Nina Acosta

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sole survivor
Posty: 6008
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Nina Acosta

Post autor: ciriefan »


Wiek: 51

Plemię: Salani

Zawód: Emerytowana policjantka

Powód do dumy: Otrzymanie stypendium za grę w koszykówkę na Santa Clara University, odnalezienie idealnego męża i oczywiście moje dzieci

Życiowa inspiracja: Moja mama. Było feministką zanim było to akceptowane. Nauczyła mnie jak być pewną siebie i namówiła mnie, żebym wybrała sport zamiast bycie cheerleaderką.

Hobby: siłownia, gotowanie, ogrodnictwo i strzelanie do celu

Irytuje mnie: Nienawidzę marudzenia, gdy ktoś nazywa mnie "dziewczyną" i nieuprzejmych kierowców.

3 słowa, które cię opisują: wytrwała, chętna do walki i pewna siebie

Uczestnik Survivor'a, którego najbardziej przypominasz: Stephenie LaGrossa, bo była twarda i walczyła o swoje, a także Sue Hawk, bo mówiła to, co myśli.

Dlaczego jesteś w Survivorze: Chcę udowodnić, że kobieta po pięćdziesiątce potrafi konkurować. Uwielbiam konkurencje zarówno fizyczne jak i umysłowe. Pieniądze byłyby świetną pomocą na studiach moich dzieci.

Dlaczego przetrwasz Survivor'a: Będę korzystać na tym, że jestem graczem drużynowym. Nigdy się nie poddaję i jestem w stanie poradzić sobie z bólem i niewygodą.

Dlaczego wygrasz Survivor'a: W 1991 i 1993 walczyłam w drużynie SWAT. Obydwa razy odbyły się w Camp Pendleton i trwały 2 tygodnie. Byłam jedyną kobietą i konkurowałam z 19 facetami. Oceniało nas 40 oficerów SWAT. Ani uczestnicy ani oficerowie SWAT nie chcieli mnie tam. Musiałam mentalnie, emocjonalnie i fizycznie walczyć ze sobą każdego dnia.

Nina mówi: Oglądałam program od pierwszego odcinka. Karmiłam swoje dziecko myśląc "to właśnie ja". Myślę, że ważne jest dogadywanie się z wszystkimi, jednak nie można nikomu zaufać.

Jeff mówi: Nina jest byłym gliną i czasami jest trochę ostra, zwłaszcza, że reszta osób wydaje się być łagodniejsza. Jeśli pozostali dadzą jej dzień lub dwa, żeby pokazała, co może wnieść, wniesie ona do gry wiele wiedzy i cierpliwości.

sole survivor
Posty: 1321
Rejestracja: 20 mar 2010, 00:00

Post autor: colby »

Twarda babka, to lubię :) no i porównuje się do Sue, więc oby zaszła daleko :wink:

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sole survivor
Posty: 5744
Rejestracja: 02 maja 2010, 00:00

Post autor: Jack »

Zgadzam się z colbym. Naprawdę, twarda babka. I pierwsze wrażenie jak najbardziej pozytwne.

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sole survivor
Posty: 2678
Rejestracja: 12 mar 2011, 00:00
Lokalizacja: Poznań
Winners at War: Tony
Survivor AU All Stars: David

Post autor: tombak90 »

O kur, moja matematyca z liceum wypisz wymaluj :O

Na podstawie wypowiedzi również oceniam pozytywnie, uważam, że w tym przypadku wiek nie będzie przeszkodą, raczej nie grozi jej łatka najsłabszego ogniwa i wylot w pierwszych odcinkach jak część rówieśniczek.

Raczej będzie prowadziła taktykę spokojną i przemyślaną, nie agresywną.
"Dziś prawdziwych villainów już nie ma..."

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sole survivor
Posty: 6008
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

A ja właśnie uważam, że ona może wylecieć na początku, bo jest w plemieniu młodszych, "słodkich" kobiet, ktore mogą nie zaakceptować takiej kobiety z jajami i jej chęci dorównania facetom, tylko będą wolały z nimi flirtować.

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sole survivor
Posty: 2678
Rejestracja: 12 mar 2011, 00:00
Lokalizacja: Poznań
Winners at War: Tony
Survivor AU All Stars: David

Post autor: tombak90 »

Też fakt. Ale może wbić się mimo wszystko do sojuszu jak Deena, raczej nie musi tak bardzo odstawać przez kwestie wiekowe bo naprawdę powiedziałbym, że jest znacznie młodsza:)
"Dziś prawdziwych villainów już nie ma..."

4th jury member
Posty: 350
Rejestracja: 07 lut 2012, 00:00

Post autor: Bartosh »

Ciriefan ma racje. Poza tym, co jej da sojusz z kimkolwiek, skoro 5 osób z Salani ma sojusz i ma zamiar ( pewnie ) wyrzucić Ninę, Monicę i Christinę.
Nina mogłaby zajść daleko, ale po przemieszaniu. ( jak do niego dojdzie. )

sole survivor
Posty: 1568
Rejestracja: 17 sie 2011, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie

Post autor: Kobra »

Gra bywa różna i trudno jest przewidzieć, co się stanie. Fakt faktem: nie ma jej w sojuszu Ali, ale mogą się zdarzyć takie sytuacje:
- wymuszony przemieszaniem sojusz
- któryś z facetów odda jej HII
Jest jeszcze trzecia opcja. Połączą ich zapewne przy 12 osobach, a więc może to być 6 kobiet i 6 mężczyzn, jeżeli zadania będą wyrównane. Po odejściu Kort ma szansę być 6 kobietą.
Podejrzewam, że w tej edycji dużą rolę odegra wiek. Młodzi będą z młodymi, starzy ze starymi, a przynajmniej na razie tak to wygląda.

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sole survivor
Posty: 6008
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 1:

I'm Not Going to Tell Them

Nina doesn't plan on telling the others that she is a retired police officer.

"My name is Nina Acosta, and I am an executive secretary."


"I used to be a Los Angeles police officer, for about 12 years."


"I liked teamwork, I liked camaraderie, I liked hanging out with the guys. I wanted to be their buddy. I wanted to be their partner. I wanted to watch their backs. It was the perfect fit for me. It was the best job I ever had. It was absolutely kick-ass. Every day was different. It wasn't like a desk job, like what I have now. You go to work, you go out and arrest some bad guys, thrown 'em in jail, do like this (smack hands together), and the next day, you start all over. New day, new challenge, new adventure. When you had a good partner, it was a blast. I'm not kidding. Best job ever."


"My life now is awesome. It's more than I could have ever dreamed."


"My kids are great. My stepkids are the best. Joel's the best day."


"My life's really different now. I'm all about my family. I get home and cook with my husband, have a glass of wine, look at the yard. But I sure miss it. When I got the call, I was shocked. I was like, OK, I can channel all that, I can channel that tough chick again. Bring it back. Thank goodness I kept myself in reasonable shape."


"I'm not gonna tell people I was a police officer. I think people have a bad taste in their mouth for cops. And I get that. I don't think I'll do that. I think I'll try to make some alliance I can keep for a while, and I think, as I start the game, I think there are some folks here who don't know what they're in for. I really don't. I think that the people who win, or at least historically - and I've watched a lot of the seasons - they come from a team that survived the longest until the merge. They had the numbers. I think I'm gonna push that. Let's get rid of the weak, because that's only gonna make it worse as the challenges go on. Without being too obstinate about it, I'm going to try to encourage people that person A may be really nice, and I like 'em too, but the longer it goes on, we keep losing challenges because someone is dragging us back. I think that's important. I think I have to really get my head around the fact that you're gonna have to somebody. You're gonna have to. You can't like everybody. You can't convince people you're everybody's friend, because after the first Tribal Council, that's gonna be old story. I think you have to constantly be in the game too. If you really wanna win it's gonna be exhausting."


"I wanna win the game, I wanna get in the game. It's gonna be a kick in the ass. I have nothing to lose. I can't believe I"m here. I really can't."


"I didn't think it would be in the cards.'s like my friend said. The heavens opened up. Just go for it."

4th jury member
Posty: 350
Rejestracja: 07 lut 2012, 00:00

Post autor: Bartosh »

Szkoda, że odpadła. Była jedną z tych fajniejszych "starszych pań".
Pokazała na radzie, że ma łeb na karku. Żałuję, że to Kat nie odpadła.

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sole survivor
Posty: 6008
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 2 - 2 filmiki:

Nina: The Day After ... tSQ9LEt2-x

Nina reflects on her time in the game the day after she is voted out of Survivor: One World.

"It was a fantastic experience. I just wish I could have stayed longer. I felt like I was getting some momentum, and feeling my way around the game, and I felt like I could never really get started."


"Early on, there was such a strong alliance with the younger women vs. the remainder of us, the three of us, that it was going to be really difficult to overcome that. I think I realized once the tribes were divided by members of women, it was going to be a really tough road for me."


"I get along great with women. I think the problem was the age difference. I knew coming into this game I was going to be older. It wasn't going to be an issue for me, because I never really think about my age, I just kind of on with my life, I work out, I do all those kinds of things, but I just had a feeling with this particular group of women, age was a factor for them, and I'm not even sure they understood why."


"I learned a couple of things about myself. One, I'm a lot more patient than I gave myself credit for. Working with these young women, a lot of the things that went around at camp, the routine, just the conversation, was just like nails on a chalkboard for me at times. It was really difficult for me to listen to the incessant drivel of conversations that went on. We should have been focusing on how we could come together as a team, and not worried about the guys. At that point in the game we still should have focused on our teamwork. I think we would have done, at least while I was in the game, much better as a team. The second thing I learned that although it is a game and you're in it to win or win to be the last one standing, ultimately I wasn't going to compromise my integrity. I kept true to myself, and I'm pretty proud of the way I played the game."


"I think what this game does, if you can look outside of it, I mean...I appreciate my family so much more than I ever did. Back to the patience, to put things in perspective and realize, to pick your battles, and this is important, this isn't, just live in the moment and enjoy things. This has been an unbelievable experience, I can't quantify it. And I went out so early in the game, I can't imagine how it is for the other folks who have gone on. It really is a test for what you can endure and put up with."


"The other thing that happened was the group of 5 formed an alliance very early on. Again I'm not sure that was to their benefit, but it made it very difficult for Monica, myself, Christina, and Kourtney to even get in. I think if I had to do it over again, I might have tried to bust that alliance up, tried to pull one or two aside. But they were pretty tight. There was no way around that that I could see."


"I'm proud of my overall game, I just wish I could have shown my physical attributes more. The challenges were set up to be more gender-neutral; I mean there was some physical things, but challenge #1 I didn't even get to go down the cargo net. Challenge #2, I stood at the end of a balance beam and waited. The chaos going on at the other end of the balance beam, all I could do was hear it. It wasn't really much of a physical challenge for me. I had so much more to prove. What I wanted to show women my age was you can still be very active, strong, confident, work out, in shape, well into your 50's and 60's."


"I think what people at home won't realize is how raw it is. There are no bathrooms. That's it. You have to let your inhibitions go. After a while you have to realize you and one set of clothes, you've gotta make do. That's the hardest thing. You have nothing. We didn't have fire, except for the kindness of the men. If they weren't around, we'd have been screwed. It is not easy. I think you have to mentally prepare yourself for some really uncomfortable days and nights. I'm not gonna lie. It was hard. Sleeping - very little of it. Hungry - didn't get too hungry, but achy, tired, uncomfortable, itchy, constipated, name it, we had it all. (laughs)"


"This is a once in a lifetime thing, and I feel very lucky to get to be one of the very few people to compete in this game. I only wish I had stayed longer. I think it would have been so much more meaningful for me. Just to test yourself daily. I never really got to experience a driving rainstorm. I think I would have handled that, I have a good idea I would have been OK, but just to test how far you can really go. I think to take chances. I think I did not take enough chances to bust up the alliance of 5. I attacked with a more reserved strategy. In hindsight, maybe it would have been better for me to be a little more out there, and aggressive, and in their face. I guess we'll never know, will we. (laughs)"

Secret Scene Nina ... rlyO96BKrv

brak transkrypcji

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6008
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

“That Alliance Formed So Fast” – Exclusive Interview with Survivor: One World’s Nina

Nina found herself in an almost hopeless situation, outside of the core alliance. What did she do that might have landed her in that situation? What could she have done differently, in hindsight? Is she okay with the outcome? And what injury did she suffer in the first challenge? To find out this and much more, just read on!

R: Hello, Nina, and thanks for taking the time to talk to us!

Nina: My pleasure.

R: First, it looked like you got beat up a bit in the first challenge – what happened?

Nina: (Laughs) When it first happened, I was so shocked – I hit the net and all of a sudden, I thought I broke my nose. There are no mirrors but I could feel my face swelling up. I was anticipating getting off the net before I did – I was a step ahead of myself and face-planted. I could taste blood and my lips were swelling up. That just hurt.

R: How are you now?

Nina: Oh fine. It started to clear up pretty quickly. I got my face in the salt water right away. My nose was sore for quite a few weeks but it wasn’t broken. I had a black eye.

R: Moving to the strategic part of the game, before you realized that the five ladies were in an alliance, did you try to form your own alliance or at least have in mind someone with whom you’d like to align?

Nina: It’s funny you mention that. That alliance formed so fast, I was so surprised. We hadn’t even hit the beach and they had already aligned and knew each other by first name and nicknames. I was a little surprised by that. I was thinking strategy before we got to the beach and felt like I could align with Monica and Kim.

Outside of that, I was wanting to wait and see where strengths and weaknesses were. I knew all along I could get along with Monica. In part it might have been we were closer in age but I could tell she was a fierce competitor. We talked a bit in the beginning and it was like we gotta have each other’s back. As it turned out, we were pretty close.

R: Going into Tribal Council, did you think you had any chance of staying or was the result pretty clear ahead of time?

Nina: I had a feeling I was going home. I thought there was a chance that Kat could be leaving but I was pretty convinced and had my stuff ready. I had a good idea I was heading home that night. I was not surprised. I think the look in my face showed I was not surprised.

R: How did the target switch to you from Christina, who seemed to be on her way out in the first Tribal Council if Kourtney hadn’t been injured?

Nina: Well, I’m not really sure how that happened. I think I started to speak up a little bit about the challenge and making waves about Kat and how disruptive (she was) and how her performance and attitude were hurting us as a tribe. That may not have been the best move on my part. In hindsight, it might have been better to build on Alicia’s hatred for Christina.

I don’t think the five really cared who was going next. My feeling was that we were going to continue to lose challenges and it was just a matter of time. It didn’t make any difference (which of us went). We tried to figure out a way to break the five up and it was hard. The most likely target was Kat and trying to let them know that it was in their best interest to get rid of the weakest player, but it was very hard to convince anyone of that.

R: How frustrated were you to hear two of the majority alliance members saying if they had to do it over again, the alliance would have turned out differently?

Nina: Wow! I know. I heard that for the first time last night and I thought if I’d only had a couple more days or even a couple more hours. It was hard to hear. I think I would have needed to bring Sabrina into that mix and maybe having a conversation with her would have sealed the deal. I didn’t have much conversation with Sabrina – she kept away from me and I’m not sure why. Maybe because she had her mind made up.

I really worked hard on Chelsea and Kim and I thought I had them, but I think they felt sorry for Kat. There was a lot of crying going on and that played on their emotions. Like I told Kim, we don’t have that luxury of time. If we had several weeks, yeah, give Kat another chance. But every time she makes a mistake, someone’s going home.

R: I know it’s a numbers situation, but was there any chance of you getting the five-woman alliance to replace Kat with you, so the numbers would have stayed solid for them? Or did they not trust your loyalty to the rest of them?

Nina: I don’t know the answer to that. That’s possible. I don’t know if that’s true or not. I think it was just a matter – it’s possible they recognized a loyalty between Monica and me. I’m okay with that because I really think Monica was there to play and work hard and was a total team player and I admired her. There was no way I was going to betray that in any circumstance. I made up my mind on that. Could that have ruined my chance to win? Maybe. But I wasn’t willing to give up Monica. There was talk about getting rid of her a couple times and I didn’t understand it. There was no rhyme or reason to it, just because we were out of the alliance of five – the target kept shifting and it got a little old after a while.

R: Alliances aside, which members of the tribe were getting along the best socially?

Nina: I think the ones who were getting along best socially were Kim, Chelsea, and Sabrina. Sabrina got along well with everybody. She’s very good at communicating with people. She presents herself very well.

R: What do you really think of Kat’s intelligence?

Nina: I think Kat is not very bright. I think she’s not very well-educated. I think she’s very immature and immature for 22. She reminds me of a 10-year-old. That could be just the age difference but I don’t think so. I have kids that are about her age and I don’t have the same irritations with them. My kids are bright and can carry on conversations. It was like nails on a chalkboard to be around that girl.

R: Would her immaturity and lack of smarts be a good reason to take her to the end as easy jury fodder?

Nina: Oh absolutely! I think that if you were able to put up with her for that amount of time – that wouldn’t be my game plan but it could be for some of the other women. She’s definitely not threatening. But you would have to be careful with her flipping her loyalty [to the men]. If that’s your strategy, to take her because she’s weak, you’d have to make sure she’d stick to the alliance.

R: Why couldn't the women get along?

Nina: I don’t know. I think this group of women come from very different backgrounds than myself. Women function differently with each other. I have a lot of women friends myself but we all have the same mindsets – we work, we have families, we have atypical jobs for women, and we’re independent and strong. The other women on the tribe felt more typical of what I don’t appreciate in women. The snide comments, talking behind your back, constant talk of things that had nothing to do with the game.

I played team sports so I have the mentality of typical guys who understand the concept of teamwork. In my law enforcement background, it’s important to have trust and depend on your partner. This group didn’t get that – it was more about socializing. It is a social game but there has to be strategy and there wasn’t a lot of that going on. I think Monica said it best – it was like anarchy.

R: Did you or Monica or Christina do any searching for an immunity idol to save yourselves?

Nina: Oh, I did! I was looking big time for that idol! We knew a few days in that Sabrina found an idol. She shared that with her core group and she found it for the guys. But without a clue, [our idol] could have been anywhere. It was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

R: I’m being told we’re out of time. Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about your time on Survivor?

Nina: I had a great time! It was way too short. I really enjoyed it. I really appreciate the opportunity. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I wouldn’t change a thing about my performance or my strategy. I’m happy about how things turned out, believe it or not.

R: Thanks again, Nina!

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 2678
Rejestracja: 12 mar 2011, 00:00
Lokalizacja: Poznań
Winners at War: Tony
Survivor AU All Stars: David

Post autor: tombak90 »

A więc szukała HII:) Moim zdaniem, powinni jednak pokazywać kto szuka i w jaki sposób, to ważne przy ocenie zawodnika.

Nieźle pojechała po Kat...
"Dziś prawdziwych villainów już nie ma..."


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