but I made a commitment to Edna. I'm gonna stand up for the commitment I made, despite the way I feel about it. Once you say, 'Hey, this is what I'm gonna do,' there's no going back. If you go back, you're a liar and a hypocrite. I don't wanna do that, as best that I can. I'm human and I make mistakes, but I have to try to make the right decisions, and making decisions you don't necessarily think you can keep is not a crutch to break them. You've still gotta keep them."


"From here on out, I have to keep every one of them. Now that we're this far into the game, I really can't think of a promise that it's hard for me to keep right now. They're all kind of easy. Every day I'm starting to develop a relationship with God even more, every single day. It's getting easier to keep my commitments I make with people. It really is."


"My opinion, and my mind, and my fact, is that right now, standing right here was planned before I was even born. My life was planned. Me being obedient to what God has to say to me or the direction He wants me to go is a different story, but I know that I'm here for a reason, I'm right here, right now, where God wants me. As long as I keep going on the straight and narrow, keep being successful, keeping my word to people, I can't fail. Even if I lose, I've already won, y'know?"

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 11:

Awesome Fishing

Brandon enjoys his fishing adventures on Survivor

"Me, Cochran, and Cowboy went out and caught a bunch of fish."


"It was awesome fishing out there. Just to go that deep, and get out there. I was having a little dry spell before the merge. Normally I'm the one out there catching a whole bunch of fish in a day. I went out there one time when we had the merge, and I didn't catch anything but a puffer fish. Yesterday and today have been amazing. We go out there and catch a fish, thanking God for His favor and the strength to go out there and catch it."


"Whenever I go out and fish, no matter who's around me, I kind of don't think about people around me. I wanna go out there and catch fish, I wanna catch fish, so to be around anybody, even if my wife was out there, I'd be like, I'm still fishing, I'm still fishing. There's not much conversation, it's all business. You feel great. You're just in there. 50 feet deep. When you're diving down it feels like your ears are bleeding. It's an intense feeling, all this wildlife around you, stuff that could kill you. The power of the waves. It's really interesting, and it's really cool. I don't personally ever want to do it after this, because I've gotten so used to doing it, but it's really a good experience.

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 12 - 2 filmiki:

That's My Dad

Brandon appreciates his dad's support in the game.

"After Ozzy won the reward, he had three people to choose from, to spend time with their loved one. The reason I believe Ozzy picked me - last but not least - is because of the bond he's seen between me and my father. First and foremost, God has favor with me. Second, I feel like I've shown Ozzy the connection I have with my father."


"My father cares about me so much he's going to step in, he's going to try to play this game in my favor. I love it, man. That's my dad. He doesn't want his son getting blindsided, he doesn't want his son getting hurt, so he's going to campaign for me. That's amazing. I would do that for my son. He came in here and he wanted to show people I was a loyal person, an honorable person. They knew that, but he wanted to make sure the people I was with, like a good father, wasn't going to hurt me. I take that and I love him, and if I get voted out because of that, that's my dad, I love my father, and what he did for me I know in his heart he did it because he wanted to see me succeed."


"It's not gonna hurt me in the long run that my dad was coming out of the gate pretty strong. I know the people here, I've talked to the people here, they know me, they know my father's enthusiastic about his son. I'm enthusiastic about my father and my savior. They know his intentions. I don't believe it's gonna hurt me at all. It's definitely gonna be a positive, a huge positive."


"I feel like there's a lot of pressure to live up to my father's expectations, but more than that, he respects I have to live up to the expectation of Jesus Christ, which is our father, both of our fathers. Which is way more important than what my father has to say, but doesn't discredit the way my father's trying to be a good father. He may see things I can't. I can't just look at it like, 'God hasn't talked to me.' God can speak to me through people. God can tell my father something that might be crucial to me winning this game. I'm gonna take it as that."

Brandon's Best Plan

Brandon's father analyzes Brandon's position in the game.

"Brandon's best plan to make it to the final is to stick by Coach's side. He can't leave his side. The fact that he got hooked up with Coach, was #1, a strategic move by itself that tells me he was going in the right direction. I think he may have been playing the game a little more at the beginning. But he's just not old enough to understand..."


"All these concepts, all these ideas, these angles that these guys that know how to play the game are playing. To be wise enough to know when to cut the cord with someone, or hang on with someone."


"Brandon's going on without food, he's going without nutrition, and I can see it. I can see out here how it's got to him. He's got to hang in there."


"It's a pretty neat position Brandon is in. He's not like a threat to win, in the final 3, but Brandon's a good talker. If he can get himself up...he's down, his spirits are down right now. My visit will hopefully motivate him and give him the gumption he needs to propel himself forward. At this moment, if I hadn't came out here, I think he would have been done. If I can just give him some encouragement and push him forward, then he can bring himself to a position where you would bring Brandon to the final 3, and at that point it's anyone's game."

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 13 - 2 filmiki:

Anybody's Game

With only five people left, Brandon realizes that anybody could win.

"People's nerves are going crazy in our tribe now. Everybody knows they're on the chopping block - I know I'm on the chopping block. There's no safe person in this game. It's scary. People's nerves...this is it, this is the end of the game. We've accomplished a huge goal getting this far in the game. It's day 34. There's only 5 days left and it's over. It's done. We're on day 34. 5 more days and this game is finished. It's definitely getting under people's skin. It's definitely starting to make people think twice. You just gotta continue to try to work hard and try to get to the final 3. It's anybody's game now."


"I'm being way more proactive than I've been, because you've gotta check more on things this late in the game. One little conversation you don't know about could be your demise. This is it, man. You pushed up against a corner - if you don't fight, you're going home. And I'm going to fight. I'm going to fight."


"I'm feeling very vulnerable in the game right now. Anybody who thinks they're feeling good right now is just lying to theirself. I'm very vulnerable. I could be voted out next - anybody can. I'm playing the game hard now. If people start seeing that and start to get scared - hey, Brandon's acting up a little bit. Very scared."


"I just gotta ask God that He gives me peace about this."

I Won Immunity

Brandon is thrilled at winning the immunity and reward challenge

"I won immunity, son! I'm so happy. I give all the praise of glory of winning immunity to the Lord Jesus Christ. I absolutely am amazed - I was just talking earlier about how God's favor's gonna be with me, and whatever his will is. I was on the chopping block, whether I wanted to think so or not. Everyone is. Today, my friend, I'm final 5 fo' sho. (laughs) I'm excited, man. I'm really excited. No more 6 thoughts, just 5 thoughts right now, then we'll get to 4 thoughts, hopefully we get to 3 baby. I'm really happy with what's going on right now."


"Jet ski pulls up to my beach, and it's the pizza man. He brings me 2 pizzas, me and my boy, cowboy. 2 pizzas, meat-lovers, and a supreme with 2 big drinks and the best garlic bread I've ever had in my life."


"I was faced with a huge decision today. It was to choose 1 person to eat a pizza with me. I chose Cowboy, because, despite the fact of my relationship with Coach - I love Coach and I'll never leave Coach in this game - I felt and I knew I had to pick Cowboy. I prayed before I went out there and I said, 'Lord, if I win this, I'm giving it to Cowboy,' because I feel like I was gonna be a good witness to him. I've shared a lot of things about my life with him, and despite the fact that I knew he wouldn't have picked me, and it might not have been the best strategic move in the world, I wanna do what my father says I need to do. It will help me in this game. Like I said, if I go out of this game, my head's gonna be held high from the decisions I've made. If I don't, and I make it to the end, same thing."

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Wywiad z Brandonem:

Question: Sophie said in her interview that she thought if you&#8217;d made it to the end, she would have voted for you. How does that feel? Do you think the show really showcased you in a positive light?

Brandon: That&#8217;s awesome and Sophie&#8217;s really cool. I can&#8217;t complain at all. You&#8217;re always going to have good and bad. It&#8217;s been a really good experience. CBS did a really great job. Everything I dealt with is legit. I go through those things on a daily basis &#8211; not to that level, I don&#8217;t cry and trip out every day. It&#8217;s real life. It gets real emotional sometimes. It&#8217;s pretty rough emotionally. I think they showcased me real well.

Question: There was some talk of you coming back and playing against Russell. What would you do differently?

Brandon: I would be me! I would be more exciting and fun. I was so nervous. I was trying to fill some big shoes. It was a lot of pressure. I wanted to redeem the Hantz family name and it wasn&#8217;t necessary. All I had to do was be me. I&#8217;m a lot more fun to be around. I only regret you didn&#8217;t see me laugh a lot &#8211; you didn&#8217;t see the real Brandon. I could be strategic if I wanted. We&#8217;re gonna have to wait and see. My mind changes by the day.

Question: You said your family hasn&#8217;t been very supportive.

Brandon: I don&#8217;t want to call my parents out, they weren&#8217;t able to be there for other reasons. [Author&#8217;s Note: Too late! His father tweeted last night that Brandon had thrown him under the bus with his comments at the reunion.] It was more directed at Russell and other family members.

When you have an experience like that, it&#8217;s draining, and when you get back home, you don&#8217;t want to be told you did bad. It was a lot of negativity. It was really hard for me to come home after I wanted to do something so great for my family. It felt like I was a kid again and I could never really do enough for my family to be proud of me.

I realized that it really doesn&#8217;t matter. I&#8217;m responsible for me and my family now. It doesn&#8217;t matter how my family views me. I have to be happy with what I did myself.

Question: Was there any one thing in particular they had issues with?

Brandon: It was probably the crying thing the most. Russell didn&#8217;t have very much emotion until he got voted out the last time he played. My family is really tough, show no emotion. Showing emotion is weakness. They called me an emotional person, embarrassed that I&#8217;m a Hantz man. That&#8217;s what they were more disappointed in.

Question: What was the reaction when you gave up immunity?

Brandon: It was really an unnecessary thing I did in making that commitment to Albert. I regret that. Following through with what I said, I was appreciative that I had the strength to do that. That&#8217;s hard to swallow, that could have been my chance to sit in the final three. I did what I said I was going to do. I&#8217;m a man of my word.

Question: Who did you vote for and why?

Brandon: Sophie. It was bitterness, dude. I was pissed. I did not want Coach to win. After seeing all that, I realized that Sophie &#8211; she never played the religion card. She really didn&#8217;t lie to me because we really didn&#8217;t talk at all. Coach and Albert really lied to me. I should have voted for the person who played the best game, which you could argue she did play the best game. It was a bitter thing.

Question: Do you think Coach used religion to manipulate you?

Brandon: Did you watch the show?

Question: Coach denied it in his interview.

Brandon: That&#8217;s why he didn&#8217;t have a million dollars in his pocket. That&#8217;ll answer that question.

Question: You prided yourself on being loyal and playing an honorable game. Why do you think so many people in the game found it difficult to view it as part of the game rather than taking it personally?

Brandon: I got to remember this myself &#8211; it&#8217;s just a game. People change in the game and your intentions are everything. But they don&#8217;t mean anything, it&#8217;s all about what you do. I don&#8217;t take offense to anybody personally. It&#8217;s a game, it&#8217;s a strategic move. Some things went a little too far in my opinion, but that&#8217;s just my beliefs. I&#8217;m not going to be mad at anybody for not having my beliefs.

I&#8217;ll cut to the chase as far as Coach is concerned &#8211; he went a little too far with me as far as my relationship with Christ. He really took a hold of that, despite what Coach may say or not, he went too far, period. That&#8217;s why he doesn&#8217;t have a million dollars now. I would have voted for Coach but the last thing that messed with me &#8211; all he had to do was say, &#8220;I&#8217;m sorry for what I did.&#8221; It was always beating around the bush and I don&#8217;t respect that. I do respect him as a person but as far as the game, he did me dirty and suffered the consequences.&#8221;

Question: What was your relationship with Russell prior to being on the show?

Brandon: Uncle Russell and me had a lot in common; we were the black sheep of the family, a little bit crazy. I lived with him. We really had a good relationship. It was unfortunate the way things turned out. He let the Survivor thing get to his head and that&#8217;s all he thinks about. I think he&#8217;s at the gas station playing Survivor now.

Question: Is your relationship reparable?

Brandon: Any day, any time he wants to talk to me, my arms are always wide open. You gotta have two people that want to repair something. I&#8217;m ready. When he&#8217;s ready to make amends, I&#8217;m right here. I have apologized for saying the things I said and I&#8217;ll do it again. I love my Uncle Russell with all my heart. We disagree a lot and you&#8217;re not gonna always agree with everybody.

Question: Is playing Survivor something you&#8217;d do again?

Brandon: Yes, I would play again. It&#8217;s an awesome experience. I would take more of an Ozzy outlook, just appreciating what God is. I didn&#8217;t even get to experience where we were at. Were in one of the most beautiful places in the world and you&#8217;re so tied up in the game, I didn&#8217;t take a step back and enjoy, go fishing. I hope Ozzy plays again so he can teach me to fish. I would love to play again. I&#8217;m gonna play again! I will. It would be an honor to play with my uncle. It would be awesome to have two Hantzs out there. I&#8217;m a pretty competitive guy, especially with my family.

Question: Would you work with him or against him?

Brandon: If I told you that it wouldn&#8217;t be too good.

Question: How did you feel upon finding out at final Tribal Council that God and your prayers had nothing to do with you finding the idol, but rather that Coach had actually already found it and lied to you about it?

Brandon: It sucked. Next question.

Nah, it didn&#8217;t feel too good, bro. How would you feel? I was pretty betrayed. I didn&#8217;t like it. It was a bad feeling. It sucks to be stabbed in the back, especially when you didn&#8217;t do anything to deserve it, I don&#8217;t think. I was loyal to who I said I was going to be loyal to. I don&#8217;t think it was necessary. I don&#8217;t see any strategic move to that. I don&#8217;t feel good about it at all.

Question: What was your biggest mistake?

Brandon: Just not being me. I was trying to be this guy that everybody wanted and liked. I wanted to be liked and accepted. It doesn&#8217;t freaking matter, dude. You&#8217;re always going to have somebody who has something to say. It&#8217;s ridiculous. It&#8217;s sad, sometimes it comes from the people you love the most. It&#8217;s rough.

Brandon&#8217;s concluding remarks: Everything turned out perfect. I really enjoyed seeing Sophie win a million dollars over the other two. Both of them really showed their rear end on the show as far as trying to use stuff I really don&#8217;t appreciate. Poetic justice. All that manipulating, that don&#8217;t mean junk. Guess who won a million dollars. Sophie.

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sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

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