
7th jury member
Posty: 683
Rejestracja: 08 mar 2010, 00:00


Post autor: ctoria »

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7th jury member
Posty: 683
Rejestracja: 08 mar 2010, 00:00

Post autor: ctoria »

Courtney at Ponderosa - Part 1

: Oh my God, I can't believe I'm actually leaving here. This is the most exciting moment of my life!

Courtney (solo): I was really relieved. I was really glad to get out of there. And I didn't get voted out in my other season, so I never got to go down the crazy stairs and see what was down there, so it was all a magical new world through the rabbit hole.

Courtney: (begins eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich) I made it to the end once. That's all you can ask. After that you have a mental problem.

Courtney (solo) : Medical was interesting. (The doctor tells her she went from 97 to 93, and Courtney says that's much better than China) I lost 4 pounds. Stick that in your pipe, America. My major issue I guess is that my knees are all scraped up. They're disgusting. (Courtney says she has dirt caked into the cuts on her knees and she has to clean them out, and says she got some free Q-tips)

Courtney (in the car): I can't wait to look pretty in front of the Survivor people. I hope someone cool gets voted out next. I can't believe I went this whole second season and didn't get to say hello to Amanda or James. Is that weird? The only two people I knew going in and they're both Heroes.

Courtney: Is that Coach? (He yells back) Coachalicious! Hold on! I love Ponderosa! Hallejulah, get me out of there! How ya been? (they hug and he asks how she is) I'm great. This is a party.

Coach: This is now party central.

Courtney: I never went to Ponderosa on my first season.

Coach: I was only there for a couple days on mine.

: This is great. A whole vacation. I never got to have final words and all that. It was really fun.

: How'd they get me off? Or did you get me off?

Courtney: They wanted to get you off before. (he asks who is they) Parvati wanted you off. I guess Russell didn't vote for you. Who knows. It doesn't matter at this point. At least we made the jury. That's pretty good.

(solo): Courtney and I get along well. I like it that she's witty and I like it that she's intelligent.

Courtney (solo): I was like, alright, it's gonna be me and Coach. We're gonna set the tone at Ponderosa. We get to soak it in and enjoy the relaxation and the free vacation. Thanks for the drink, CBS. Delicious.

Courtney (walking to her cabana): The question is do I take a cold shower or wait until tomorrow when the water is apparently warmer? I might just go to sleep. I'm already disgusting, and I don't think I actually care. Isn't that terrible? (enjoys the room) It looks like a Survivor dorm room, and I'm pretty pumped. I also think there's not enough cabins for people that are gonna be on the jury, so I guess some suckers are gonna end up in tents. Ha ha. I can't wait. I hope it rains a lot. And if it doesn't, I'm gonna get a hose. (is thrilled by her Sears supplies, and says their logo) Survivor probably brings the worst part of you, under the circumstance, and perhaps Ponderosa is the flipside of that coin.

Courtney: Goodnight Todd. Bye Mom. (waves to the camera)

Ponderosa Part 2

Coach (solo): This morning when I woke up, seeing a break in the weather, I got this overwhelming desire to get in the kayak and start paddling. Nothing was gonna stop me.

Courtney: Well, everyone, welcome to Thursday Mornings with Coach Wade. As you can see, he's in his natural habitat -- a kayak.

Coach (solo): The things that we do well, that give us confidence in who we are, are the things that bring us not the most pleasure, but sometimes the most amount of comfort. I was certainly feeling today, overriding my emotions when I got in the kayak for the first time, and just thought, nobody can touch me now, this is what I was made to do.

Courtney: The food's great. The food appears, you just eat and then someone takes it away. It's like living in a restaurant. You don't have to pay for anything. (voiceover as she eats) I'm pretty sure I've put back on my 4 pounds that I lost, and a few extra ones. I might be tipping the scales at 98 pounds. Get ready, Entertainment Tonight, you can call me fat again. That was fun. (shot of Coach and Courtney at the table) If things had worked out differently and Tyson didn't screw us all and throw everyone under the bus on Team Villain, I would have been more than happy to stay out there.

Coach: Possibly the biggest downward spiral...

: What an idiot! He threw us under such a FUBAR, it was unbelievable.

(solo): It's been storming all my past...I was gonna say week, but it's been like a day. Wow. I love Ponderosa.

Coach (solo): I probably had the best rapport in the game in Brazil with Stephen. Courtney is a lot like Stephen. Very intelligent. A keen observer of human behavior.

Life at Ponderosa Part 3

Courtney: I'm surprised he actually knows how to kayak. I was in the naysayer camp that he did not know how to kayak. But he does. I'm glad I was wrong. (Courtney goes to lounge at the beach) This is exactly what I did in the game, I just didn't have a comfortable chair, or a towel, or sunglasses, or anything to read. But pretty much it's the exact same thing. This is Ponderosa rewards. (Courtney strips down to her two piece and cheers) This way I have the perfect view of Coach's kayaking adventures.

Courtney: Get the other Sears chair.

Coach: What a vacation, huh, honey?

Courtney: That's right.

Coach: First time we've had sunlight during the day. I'm hot, I'm sweating, I'm uncomfortable, got a headache, dehydrated. I'm just gonna keep sitting down here, cause I don't know when the sun's coming back.

: This is the Ponderosa I always dreamed of. Beautiful sunshine, lawn chairs, getting a tan. We're actually worried about who's coming to come next and disrupt the flow because it's kind of a chill atmosphere here.

Coach (solo)
: There's another jury member coming. Time is flying. I hope it's somebody from the Villains camp and I hope the Villains go to Tribal again.

Courtney: Todd will be so jealous that we're dressing the same. That's usually our schtick.

Courtney (solo): I guess that's the sucky part about Ponderosa. The party changes every 3 days and you gotta kind just take what you get. (they marvel over the hair products they've been given, then head to the van) Now I get to judge people. That's where I really shine, I feel. So my talents are gonna be better utilized this time around.

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sole survivor
Posty: 2661
Rejestracja: 25 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Parvati
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: Roxy »

jak szkoda że odpadła :(
ale jak miło zobaczyć Courrtney więcej razy niż w odcinku :wink:
nawet obecnośc coacha mi nie przeszładzała

7th jury member
Posty: 683
Rejestracja: 08 mar 2010, 00:00

Post autor: ctoria »

Ja tam nie mogłam z coacha i jego naturalnego środowiska - kajaku :)
Courtney to do tej pory osoba, która najbrdziej się cieszyła, że odpadła.
Jak najwięcej Courtney w Ponderosie !!!!!!!!!!!!

Awatar użytkownika
sole survivor
Posty: 2661
Rejestracja: 25 mar 2010, 00:00
Winners at War: Parvati
Survivor AU All Stars: Shonee

Post autor: Roxy »

bo Courtney nigdnie nie była w Ponderosie :D to teraz pożyje jak na wakacjach :wink:

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1st jury member
Posty: 167
Rejestracja: 13 mar 2010, 00:00

Post autor: emka »

W Panderosie jest ciekawiej niż niż u reszty. Courtney teraz w końcu będzie można pooglądać i posłuchać.

7th jury member
Posty: 683
Rejestracja: 08 mar 2010, 00:00

Post autor: ctoria »

Obejrzałam jeszcze raz, i coś mnie zaskoczyło - Coach malował swoje rzęsy tuszem, zresztą jak brodę ??? Dziwne

7th jury member
Posty: 683
Rejestracja: 08 mar 2010, 00:00

Post autor: ctoria »

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1st jury member
Posty: 167
Rejestracja: 13 mar 2010, 00:00

Post autor: emka »

No no nieźle, fajnie się tam dogadują i na serio zespół im się marzy :)

7th jury member
Posty: 683
Rejestracja: 08 mar 2010, 00:00

Post autor: ctoria »

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7th jury member
Posty: 683
Rejestracja: 08 mar 2010, 00:00

Post autor: ctoria »

Ponderosa Candice

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7th jury member
Posty: 683
Rejestracja: 08 mar 2010, 00:00

Post autor: ctoria »

Ponderosa - Danielle

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7th jury member
Posty: 683
Rejestracja: 08 mar 2010, 00:00

Post autor: ctoria »

Ponderosa - Rupert

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sole survivor
Posty: 5744
Rejestracja: 02 maja 2010, 00:00

Post autor: Jack »

I wyleciał Rupert, wspaniale :wink: Teraz pewnie przyjdzie kolej na Colby'ego i Jerri.

7th jury member
Posty: 683
Rejestracja: 08 mar 2010, 00:00

Post autor: ctoria »

Mi się podobało jak Courtey skomentowała zachowanie Ruperta. To fakt wygrał już milion dolarów. Chodzi i narzeka - dobrze, że odpadł mam nadzieję, że nie wygra nagrody fanów.


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