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sole survivor
Posty: 5744
Rejestracja: 02 maja 2010, 00:00


Post autor: Jack »


Krista Klumpp (25)

Plemię - Zapatera

Zawód - Pharmaceutical Rep

Powód do dumy - Being elected head cheerleader at Auburn University is my personal claim to fame. I then became a second generation Auburn University head cheerleader.

Życiowa inspiracja - My grandparents who were married for 67 years.

Hobby - Water sports, traveling and running.

Co Cię denerwuje - When people wear sunglasses inside.

3 słowa, które Cię opisują - Driven, competitive and approachable.

Do jakiego rozbitka jesteś najbardziej podobny - I thought I was most like Natalie White because we had such similar backgrounds, but I expect to play the game with a little more edge.

Powód bycia w Survivor - To prove that a former cheerleader and pageant girl can win the hardest game ever. Also, the money! If anyone says anything different, they are lying!

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

pierwsze wrażenie nie najgorsze, zobaczymy czy pokaże charakterek czy będzie nudna

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Wywiad z Kristą:

Krista might not have gotten much Survivor air-time, but she has plenty to say now! What did she and Stephanie do to try to stick around after Russell was voted off? What did she mean when she said the others on her tribe weren’t playing strategically? And how did a nice Christian girl like Krista end up in an alliance with Survivor’s evil villain?! Krista discusses all of this and more!

We didn’t get to see a whole lot of Krista while she was on Survivor, which is interesting because she definitely has plenty to say! What does she think of her former tribemates? Well, the title of this interview is a definite clue! But she also expands on how she ended up in an alliance with Russell and Stephanie, what they did after Russell was voted out, and more. Read on!

R: Hello, Krista, and thanks for taking the time to talk to us!

Krista: No problem.

R: We didn’t get to see too much of you on the show. But when you got to Redemption Island, we found out about your religious beliefs. How did a nice Christian girl like you end up in an alliance with somebody who is thought to embody evil in Survivor?

Krista: (Laughs) I know, well it’s a game, and it’s a game of outplaying and outlasting and getting to the end. Who has done that twice? Russell Hantz.

Going in, the only thing I knew of Russell was what I’ve seen watching his last two seasons and I placed a lot of judgment on that. After getting there and talking to him over the first two days, I found out a lot about his views and his faith – in fact he’s a very strong Christian as well, raised in a religious family with his dad being a preacher. We had a lot of similarities related to our faith.

Russell is definitely the villain in the game of Survivor but he knows how to play the game. What my options were, going with Russell and Stephanie was the best option I had to make at that time.

R: Why was it the best option?

Krista: When Russell and Rob got to the island, it created a completely different atmosphere for everyone there. Going in and playing with two players who have been around for two or more seasons, it creates paranoia if you have Russell or excitement if you have Rob because he’s seen as the nice team leader.

When I saw Russell and he was coming on our tribe, I felt like the target was on my back. I thought he would associate me with Natalie in a bad way. But he saw he could use the traits I have like Natalie to get to the end. Once I saw he was looking at it like that, it made more sense that he would want to align with me, then connecting with Stephanie.

The other six in the beginning, they said they were perfectly fine with having Russell there. I was for sure I was going to be the first to go. Then Russell talked to me about how strong our alliance could be, and I jumped on it with the idea that the others were okay with having him there.

R: Last night we saw Stephanie trying to suck up to the rest of the tribe.

Krista: I feel so bad for her!

R: It didn’t seem like the two of you did any of that between the time when Russell was voted out and when you were voted out. Was there anything in that regard that we didn’t see?

Krista: Well, Stephanie was down to her last resort. For Stephanie to do that, she knew it was her last resort. She’s not very good at it and it’s not her personality. When Russell was voted out, I thought it was such a bad decision and it’s hard to come back from them throwing a challenge just to get him out because they were too weak. That first day I was pretty bitter. I stayed to myself and had to regroup and think.

We were like, “We have to suck it up and act like we’re in this.” I didn’t run to everyone and say, “I’m sorry for aligning with Russell” – I wouldn’t have because I wasn’t sorry, he should have stayed around. I didn’t run to suck up but we did play along. We did want the tribe to win. I still had conversations with the rest of the tribe, they just weren’t having any game conversations with me. At that point, there’s not much more you can do other than be glad there’s a Redemption Island and there’s a second chance.

R: Also, we didn’t see you do any last-minute scrambling to get the tribe to vote against Stephanie instead of you (indeed, you were shown saying there was no point in scrambling). Did you do any and, if not, why not?

Krista: Nope, didn’t do that. I wouldn’t have done that. My best chance of making it further in the game had to involve Stephanie being there with me. If I was going to make it, I felt like Stephanie had to be there as well to have the numbers on my side.

What we did in terms of Steve – it seems like it was a random name but it wasn’t. Steve was falling really fast in terms of his health and his weakness. The challenge I sat out on was strategy because Steve wanted to sit out. Why would this man who says he’s strong and athletic want to sit out of a game that’s about strength and athleticism? Because he’s weak and couldn’t finish – Mike had to take over. That was strategy on my part for the tribe to see how weak he was.

I guess they just overlooked it and said, “Try hard next time, buddy.” That wouldn’t have gone over at all if Stephanie or I had failed at our part of the challenge. We tried to put in our little bugs that Steve wasn’t going to help out in challenges – just ‘cus he’s a big guy doesn’t mean he’s going to be helpful. We clearly saw that last night as well.

R: We saw Stephanie being rather outspoken in her opinions, but then we also saw Mike call you out as being “abrasive” while Julie and Sarita indicated they had hope they could turn Stephanie to their side but no such hope with you. What do you think you did that got them annoyed enough to vote you off before Stephanie?

Krista: I don’t think there was a real rhyme or reason or strategic thought as to who they were going to keep. I think it was really a coin toss and I just ended up on the bottom of it. I can’t give you an answer on that.

And with Mike calling me abrasive, I sat and listened to many boring stories over and over again, trying to act as interested as I possibly could, so I don’t know how he could say I was abrasive. Maybe I should have laughed a little more at not-funny jokes.

R: Were you at all surprised in watching the outcome of last night’s vote?

Krista: Yes! I mean, I really thought Stephanie had a chance to get in there and stay in the game because – how could you keep Sarita over Stephanie when you’re clearly losing every challenge?! You’ve got to have your best players in there to keep you going. They’re about to go down in the numbers when they had such a clear lead. I felt like David gave such a great argument and they all agreed. But when it came down to it, they went with the comfort of knowing Sarita would vote with them on the next vote and not with Stephanie helping to keep them up in the numbers. They’re too weak-minded to keep somebody stronger than to get rid of their comfort.

R: I believe I know what you meant when you and Stephanie said the other six members of your tribe were not really playing the game, but can you expand on that?

Krista: As soon as Russell was voted out, they knew that they had their six alliance, which sounds really funny because that’s a really big alliance. Stephanie and I were on the outs. My point was that none of them had any strategic talk about who within that six is a stronger alliance, which will eventually get further in the game. Who’s number six and who’s five?

I don’t feel like they were playing the game – they just got comfortable with knowing they had a six alliance. They weren’t playing – they didn’t think about what happens when they get to the merge. There are younger girls and different personalities on that tribe – they didn’t think they would need somebody like me and Stephanie to connect with people on the other tribe. They were comfortable and didn’t want to think about that or have to worry or stress. They couldn’t handle thinking about it or stressing about it. They wanted to sit around the fire talking about how great they are.

R: Unfortunately, I’m being told we’re out of time. Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about your time on Survivor?

Krista: In my last Tribal Council, I made the bold statement that if I had to put money on it, I’d guarantee none would make it to the end. I feel like they’re breaking down more and more. All I hope is that I come out with my prediction being correct because none of them, I feel, deserve it in terms of how they play the game.

R: I know I certainly would not bet against you! Thanks again, Krista!



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