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Post autor: Jack »


Phillip Sheppard (52)

Plemię - Ometepe

Zawód - Technology Executive

Powód do dumy - Being a father to my son and being able to take risks in life. I say "yes" when others may say "no."

Życiowa inspiracja - Medical Professionals - they save lives in real time.

Hobby -Chess, basketball, skating and sport training with weights.

Co Cię denerwuje - People who think they know everything and yet do nothing and watch others do the work.

3 słowa, które Cię opisują - Outgoing, articulate and determined.

Do jakiego rozbitka jesteś najbardziej podobny - I am my own man!

Powód bycia w Survivor - I love the idea of competing and proving I still have what it takes to prevail in new challenges that are completely outside my normal everyday life.

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sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

James 20 lat później? Źle mi się to kojarzy. Aczkolwiek wydaje się być miły.

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7th jury member
Posty: 667
Rejestracja: 06 paź 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Yul

Post autor: Eska »

Wydaje mi się, że na wydawaniu się skończyło Łukaszu ;p

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sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 8:

I'm Concerned With Matt

Phillip gives his opinion of Matt after the merge.

"Matt is totally with this tribe, our tribe, the former Ometepe tribe, but Matt has learnt something in his 21 years by doing the duel at Redemption Island 5 times. He's struggling with it cause he's reading the Bible, which is a good source of information to survive a situation and get along in life. But it can also be, if you're not careful, unless you're reading the part where it says PUT ON THE FULL ARMOR OF GOD and be prepared to slay any of your enemies, like David did. He needs to put the focus there and then close the other book, until he needs it for those other passages. But I can tell he's all over it, and he's still temperate with really being the dragon slayer, no pun intended, to really win this game. I think he realizes he's got chutzpah. He can beat some people here in a number of different things, he's taking that on and experiencing it, and by golly, I'd like to see it. But I am concerned he could be flipped. In a certain situation he's the guy that could be flipped."


"He's already learned a lesson, but some people have to be taught again in life. Hopefully he's taking the lesson seriously that you're doing here because you will be sent back to Redemption Island fairly quickly and you may become the king of Redemption Island."

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 9:

It Was Smart to Sit Out

Philip explains why he chose hamburgers over participation in the immunity challenge.

"I do not have any regrets about sitting out. I knew that we were gonna prevail, and the only thing required is that 1 former Ometepe member win. That's our goal in any of those challenges. I've reached a point of my life personally, regardless of the game of Survivor, that I am going to use my God-given talents where I best deem them necessary to prevail in any situation in life. The fact that I'm playing the game of Survivor, the best preservation I could do for myself and for my tribe, as I said, is to reserve my energies and my strength and not (?) myself in any way to prove a point on a losing cause. And on the next event, hear whimpering and complaining. I don't want to hear that. I'd rather say, hey, this is where I'm at, explain it to my tribe members, and then be prepared for the next challenge."


"I am a person who was in the United States Army, and I was honorably discharged, but initially, temporary disability for my knees. I had to have two surgeries on my knees while on active duty. In both instances, my patella tendon split up so badly that they had to re-sew each tendon back together. For 10 years, 15 years, I've enjoyed every sport I want to do, however, my left kneecap is held together by two screws, and I thought by placing my entire weight, the way Jeff explained it to me, and I ultimately saw, you were just going to have to use your knee, or your entire leg, for support. I weight over 214 pounds. I weighed 228 when I got here. I'm assuming I lost 16-17 pounds. Still, that's a lot of stress on those joints, and as a 52 year old man, I knew, first of all, that it would better serve my tribe as well as my own personal interests to reserve my energy and not compromise myself in any way. I'm sure there will be some challenge or event where I need to use my upper and lower body strength, and I thought I could better serve my tribe. I also knew the women would prevail due to their weight and gravity."


"I was thinking, why do I want to do that when there's delicious hamburgers and sugar-glazed onions, and cheese, and pickles, waiting there for me. So again wisdom comes with age and when you're born and blessed with intellect in the first place, you sit out."

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 10:

My Little Helper

Phillip admires Andrea's work ethic.

"Andrea is my little helper. She's the one who's got what I call a can-do attitude. I was in the 394 Transportation Battalion and that was our motto: can-do attitude. She's got all that for her going for her. If I was on the jury and there was not someone else there that I currently have an alliance with, I could easily for for her, because she sort of exemplifies what I call you don't have to be so involved in the game that you can't see what needs to be done, and do it. Today, already, she helped make the rice, she helped cook the fish. We've got the beauty pageant ladies getting up and doing nothing. I had to go back just now, after my meditation and say, 'Damn. The pot's still dirty, the dishes are still dirty, and it was like that last night. I'm having to do everything. Get the firewood, and wash. Thank goodness for Andrea because she pitches in and helps me with that type of stuff."

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sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 11:

The Fire Is Like a Woman

Phillip describes the similarities between caring for a woman and caring for a fire.

"The never-ending task of taking care of a fire. When I was with the former Ometepe tribe, at our old site, I used to refer to the fire as a woman. As long as you take care of her, she'll take care of you. And that's how the fire is. You've got to covet it. You've got to give it the things that it needs. You've got to restore it. You've got to make sure that in the morning you tend to it and treat it with care. If you do that, it will provide you with warmth, it will provide you with safety, it will provide with you what you need to prepare a meal every day. In those lonely nights, when it seems like the rain is never ending, you can husband up to the fire and it will warm you, it will bring you good cheer. So I take care of the fire."


"I'm not the only guy, but it appears that way this morning. Sometimes Ralph, who gets up earlier than I do, starts the fire. He did that today. I like to call myself the keeper of the fire."

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

If You Mess With Me

Phillip explains that he will eliminate anyone who messes with him.

"What you'll see with me is people who mess with me - and that's what I love about this game, because it's true to life. You mess with me out there - I'm as patient as I gotta be - but if you're a giant tree, I'm gonna chop at you and chop at you until you fall. That's what I bring to the game. I will bring into the game. I will do it with such vigilance that it could almost be defined as, 'You're %*$#$! You're %*$#$!' Francesca was the first to say I was the first to say I was %*$#$. Kristina said I was %*$#$. Kristina finally got to her own Tribal Council where she got voted out. Now David, 'He's %*$#$.'"


"Now Julie going home. 'Phillip, I really think you're %*$#$. A 52-year old man wearing shorts.' I refuted that immediately cause we all wore shorts. iI wore my underwear for a week."


"If you mess with me, and you come with some integrity, you equivocate on the integrity issue with me, even though that's a definite aspect of this game, then it's over. I'm gonna find a way to get rid of you."

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 12:

I Would Have Hugged My Mother

Phillip explains why he would not have made the same decision Mike made about his loved ones.

"Mike, the former Zapatera tribe member who made that decision about who he was going to render that reward to - for me, playing the game of Survivor, I wouldn't have given it to the Ometepe tribe. I know I've got no love there and they've got none for me and me giving them that isn't suddenly going to get me in there. They wouldn't have gotten it from me. Matt might have got it, but more than likely, I would have went up and hugged my mother."


"But we'll take him up on it, and by golly, we had a wonderful afternoon with our loved ones. Thanks Mike!"


"I had a very lovely afternoon with my sister Tracy. My sister Tracy is my eldest sibling. She's 60 years old, I'm 52. She's the person I've been closest to since my mother died when I was young. My sister's practically raised me, she's the matriarch of my family, and she's been very, very, VERY generous with me of her time, her energy, and her purse, when necessary. Before she left, she gave me this bracelet, because I lost mine when I was here. Most of the beautiful things I have in life, my sister gave me, and that's why I put her down as my loved one. When she came this afternoon, we got to hug, and embrace. She shared with me the news of my son, how well he's doing, how much he's grown. And let me know my girlfriend wanted to convey the message that she loves me very much, which brought me much happiness. She told me about the update was for my 10 other brothers and sisters, and my twin. But more importantly, she told me she's so proud of me, she sees that just as she knew before she arrived here, that at no time did she ever doubt my ability in this environment. She never worried about me at all. She chatted about that, and then we had a special moment on the rocks, and we talked, and she sees where I meditate, and where I visit our great-great-great-grandfather, (?), the full-blooded Cherokee. Her being the oldest and longest-standing Buddhist in my family, and who introduced the teachings to me over 20 years ago, it was a special moment indeed, to be with her at that place and to have her appreciate what this environment offers us from a meditative perspective. I loved every minute of my sister's visit, and it was funny, when she departed, I didn't feel a longing, or a missing. IT was the proper dose. It was a very, very special moment."

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Insider odcinek 13:

It's Hot

Phillip is taking a rare break to escape the heat.

"Just taking a moment to try to get some of this heat off of us, myself included. We just got back from the duel at Redemption Island, and it's so hot, I found me a spot with a little bit of shade, where I wash my clothes, boil them. Just gonna move real slow today."


"For lunch, we're gonna have a little more rice. It was a decision we had to come together with, because we only have about 5 days worth of rice, maybe 6. We were very concerned about whether we should make mid-day rice. But we're all feeling a little week, so we decided to go forth with a three-quarter cup of rice. Hopefully that will give us the juice we need to get through today, and prepare for the evening, gathering the firewood and stuff like that, when it cools off a little bit."

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Despicable Behavior

Phillip is tired of Ashley and Natalie being lazy and disrespectful.

"I found Natalie and Ashley extraordinarily lazy around the camp. For 33 days they have basically laid around, slept close to Rob and Grant, and that has been their lifestyle."


"And Natalie is from a little bitty town...and she's been coveted at home, and she has no real world experience, even though she's a very nice girl. She's a very nice girl on her very first camping experience. And she's playing for a million dollars. She expects that we're supposed to hold her all the way through and then allow her to receive the million dollars. Not on my watch. I helped you up to a point, but when I ask you to do something, I expect you to do something. If I try to explain to you, since I've been carrying you all this way, I expect you to at least give me the benefit of the doubt. She has not been able to do that. Nor Ashley - Miss Maine, who is a pencil at this point. A pencil. The only thing she seems to do extraordinarily well is trim Boston Rob's beard. I'm tired of it. I have been for a while. I can tolerate you as long as you stay out of my way and are not argumentative with me. If you start doing that I'm going to start calling you up on your crap and letting you know that you don't do much around here."


"I feel very underappreciated by those girls and I'm tired of doing my weight and carrying them as well."


"They don't realize that for a large part of this I have carried them. I've been able to keep the fire so they can get their nourishment. I gathered the wood. Today alone has been an exhausting day. They don't say thank you for the wood, or nothing."


"I've made excuses for them. I've rationalized everything I can rationalize about their despicable behavior, about how they should try to respond to an adult who isn't trying to ill-treat them, and has been going out of his way to help them."


"I'm done."

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

I'll Shock Him

Phillip knows he can beat Grant in challenges.

"I feel very certain about what's gonna happen next. I'm gonna give it all to get immunity. I'm just waiting for that event that shows up. I don't know what it is. I have an idea of one that I can definitely give any man here a run for his money. I'll tell you what it is. It's a challenge where they put sand and you hold it over your back. If I get that challenge, you will see Grant fail. I guarantee you. He will go down to me if that challenge comes up. Any challenge where the majority requires upper body, holding on, while something's pulling down on it, I know I can, I'll shock him. He's be like that dude is still standing there. What's the deal? He's 52. I'm 29. He's got me on leg speed, particularly when it's repetitive. If I had to do something like, 'OK, gentlemen, ready, set, go!' and it's one time, I could give Grant for his money, right now. I play basketball and I know what I can do. I haven't done it here because there's always something else I have to do in sequence to that, and I know I don't have the gas to keep going at my age now."

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Secret Scene - the final three

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Red Carpet Interview - Phillip

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 6007
Rejestracja: 27 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Natalie
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: ciriefan »

Throughout the game, Phillip drew the attention (and often ire) of his fellow players. Why did he do it? What was his game plan? Did he think he had any chance of winning? Why didn’t he tell the jurors that his apparently craziness was all part of his game play? Phillip was in classic form during his post-finale interview, so read on to find out all of this and more!

R: We’ll begin with the question I asked, because obviously that was the most important (and, indeed, was the most-suggested reader question for me to ask him). We saw Phillip claiming in confessionals that he was just “acting” crazy and it was all part of his grand plan. So why didn’t he tell the jury about it in the final Tribal Council?!

Phillip: The reason I didn’t do that is I didn’t think it was going to get me anywhere. The only people who tried talking to me during the game were in desperate mode, Kristina and Francesca. I listened but something told me these two girls don’t like me or respect me and are probably talking about me behind my back. They were trash-talking me. They couldn’t wait to get rid of me. You have to get rid of your alliance before they get rid of me. I realized I wasn’t going to do myself any favors by saying, “Please vote for me. I played a magnificent game!” We saw that last season with Sash and what did it get him? One less vote than I got – zero! I wasn’t there to try to win votes. They were in total awe of Rob and none of the former Ometepe came to me and had a conversation about strategy. So I figured I had to go big or go home, and went to Rob with that strategy. I was the guy everybody focused on and allowed Rob to play the game and manipulate people. I knew there was nothing I was going to say at that point to get them to vote for me and not Rob. I didn’t care if they gave me a vote or not, so I didn’t expect to win. I made it to the end.

R: So then why did he tell Jeff Probst he felt like he had a chance, just before the votes were read?

Phillip: At that moment, I was a little frustrated because I felt like maybe I might have a chance that maybe somebody realized I played a good game. I didn’t break an alliance from anybody on that jury. I was sitting next to the person who did. I thought maybe somebody could have stirred up the jury pool.

R: On a different topic, why did Phillip suspect Rob had an idol?

Phillip: Well, as we saw a couple times, Rob would say he wasn’t feeling well and would go into the jungle. I didn’t buy that bit and knew Rob was looking for the idol. I have to say that it didn’t take a Specialist to figure that one out.

R: He was asked if he was surprised that, at final Tribal Council, Ashley just told him to sit quietly while she ripped on him.

Phillip: As such, Ashley is a young and engaging person and I tried to use kid gloves on somebody like that unless they weren’t doing something they needed to do. Last night was unusual because Jeff gave everybody a chance to speak. Nobody stepped over anybody. Jeff saved me for last. As soon as I said I tried to play with some integrity, she jumped into my interview and cut me short. If you look at what I said, I didn’t talk about people. When Francesca was trashing me, you didn’t hear me talk about those people. I’d talk about Buddhism, Matt, how I’d approach the game, but I didn’t trash people. Ashley probably got offended and heard me say that last night and it got under her skin. As I was the number two person in the game, she immediately spoke up and trampled over me. I have no issue with her.

R: If Phillip were asked to come back (because you know Jeff Probst and the other producers just love him), would he? If so, what would he change?

Phillip : I prepared for Survivor, I studied up, read every single book on the game, and watched most of the seasons. In particular, I read The Psychology of Survivor. When I came into the game, I was going to play it totally different and had a different strategy that I am not revealing because if I do come back, I plan to use part of it. But we saw what I saw, almost a cult-like feeling. If Rob didn’t say specifically he was going to the bathroom, the others would follow him.” So I had no choice but to develop the game I did. It was entertaining to the audience – I love doing that. I did that with a twist, and made sure that if Rob got to the end, he’d go with me.

R: Phillip’s past as a federal agent was, of course, a major theme and brought quite a bit of reaction and ridicule. Now that it’s been “proven” that he was indeed one, what did Phillip have to say?

Phillip: I’m not surprised at anything in life. What did surprise me was that as the season wore on, it was clear all you had to do was use Google or LinkedIn to find out that I was clearly a capable guy and in that profile it says I was a federal agent. As such, You’d think a bulb would go off in some of the reporters. Where’s the homework? I was more disappointed in some of the reporting that was done. I understand the reasons for the editing and the question mark – me and my family have accomplished a lot and are very self-assured people. We don’t need the public to define that for us. We don’t need the world to tell us who we are.

R: Getting back to the game aspect, did Phillip ever consider swapping sides or making a big move?

Phillip: I saw exactly what you saw at home – when the Zapatera voted out Russell, there was a little gloating. They immediately won the next challenge and Ralph was crowing like a rooster. There was a certainly little pride and they felt like they made such a huge accomplishment. To Rob’s credit, he’d say be quiet and keep it low. When the merge came, there was a little desperation. I got to eyeball them and created Stealth R Us so we would be an impervious organization so we could be tight. If any of them could get in, we realized they had some desperation. Sometimes people in need are not your friends in deed. I’m glad I made the decision I made because I finished number two.

R: What about Phillip’s great (or great great, or whatever) grandfather – how many “great”s were there and how did he choose him as a spirit guide? Phillip said:

Phillip: He was born in 1822, was a Cherokee Indian from North Carolina. When I did the complete research on my family, I spent five years looking at records. I found everybody in my family, there was only one I couldn’t find. Ultimately I found him when he came to me in a dream. He said to me, “Look to the Georgia records.” I found him on my great great grandmother’s death certificate, originally. There were no records kept by the slave masters for his date of birth, so the way I got that was from the oral tradition. I had the last living descendant of a slave, who just died, who was also a descendant of a Cherokee Indian. From dreaming about him and hearing the stories, when I find myself in certain crises, he just shows up. When I needed to find my shorts, he showed up, based on invoking him in my mind. Can I show the causal effect on what happened? No, but I wore my shorts to the next duel.

R: Finally, did Phillip and Ralph form some sort of bond that we didn’t see?

Phillip: while we never saw my relationship with Rob manifest, we heard about it in comments. It was a little different with Ralph, who recognized that I was playing the game. Teenagers will come up to me and say, “You’re brilliant.” and would explain to me the game. I asked, “Who told you that?” “I saw it.” They understood the game I played and Ralph, to his credit, knew I was not crazy. It doesn’t take a scientist, just an astute observer who listens to somebody over a period of time and understands there is an entertainment. Anybody who wants to do business with me will learn I can play that game too.



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